Avenger Task Force Report # 50 (2005-02-27)

This report was submitted by AD TK-2107

    Avenger Task Force Report #50 - 02/27/2005
   Welcome to the BGCOM Report
     Battlegroup Commander's Prologue   
Greetings pilots,

This is Report #50 and with this Report comes big news - good news and bad news. So good news first:

Finally our very own Kane Reese has become new SSD Avenger Commodore, congrats my friend !

However today is a sad day in the history of the Avenger Task Force to which the last months and weeks finally lead to. As all of you know our membership decreased (not only in the ATF but in all TIECorps and also PLT Daedalus) and inactivity arised (in combination with some AWOL and MIA requests). This has lead to a state where our battlegroup has been thinned out and only few active squadrons with dedicated Squadron Commanders and Command Officers like Wing Commanders and Commodores remained.Some already spoke to me about the death of our battlegroup but our activity in monthly BG COMs Judgement (especially December 2004) and our lately draw versus the outnumbering SSSD Sovereign proofed them wrong. The remaining pilots aboard this battlegroups (and this means everyone of you from Flightmember up to Commodore) are a dedicated, motivated and active core which represents the former glory of the Empire and I am proud to be one of you.

However we need to take some actions to regroup ourselves and regain some former strength. Three Wings with each two active squadrons only don't attract lot of new recruits or old veterans. They want to be part of an active ship where they join a great community. As from the outside point-of-view our empty rosters might not look like that and they don't join #atf to see what I see when I join the channel and have a wonderful community containing all Wings an Squadrons. Therefore I have spoken to several people (ranging from Flightmember over Flight Officer to Grand Master of the Darkbrotherhood) in the past for what to do. One step will be to narrow the gap between Darktbrotherhood and Avenger Task Force where the SSD Avenger is the flagship of the DB. We try to reach this with some combined stories in our Reports, presence in the other group's communication and interviews as well. The ATF might benefit from DB members while the DB might benefit from the ATF.

However this is not enough and the latest In/Out section in my Reports proofs current decrease in membership. So for not harming any pilot of you and for having a safe harbor where none of you is a point of discussion to which battlegroup to move him to I have decided to send the ISD Subjugator back to the Kuat Drive Yards for some repairs and upgrades. This decision was not easy for me as it is a break in my ATF history as it is in yours and in all of our tradition however I feel it is necessary and might be the only step to save our battlegroup and keep us together where we are right now.

Kraken and Nemesis Squadron both have a great history that has born a lot of active pilots and great Command Officers. This history will not be forgotten. Even if the situation does not seem to look bright the Flight Officer and me will keep the rosters in mind and if we manage to recover I will personally send a shuttle full of former Wing XX pilots to Kuat for staffing the ISD Subjugator and returning to our battlegroup. But till then we have much work to do.

For now all pilots of Kraken Squadron and of Nemesis Squadron will remain together with their CDMR but being transferred to the SSD Avenger. Technical issues with our database prevent us from simply moving the complete squadron with its name, history and reports there. Therefore I asked the CMDRs to choose an inactive squadron where the pilots can show their performance to their new wingmates.

Kraken Squadron pilots will therefore completely transfer to Rage Squadron (http://www.ehtiecorps.org/rosters/view.asp?squadron=55) aboard Wing XVIII while Nemesis will be transferred to Chaos Squadron (http://www.ehtiecorps.org/rosters/view.asp?squadron=105). I would like all pilots to stand together as once and support their CMDRs as well as their new Commanding Officers (Wing Commander, Commodore and probably even this BG COM who caused the trouble). Once more - the decision wasn't easy and in my opinion none of you is to blame for this situation. However everyone of us is now asked to recruit and get us some pilots !

Please leave your quarters as clean as possible for me having no trouble with our budget - I hate paying additional cleaning droids.

To all pilots aboard the SSD Avenger - I want you to welcome your new Wingmates - they are now on your side when it comes to BG COMs Judgement and to rebel engagements. One word to BG COMs Judgement: FA Cyric made sure that we can leave the competition as it is meaning with still awarding IS-Gx (instead of IS-Sx for the usual two Wing-competitions). However Wing XX will for now be out of the race for BG COM's Own beginning of March 2005.

      Battlegroup News   
  • BG COMs Judgement - New FW Ladder for also receiving LoCs in monthly BG COMs Judgement FW MP http://www.minos.net/~ssy/ladder/ladder.php/80

    Please note that inner-squadron matches are not allowed even if we openend the Multiplayer part of this competition to inner-wing matches

    Check out for February results and a little surprise tomorrow

  • New pilots - Greetings to our new pilots: FM/CM Destavol Atreyu Gin/Slayer 3-2/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger and FM/LCM Zzythnu/Fury 2-2/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger

  • Recruiting is essential - For those of you who haven't recognized it already - our battlegroup is very low on pilots and for maintaining our training flights and our competitions we will need new pilots. Therefore I urge all pilots from FM up to COM to go out there and recruit !

  • New FW MP Rules - 1) Do not submit FW matches for 24/7 - it is not allowed

    2) You can only earn FW LoCs via Ladders or TEs

    3) You must have 3 kills to win the match

    4) If you play any MP match over LAN tell Sain first and submit later

    Read all the server rules at http://www.freeworldsmod.com

  • @eh-atf.net email accounts available ! - Send an email to Ky Terrak if you want one

  • New SSD Avenger website - Check it out at: http://avenger.eh-atf.net/index.php !

