TCCOM Report # 0 (2001-03-25)

This report was submitted by AD Priyum Patel

Welcome all to another report from the Flight Office...

Its been a busy week and many requests continue to come in, which is a good sign that things are ticking over. There are a couple of things I'd like to clarify:

- If you're a Wing Commander requesting the opening of a Squadron in your Wing, then please bear the following in mind:

Make sure that all other Squadrons have at least 7 pilots, preferably 8. This won't be a strict rule - I'll look at each case on an individual basis.
When requesting the re-opening, you have to provide me with the following: The details of the new Squadron Commander, and the details of the two new Flight Leaders. Without these, the Squadron won't be opened.
It's also the responsibility of the WC to ensure that the Commanding Officers of these individuals have been informed of their move, and given ample time to respond.
Most importantly, make sure that you're absolutely certain that you want to open the Squadron! Wanting to give your mate a CMDR's position ISN'T a good reason. Building a Squadron from scratch is very hard and requires an active and dedicated Commander. CMDR's more often than not, will have to find their own pilots - don't expect too many Cadets from Daedalus, since they're requesting a specific Squadron 90% of the time.
These guidelines aren't complicated, so please stick to them. For reference, these will shortly be added to the current Fleet Standing Orders (

- A general reminder: ALL reports (Squadron, Wing, Ship & Battlegroup) must be CC'd to the Flight Office ( & I've asked my CA, AD Havoc, to start tracking these reports and note who's not sending them in regularly.

- Vice Admiral Cyric, ASF Commander, has started his own version of the BGCOM's Own for the ASF. Named the BGCOM Intimidator (:P), this individual is selected from one of the COM's Own for that month, and has to beat the other selectants (<--- is that even a word?) in a series of online matches. Congratulations to LCM Strahd of Mantis Squadron, on being named the first BGCOM Intimidator ever!

- <--- Although I don't usually mention new TC sites, I feel this one deserves special mention because I think its funky. Constructed by LA Quake (who was also promoted to the rank of Admiral earlier this week. Congrats Quake/Kweek/Buffy!).

Quote of the Week:

(Fondor): I want to watch SureFire and S1 get it on right now :P

Note: Last week's lyrics were from Pure & Simple by Here'say. No song this week.


Admiral Priyum
Flight Officer, TIE Corps Commander
FO-TCCOM-AMB/AD Priyum Patel/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
[DRAG] {IWATS-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-SM/1-TT-RT}

p.s. Fallout 2 rocks!

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