TCCOM Report # 0 (2003-04-08)

This report was submitted by HA Priyum Patel

Greetings all and welcome the Flight Office report of the past week...

News -

Appointments & Promotions

This past week has seen a slew of promotions and command appointments within the TC:

  • Colonel Reaper ( appointed as Flight Office Assistant. My thanks to all of you who expressed an interest in the position, the decision was not an easy one to make. Please note that with some upcoming Flight Office projects, I appoint a second FOA from the current list of applicants.
  • Major Davi Anthol has been promoted to the position of Wing Commander of Wing XVIII on the SSD Avenger.
  • Rear Admiral Wil Striker, Commodore of the ASF's ISD Intrepid, has been promoted to the rank of Vice Admiral in recognition of his past work on the ship.
  • Lieutenant Colonel Charles "Demos" Spencer has been selected as the new Commodore of the ISD Challenge following the previous COM's removal, and promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral. Again, this was a hard choice to make, there were several excellent applicants to choose from.
  • Lieutenant Colonel Frodo, Wing Commander of Sov Wing V, has been promoted to Colonel for his sterling work as a Flag Officer.

Congratulations to all of these individuals on their promotions!

We also have two new Command Officers. Congrats to former CA:SO, Vice Admiral Zoltar, who takes over as Security Officer following FA Brad's resignation. And congratulations also to Fleet Admiral AbsoluteK, who becomes our new Communications Officer. Both are fine individual and I know they'll become worthy additions to the Command Staff.

EH - RS Alliance

Thanks to the work of our new LA, RA Darksomething, we now have an official alliance with Rebel Squadrons, the EH's "sister" organisation. For more information on this, please visit the EH news page (


I need one. zipped. Thanks.

Requesting An Update 101 - Lecture #2

- When you request a promotion for someone under your command via email, rank or position, then YOU DO NOT CC THAT SUBORDINATE. You inform them only when you've received approval from the Flight Office and the rosters have been updated. It's good practice to CC your superiors up the chain of command so they're aware of the change.

- On the subject of promotions...

LT Hillbilly (assigned as FM/SL to the TC on 1st January 2000) goes to the RSV for whatever reason on 1st March 2000. He returns to active service as a Flight Member on 1st May 2000.

At this point, Hillbilly has been a member of the TIE Corps for 5 months, and lets say LT for the same period of time. It's now 7th May. He's been back in active service for a week. HE IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR A PROMOTION. Although he may have been a LT for 5 months, it's his most recent active service record that counts. He still needs to complete another 7 weeks as FM/LT before he can be eligible for a LCM promotion. This means that an individual's time as inactive, or a Reservist, does not count towards a promotion under any circumstances.

Some of you may have noticed that the database doesn't pick up on this...using the database you could recommend Hillbilly's promotion without it spitting the request back at you. I however will deny it and release the Winged Munkys to issue a slapping. Remember that profiles now carry historic records, so if you're unsure about a pilot's eligibility, check there or ask me.


High Admiral Priyum
Flight Officer & TIE Corps Commander

FO-TCCOM-PROF/HA Priyum Patel/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
[DRAG] {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/1/3-TT}

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