TCCOM Report # 0 (2003-04-21)

This report was submitted by HA Priyum Patel

Welcome all to this week's Flight Office Report. There's a fair amount to go through, so without any more dilly-dallying...

News -

Flag Officer Changes

I'm sure all of you are aware of the recent events surrounding the Dark Brotherhood. These events have caused some turmoil within the TIE Corps, specifically within the ATF. BGCOM Jeff "Tiger" Loruss, AvengerCOM VA ShadowHawk and LC PhoenixMan, Wing XX WC, are no longer with us. This meant a lot of shifting and promotions...

  • BGCOM/VA Ranthier Khaen - ATF BGCOM
  • COM/RA Charles "Demos" Spencer - Avenger COM
  • COM/RA Mell "girly name" Kerrigan - Subjugator COM
  • COM/RA Sephiroth - Challenge COM
  • WC/MAJ TK-2107 - Wing XX WC
  • WC/MAJ Frey Gallandro - Wing X WC

In addition, Wing Commanders Frodo March (V) and Tissaya Argat (XIV) has also announced their resignation, but these were separate from the DB/TC removals. Applications for a new Wing V Commander are now being accepted with the following requirements:

-- Must have held the position of CMDR in the TC for no less than four consecutive months.
-- Must have passed SM/2 or SM/3.
-- Be able to reply to mails and process BSFs within 24-48 hrs.
-- Report on time each week.
-- Must be willing to handle a great deal of admin work to aid the  running of the wing.
-- Be able to motivate pilots and keep the CMDRs working to improve their squads and performance.
-- Must be able to create and run various competitions for the wing.
-- Applicant must be 100% dedicated to the wing to see goals achieved, and have the will to drive to that end.
-- No serious HCI convictions in the past 12 months.
-- A sincere sense of duty and loyalty to the SSSD Sovereign and a commitment to participation in the activities of the Brotherhood of Sovereign Flag Officers.
-- Strict adherence to the TC standing orders and Sovereign policy.

Add your future plans for the wing, and what steps you'll take to encourage recruitment, activity and keep things running smoothly.

The application period is open through Friday, April 25. Mail apps to Flakes, cheaters, resume-padders and anger-management cases need not apply.

Unfortunately, long-time Tau CMDR, General Kaerner has also resigned from the EH. Myself and the new DB Grand Master, HA Rapier (congrats) are discussing a suitable replacement. For the timebeing, please do not send applications.

Battlegroup Commander Promotions

I'm pleased to be able to announce the promotions of BGCOM Krax Tarnisar and Darksaber, two of the Fleet's hardest working Officers, to the rank of Admiral! Congrats guys.

Praetorian Recruitment Competition

This competition is still open to participants, who have until the 23rd of April to email the PraeCMDR, Major Turr Phennir ( with their interest.

Mission Compendium

For security issues, you now have to log in to the database before you can download any missions or battles. This is to protect EH work from the more dubious elements of teh webz. I realise that this means those without a TC profile, most notably in the SGs, can't access the library. This is something the XO is currently working on and should be resolved shortly.

TIE Corps Meeting

#tiecops on undernet @ 9PM GMT / 4PM EST

My thanks to all those who attended last night's meeting, there was another high turn out (I think ~76 was the high?). Congratulations to LC Kodiak for winning the trivia (an IS-BR will be arriving shortly) and thanks to LCM Vladet Xavier for hosting.

Remember the TIE Corps meeting is a good chance to get together with other TC members and an opportunity to ask me, or any other Flag Officer present any questions you may have.


High Admiral Priyum
Flight Officer & TIE Corps Commander

FO-TCCOM-PROF/HA Priyum Patel/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
[DRAG] {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/1/3-TT}

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