TCCOM Report # 0 (2002-01-21)

This report was submitted by FA Priyum Patel

Triumphant he returns from another exam! Well...moving along...

Yes, like many other people I'm in the middle of exam season right now, so updates may be a little slower than usual. For a change, try to use some sense and not bother me about roster changes. Go on, it's not hard, really.

Wing I Commander:

Following the resignation of COL Firebird week before last, myself and and VA Proton has received many applications for the position, most from highly qualified individuals. VA Proton has made his decision, and I've approved: Many congratulations to Lieutenant Colonel Murad Ibn Mark! He comes highly recommended and we fully believe he's the best man for the job, congrats!

Praetorian Commander:

Applications are still being accepted for the position of PraeCMDR. Although a final date hasn't been announced yet, myself and the SDIR will be making a decision very soon. Those of you who have applied (and thats a lot of you), please sit tight for a little while longer.

As a side note, my thanks to Praetorian's previous CMDR, LC Linkan for all of his hard work over a long period of time. I've awarded him with a Gold Star for his contributions to the Squadron.

Imperial Storm III:

The War Officer, VA Pel, has been working long and hard on this, coming up with new systems to make the wargame run smoothly and include as many people as possible. More information in this will be released very soon!


Congrats to FA Striker who was awarded with the Medal of Honour recently. Also congrats to the LA, RA Osan'gar who has been promoted to Vice Admiral by the Fleet Commander!


Go take the CS test today!

Thats all from this report.

Fleet Admiral Priyum
Flight Officer & TIE Corps Commander
FO-TCCOM/FA Priyum Patel/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
[DRAG] {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/1-TT}

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