TCCOM Report # 87 (2005-06-12)

This report was submitted by SA Cyric

SA Cyric reporting in for the Flight Office and the Tie Corps on June 12,2005 A fairly slow week for the Tie Corps, really not much major news to report! I've been processing a lot of recruits into the TC, and have processed 7 new CT's into the fleet! Surly the number of recruits outweighs the number of CT's being pressed into service. I suggest pilots offer help to the CT's in order to get them from deadauls into the main stream. RA Scoser Selected as COO! ImpStorm is moving along. The latest battle pitted the SOV vs the ATF. There was a minor glitch in the battle, but this has been resolved. Great participation thus far! Kindly remember to include AD Proton on all reports! He is tracking them where SA Sarin left off. The EH Newsletter is scheduled to be released on June 15! That's it from the Flight Office. Sorry for the brevity of this report, been very very busy in RL at the moment however all processing is still getting done in a timely fashion In service... SA Cyric FO-TCCOM/SA CYRIC/CS-4/SSSD SOVEREIGN

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