TCCOM Report # 74 (2005-03-11)

This report was submitted by HA Cyric

HA Cyric reporting in for the Flight Office on 3.11.05 Recruits! Recruits! Recruits! I’ve received a plethora of recruit applications for the Tie Corps in the last week. This is in no small part due to the efforts of VA TK 2107. He wrote to over 1200 people on a german star wars message board, and approx 20 of these recruits entered due to his mailing! Excellent work! I’ve just viewed the newest Star Wars Episode III trailer and I must admit it is fantastic! What really looks promising are the fighters present in the film and their looks very similar to what we have today! I can only hope that LA gives us more platforms to work with. On CT Palcement, I’m doing my best to place these pilots where they are needed. If they request a squadron, that’s where they go. I need to remind everyone that Squadron CMDRs and FL’s must be appointed! On to the War Office, HA Priyum has been working on a new Site, and is working towards getting a new IMP STORM game going. He is currently working on a new map form and will have details shortly. We are trying to eliminate all of the previous games “Discrepancies”, which is taking some time. As many of you have seen, AD Reaper has stepped down as my CA. Please do not send him any reports, only to me, and I will not be accepting applications at this time. Also of note, the COMM had posted on the news section that members need to register with X for any official EH Channel. This is only for those channels that are NOT currently registered and do not have X. That’s it from the Flight Office! In Service…. HA Cyric FO-TCCOM/HA CYRIC/CS-4/SSSD SOVEREIGN

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