ISDII Challenge Report # 6 (2005-04-11)

This report was submitted by VA Locke Setzer

ISD Challenge

Commodore Report


Ship News

-Well, this week was quite the busy one for the Challenge! But where to begin is quite obvious: This week saw the reopening of Tornado Squadron under the command of LC Chris McCollum with 6 new arrivals to the Chal. Welcome to newly promoted LT Oni and LT Glenn, SL Lola and LT Servius Maximus. Special welcome to LCM Cyrus, an old Tor vet who takes on the FL2 spot, and a *very* special welcome to COL Darklord, who should be known to many of you as probably the best ChalWC ever. Sorry Cor ;P

Again, thanks to all Tornado pilots for pitching in and helping make this squad rise again. Is great to see it back on the roster :)

-We had quite a few awards come in this week! Cor's mentioned all of them, but I just want to again give special highlight to our biggest winners. Congrats to CM Dulcatos and CM TK-9780 who recieved a BS for amazing activity in the flying department in March, COL George who was not only a fantastic flyer, but a great force for good in Typhoon and in the Chal in general. Finally congrats to CPT Dirty Vader, who's efforts in both personal activity and helping his squadron make an amazing turn-around from their performance in February earned him a Silver Star. Again, congrats to all awardees :D Looking forward to giving even more out next month ;)

-The Challenge vs Relentless comp came to a close this Friday. While we are still awaiting on the flying results, I have been assured that this comp has been a Challenge victory :) While I do not have the complete flying results as the Rel has not sent them in, I can tell you that we won the run-on portion 74-13 with COL George and LC Chris McCollum being our highest posters with a tied score of 16 posts for each of them. Congrats guys, you really managed to crush the Relentless utterly and completely in true Chal style ;)

-With the Rel comp out of the way, this month the plan is to focus more upon inner-ship activity. Right now we have a FCHG race going on, which will give the person who flies the most this month an IS-SW (as well as probably some other big award for flying a ton, I would imagine ;)) Equally, right now we have a BG recruiting comp. The person that recruits the most people will recieve an IS-GR. By recruiting, we don't just mean getting someone to join the TC; getting a RSV to return to the TC also counts. This is something I really want to draw attention to this month. Right now we're definetly one of the biggest ships in the TC, but we're not the biggest and we are the Challenge; we're supposed to be the best anyhow ;P Recruiting is very important to me, and you can believe that at the end of the month any success you've had with recruiting will go a long way towards awards at MWE time. So, consider this BG Recruiting comp one of our main comps for the month, and see if we can't make the Chal an even bigger place :)

-Unfortunetly, this week CM Dulcatos has left to join the Imm beta. Unlike a unnamed hypocritical Elite CMDR who felt like his pilot was being stolen from him when he left for the beta, I know we all here wish him the best and hope he'll come back to us when the beta is finished :)

-In the midst of all sorts of awarding and mayhem, we had two significant developments in Tempest! First, congrats to LCM Impulse who was promoted to LCM and given LC Chris McCollum's spot as FL3! Good week for Impulse ;) Also, a big welcome back to LCM Mike Keyman, an ooold Tempest pilot who returns to the squad. Happy to have you back Mike :)

-The Wing X Meeting time was offically changed to 6pm EST (GMT -05.00). Sorry, again, for the late posting... I had wanted to try 10am, but realized at the last minute it was going to be completely unfeasible. 6pm will work out better, although from here on out there will be a significant change: Trivia for meetings has been expanded to be BG-wide, so that now the medal oppertunities are higher! This does potentially mean there will be more competition... but we'll see just how much of the Collie and the Rel actually show up ;) Anyways, trivia will take place in #TCBG and Chal meetings will continue afterwards in #wing_x. Check the competition section for more details. All trivia winners for this month will be prematurely awarded their IS-BRs.

-In a final note, I was promoted to the rank of Vice Admiral on Saturday. I'm quite elated to have recieved this promotion, and I thank all of you for all your kind words and congrats you've given me :) But truely, it's really thanks to the effort all of you have put in that's brought the Chal to it's current state, and as such it's you guys who I'm indebted to for recieving this promo, so thanks to all of you for making the Chal the amazing ship it's turning into :) Just cause I've reached the max rank for COM though doesn't mean I'm gonna be slowing down... on the contrary, we've only just begun to rock ;)


Recruit or Die - The pilots of the TCBGs will recruit as many members as possible from the reserves, real life, other online communities, or through helping cadets on Daedalus. At the end of the month, the three highest-recruiting pilots will recieve an IS-GR, an IS-SR and a IS-BR respectively. Success in recruiting will also go a long way in determining end of the month awards.

Wing X "I have too much free time" Comp - A three-week long FCHG race, to conclude the month of April. Whomever flies the most during the period will win a IS-SW, with the runner-up taking an IS-BW.

