TCCOM Report # 0 (2002-06-25)

This report was submitted by FA Priyum Patel

< <Please remember to fwd this down to your pilots>>

Greetings all, and welcome to the FO report for the past week. I'm a little pressed for time today, so it's going to be a brief report:

News -

- Imperial Storm III continues. As always, please check for all current updates.

- Commander Tour of Duty: As stated in the Fleet Standing Orders and the SM/3 Course notes, the CMDR ToD rule is:

All Squadron Commanders are expected to serve in their position for a minimum of FOUR months. This is the commitment you must make towards the job. Anyone who quits before this time without extenuating circumstances will be reduced to the rank they held prior to their appointment.

This is to emphasise the point that being a CMDR requires a great deal of time and commitment. It is not something to be entered into lightly and without forethought.

This rule become official and enforced for all CMDR appoints from THIS MONDAY! In addition, from this Monday, all persons applying for a CMDR position must have taken and passed SM/3. The only exception is if the applicant has previously held a CMDR position and taken & passed SM/1 or 2.

- Squadron Management Course Ver. 3 (

Had a good number of people taking this so far, a graduate list is below. A shocking number of people however are getting basic things wrong, like rank caps and medal awards. In addition to reading the SM notes, you're also expected to have read the Training Manual. Remember, although you may have no intention of ever being a CMDR, taking the course is a good way to familiarise yourself with several important aspects of the TIE Corps.
    I'll be updating my FO page with the current Staff List tonight. Remember that you can also find the current staff on the rosters. Also please remember that transcripts of the tests are NOT kept. So if you want to know where you went wrong, then please email me BEFORE you take the test.

SM/3 Graduates (pass = 80% +):

CM Nicolaas Vlieghe  88%
CPT Murkrow Defender  81%
MAJ RogueWing  89%
CM Face Loran 91%
MAJ CrazyR2  94%
MAJ Azazel  86%
CPT Mark 87%
MAJ Kyle Katarn  80%
CPT Mark Schueler  83%
RA Mell Kerrigan  95%
VA Toran Dan  89%
LCM Ace  81%
CM Bryan  83%
GN Reaper 90%
CPT Carl Lost  87%
MAJ Frodo  80%
CM Nuno  87%
LCM ObiVader  95%
CM Kurt Williams 82%
LCM Blaine  81%
CM Ardeth Mordor  93%
LCM Girth Snail  92%
LCM Brenn Tantor  90%
LCM Darth Angelus  92%
CM TK-2107  88%
MAJ Malik  89%
LCM Ace   82%
LCM Davi Anthol  89%
CPT Frey Gallandro  96% * Highest mark so far
CPT Werdna Elbee 93%
CM Dolsar Saris  86%
LCM Trowa  86%
LT Conjre  85%
CM VinDoros  90%
CM Curtis  82%
VA Darksaber  90%
CPT Trow 90%
MAJ Spearhawk 95%
CM Matt Patrick  91%
LT Eykkwe  85%
LCM Jedi Eclipse  89%
MAJ Falcon  85%
CPT Tyrouge Tainer  86%
CM Hunter  90%
VA Drake 95%
LT TK-9121  86%
LCM Tissaya Argat  86%
CPT Dujhod  89%

- In other news, Captain Werdna Elbee is still accepting submissions to the TIE Corps' revived magazine, the Battlecry. Humour, fiction, graphics etc can be sent to him (zipped!) at


Fleet Admiral Priyum
Flight Officer & TIE Corps Commander
FO-TCCOM-PROF/FA Priyum Patel/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
[DRAG] {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/1/3-TT}

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