TCCOM Report # 0 (2001-08-27)

This report was submitted by FA Priyum Patel

Greetings all, and welcome to the latest report from the Flight Office...

*** Fleet Standing Orders Update ***

The FSOs, which can be found at have been updated to include General Orders concerning the opening of new Squadrons. The addition is as follows:

7. Opening New Squadrons

Any Wing Commander may approach the Flight Office with the request to open an inactive Squadron within their Wing. There are certain criteria which must be met prior to makiing the request.

The Commodore and Battlegroup Commander of the Wing must be informed first.
The WC must select the new Commander and 2 new Flight Leaders first.
When this is done, an email is sent to the Flight Office with the official request to open the Squadron. Within this email, there must be the list of the new pilots for that Squadron.
The COM and BGCOM must be CC'd. If the opening involves the transfer of pilots from another Squadron to the new one, then the Superiors of said pilots must also be CC'd (as with any other Tranfer).
It should be noted that there is no "magic number" involved before a Squadron can be opened. As a general rule of thumb, each other active Squadron in the Wing should have around 8 pilots, and be in good standing activity-wise. Each request to open a new Squadron will be evaluated individually.

Any questions about this, or any other part of the Standing Orders should be sent to me at

*** Flag Office Appointments/Retirements ***

With the formation of the Avenger Task Force (ATF) last week, its new Battlegroup Commander has been selected - many congratulations to Vice Admiral Firefox!
In addition, the new Avenger Commodore was quickly selected - congratulations to Rear Admiral Shadowhawk!

This leaves the position of Wing XVIII WC open. The requirements for this if you wish to apply are:

- Must have TIE Fighter (TIE 95 preferred)
- At least 4 months of command experience at CMDR level or higher (the more the better)
- Must be a member in good standing of the Dark Brotherhood (AED or higher will be given preference)
- Extensive IRC use

All applications should be sent to Rear Admiral Shadowhawk and Vice Admiral Firefox. Good luck!

Earlier this week, Vice Admiral Ricaud announced his decision to retire from his position of Relentless Commodore, and took up a Flight Member's position in Sword Squadron. Ricaud has been an inspirational leader and I'm sure his command presence will be missed. Any questions regarding the now vacant position should be sent to Vice Admiral Adrenaline (

We also bid farewell to Fleet Admiral AbsoluteK who did an outstanding job as Internet Officer (and welcome his successor, Admiral Ari) and to former CA:RO, Vice Admiral Fondor, both of whome have retired from active service in the Fleet.

Admiral Ramos also resigned, but then came back. Nearly, eh?

*** New Squadron Openings ***

Today saw the activation of two new Squadrons, Resh in Wing VI and Ravager in Wing XX. Congratulations to their new Commanders - Lieutenant Colonel Joe, and Commander Jacob Van Nowak.


Fleet Admiral Priyum
Flight Officer & TIE Corps Commander
FO-TCCOM/FA Priyum Patel/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
[DRAG] {IWATS-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/1-TT}

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