      Battlegroup Fiction - The Darkbrotherhood of Jedi and the Avenger Task Force   
This new section will provide you with stories of the Darkbrotherhood and their flagship the SSD Avenger on a weekly bases. You want to see your story here next week ? Email your BG COM at tk2107@tiecorps.org

Assisting fellow comrades - Part II   by Xanatos Screed

The Turbolasers of the Sinister were too slow to hit the gunboats and the fighter squadrons assigned to her were fighting all around the ship. Help was necessary so the battleteams attacked the Rebels.

The imperial ships were quick and more deadly than anything else, except maybe the big cruisers, but the Rebels used Skypray Blastboats and upgraded twin-seated Y-Wings. Although in the end they had no chance to survive the Rebels fought fiercly and unfortunately hit and destroyed a Tie Dragon from Butcher Squadron.

"Be careful pilots!", came from Nightshade's leader Granite, "we cannot affort another loss. We need all our forces at the Sovereign. Xan, let's destroy the last gunboats and then let's get away fast."

Xanatos frowned. It was not his fault that the Butcher had been killed, but he felt responsible for the men. He looked at his radar, found the last group of gunboats, rolled and accelerated towards them.

They were three, but Xanatos' group consisted of 38. There was even no need to aim really, for all 38 fighters fired at once and enough laser lightnings hit the opponents.

"This is VSD Sinister", said the communications officer aboard the Stardestroyer, "Thank you very much for your assistance. You have saved our butt."

The group of starfighters in the meantime re-grouped and shook their wings as a sign of greeting. They were in the center of battle now and all around them were fighter squadrons and battleships fighting. Only a few klicks lay between them and the fleet's flagship, but a group of their size always seemed to be an interesting target for gunners and fighter pilots.

But nothing could stop Xanatos' team and without any losses (but with much more kills) they reached the Sovereign at last.

Thanks for this nice story, Xan !

      Battlegroup Promotions   
- Kane Reese to new SSD Avenger Commodore and therefore to Rear Admiral !
- Zeth Talturus/Fury 1-2/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger to Lieutenant !

      Battlegroup Transfers   
- FM/CM Destavol Atreyu Gin/Slayer 3-2/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger from the RSVs welcome back !
- FM/LCM Zzythnu/Fury 2-2/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger from the RSVs welcome back !

- FM/CM Quincy Nelson/Slayer 2-2/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger is AWOLed
- FM/SL Gimli/Slayer 2-4/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger is AWOLed

      Battlegroup Activity   
BSFs: 16

LOCs: 7 (including FW activity)

DFCs: 0


Medals: 1x IS-SR, 2x IS-BR, 1x ISM

      Battlegroup Competitions   
  • "ATF BG COMs Judgement - March 2005" (competition #1800)

       ATF-wide - Go and fight for the glory of your Wing !

       Details at http://bj.eh-atf.net/

  • "Mission Creation Incentive Competition" (competition ID #11719)

       EH-wide - The pilot who submits the most battles to the Tactical Office each month for the next three will receive an IS-PR (as long as its more then 3 battles). And an IS-GR to the pilot who submits the most Free Missions for those three Months (as long as its more then 5 missions)

       ends on 4/1/2005

  • "Whose line was it anyway?" (competition ID #1699

       EH-wide - This is an ongoing affair. This competition focuses primarily on everyday IRC conversation - specifically the outright hilarious ones. Therefore, the person deemed to have submitted the funniest quote each week will be rewarded, and immortalised on the COMM site and my weekly reports. All submissions (in ONE e-mail please :P) are to be e-mailed to ehcomm@gmail.com by 10pm Sunday AEST (6am EST) each week. You can submit as many quotes as you want each week, but only one medal per person will be awarded. A bonus medal at the end of each month for the Funniest Person of the Month. Only rules are no swearing or grossly indecent content.

       ends on 3/20/2005 (weekly !)

  • "XWA/XvT MP Gaming"

       TC-wide - Fight for TIECorps vs. pilots of other organizations and get medals for your victories.

       Details at http://irc.netgamers.org or IRC channels #BSC-XWA and #BSC-XvT (for 2vs2 or more: #XWA-WoW and #XvT-WoW)

       FreeWorlds TEs, 24.7 LoC submission at http://combat.tiecorps.net COO Website, ladder competitions at http://ladders.minost.net EH Ladders, and through WoWs hosted at http://www.battlestats.com Battle Stats

*Note Ship+ Level Comps stated only, please see COM, WC and CMDR reports for relevant comps.

      Battlegroup Crew   
SSD Avenger:
Commodore - RA Kane Reese

Wing XVIII - 23 Officers
Wing Commander - LC Andrijas
Wing XIX - 22 Officers
Wing Commander - TBA


ISD Subjugator: temporary closed
Commodore - n/a

Wing XX temporary closed
Wing Commander - n/a

   TK-2107 over and out.

BG COM/AD TK-2107/Avenger Task Force
GS/SS/BSx6/PCx4/ISMx2/MoI-GC/IS-10BW-8BR-6SW-1SR-7GW-3GR/LoC-IS-CSx9-Rx3/DFC-BW/CoLx4/CoB/LoAx7/OV-3E [ARCN]

BTM/SW TK-2107/Stingray/Tridens/Tarentum
"We live for the Corps ! - We die for the Corps !"

visit: http://atf.tiecorps.net
   - END -   

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