TCCOM Report # 0 (2002-06-03)

This report was submitted by FA Priyum Patel

**Battlegroup Commanders SovCOM, please remember to forward this report to your pilots**

Greetings and welcome to this week's Flight Office Report...

News -

- There is a large and important Imperial Storm battle scheduled for this coming Friday at midday EST / 5PM GMT in #project_faithful between the ATF and Sovereign. Both the SSD Avenger and SSSD Sovereign are involved, so this will be a crucial engagement in the wargame.

I ask everyone who can to attend and show your support, particularly if you're team is involved, since you'd be eligible to fly in the battle. If you have any questions about this, then please feel free to email WO/VA Pel at

- Congratulations to two Flag Officers:

The Commodore of the SSD Avenger, Rear Admiral Shadowhawk, was promoted to the rank of Vice Admiral, following a recommendation from her BGCOM. Shadowhawk has been COM for some time, and during her tenure she's shown hard work and dedication towards her position. Congrats SH!

Also, congratulations to MAJ Spearhawk, who takes over from COL Arso as the Wing Commander of Wing XI on the Immortal. He came with some high praise, and I have every confidence he'll do great at his new job.

- The ISD Relentless has been given approval to change it's gaming platform from TIE Fighter to XWA (single player), effective as of today. The conversion will take place Squadron by Squadron, with transfers occurring over the next 4 weeks. The first Squadron to convert today is Spear Squadron.

- Some of you may have noticed that the TIE Corps numbers have increased significantly over the past several days, I processed over 100 recruits after returning from my short leave. This is definitely good news, and is probably due to your recruitments efforts, as well as the release of Episode II and JKII.

    Please continue recruitment efforts - its pretty much the only way of getting new pilots for your Squadron, and earns you the Medal of Instruction. Also please make sure you're familiar with the Fleet Standing Orders on recruitment at

- Squadron Management Ver. 3: This update of the popular IWATS Course has been approved by the outgoing TO, and awaits final approval from the XO. Rather than being a complete rework of SM/2, it's more of an update. Things like the motivation behind wanting to be a CMDR, Database uses and the Fleet Standing Orders have been added, along with minor regs and links updates. The test has also been modified accordingly.

    Current Squadron Commanders are NOT required to take this new course, but are highly encouraged to at least read through the notes. Those wishing to apply for a CMDR position MUST have taken the current version of the test. Hopefully it should be out before the end of the week. 

- TIE Corps Spotlight

You may have read in the recent XO reports the section called "Subgroup Person of the Week". Well, the TIE Corps is not going to be left out. Each week I'll give credit to one person for their work and contribution to any aspect of the TIE Corps. These people can be nominated by their superiors or fellow pilots, and ANY person can be nominated - Battlegroup Commanders down to Flight Members.

If you feel that someone deserves to being due credit for their work, then please send me an email at spellfire@btinternet along with the reasons you think this person is worthy of nomination.

- The Training Officer, AD Havoc, recently announced his retirement from the EH. The position of TO is now open to applications and the details are on the TC news page.


Fleet Admiral Priyum
Flight Officer & TIE Corps Commander

FO-TCCOM/FA Priyum Patel/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
[DRAG] {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/1-TT}

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