ISDII Grey Wolf Report # 9 (2005-04-12)

This report was submitted by RA Pickled Yoda

ISD Grey Wolf Report #9


WE ARE TCCOM'S OWN AGAIN! (this is still news :P)

Loads of medals. Especially to Brucmack, but that shouldn't come as a surprise.

Imperial Storm 27 is due to start soon. By soon, I mean between now and the apocalypse. Apparently the motto of this iteration is "Better than Imperial Storms 5-26 combined." Shouldn't be too hard.
Jokes aside, all signs point to this being much better than the last two (which had no combat).

Operations Officer is still open to applications. As is Logistics Officer. Apparently one is ever so slightly more popular than the other.

COM Activity

Your commodore has been busy helping the homeless bums for community service these past two days. No, I don't mean the displaced peasants from the Subjudicator, but actual, real people. Blame school. Even in the holidays it ruins our lives.

I highly recommend the movie Sahara to anyone who has the opportunity to see it. Really.

Fly in things! If you go to the TC news, you can see the details of Frodo's competition for the Iron Mission Creator submissions.

When Gilad releases his trivia, you should do that as well.

Until next week, happy piloting

RA Pickled Yoda

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