TCBG Weekly Trivia Meetings in #TCBG/Challenge Meetings in #wing_x - Each week at a set time (6pm EST Sundays), all members of the TCBG are invited to attend a weekly IRC ship meeting in #TCBG, where one session of trivia or other IRC-based events will be held. An IS-GR to any member who wins the most weekly trivia in a month, IS-SR to any member who wins at least two, IS-BR to any member who wins one week. Also, an IS-SR to the member with the highest attendance (who actually participated in the meeting, didn't just idle). Afterwards, a short meeting discussing the events of the ship will occur in #wing_x.

Pilot of the Week/Month - Every week Cor will choose a pilot to be pilot of the week. Then at the end of the month, I will choose one of them and declare them the "Pilot of the Month". The PotM will recieve a IS-SR, while the remaining PotWs will be given IS-BRs.
This week's PotW: LT Katherine Cantor Flyer
Last Week's PotW: CM Dulcatos

Challenge Meetings in #wing_x - This comp is now defunct, with the above TCBG Weekly Trivia Meetings in #TCBG/Challenge Meetings in #wing_x competition taking over. The following trivinators shall be awarded an IS-BR for their victories.
This week's Trivinator: LC Coranel Both!!!
Last week's Trivinator: CPT Dirty Vader

Squadron of the Month - Every month I will declare a squadron the squadron of the month. The CMDR will be awarded the IS-SR, and any member he believes helped his squadron achieve that award will be awarded an IS-BR.
March 2005 Squadron of the Month: Inferno Squadron

Fleet News

-A number of CS members were promoted this week to Admiral! Congrats to Internet Officer Lenvik, Training Officer Stuart Fringe DO Reinthaler!

-XvT TC 110 and XvT TC 111 have been released to the Mission Compedium. Yay!

-WC for Wing XIV has opened up. If you're intrested, check out the details on the TC news page.

Ship Statistics


Total Missions: 2
Medals: 2

Total Missions: 27
Medals: 7

Total Missions: 55
Medals: 8

Total Missions: 2
Medals: 0

Total Missions: 12
Medals: 1

Command Staff
Total Missions: 4
Medals: 0

FM/LT Glenn/Tornado 1-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge
FL/LCM Cyrus/Tornado 2-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge
FM/LT Servius Maximus/Tornado 2-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge
FM/SL Lola/Tornado 2-3/Wing X/ISD Challenge
FL/COL Darklord/Tornado 3-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge
FM/LT Oni/Tornado 3-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge

FM/LCM Mike Keyman/Tempest 2-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge

FM/LT Marlin/Typhoon 1-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge - ISM
FM/COL George/Typhoon 2-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge - LoC
FM/COL George/Typhoon 2-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge - LoC
FM/COL George/Typhoon 2-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge - LoC
FM/COL George/Typhoon 2-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge - BS
FM/LT Katherine Cantor Flyer/Typhoon 2-3/Wing X/ISD Challenge - CoB
FM/CM TK-9780/Typhoon 3-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge - BS

CMDR/CPT Dirty Vader/Inferno/Wing X/ISD Challenge - SS
FM/COL Bill Kelso/Inferno 1-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge - ISM
FL/CM Great Griffin/Inferno 2-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge - ISM
FL/CM Great Griffin/Inferno 2-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge - IS-BR
FL/CM Great Griffin/Inferno 2-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge - IS-BW
FL/CM Great Griffin/Inferno 2-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge - PC
FM/CM Dulcatos/Inferno 2-3/Wing X/ISD Challenge - IS-BW
FM/CM Dulcatos/Inferno 2-3/Wing X/ISD Challenge - BS

CMDR/CPT Azurin Luna/Thunder/Wing X/ISD Challenge - ISM
FL/CM Alexi Stukov/Thunder 3-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge - ISM

CMDR/CPT Daniel Bonini/Tempest/Wing X/ISD Challenge - ISM

FM/LT Katherine Cantor Flyer/Typhoon 2-3/Wing X/ISD Challenge - XTM/1 (100%)
FM/LT Katherine Cantor Flyer/Typhoon 2-3/Wing X/ISD Challenge - XTM/2 (96%)
FM/LT Katherine Cantor Flyer/Typhoon 2-3/Wing X/ISD Challenge - WPN (95%)
FM/CM TK-9780/Typhoon 3-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge - MP (100%)
FM/CM TK-9780/Typhoon 3-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge - IIC/3 (80%)
FM/CM TK-9780/Typhoon 3-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge - IIC/3 (100%)

High Scores
FL/LCM Impulse/Tempest 3-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge - XW-TC #6 (HS on all except mission 1)
FL/LCM Impulse/Tempest 3-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge - XW-TC #5 (HS on all missions!)

FL/CM Great Griffin/Inferno 2-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge - FREE-TIE #251

And thus ends a pretty momentus week here on the Challenge. April, I believe, will be more of a month of just working on the betterment of a ship as a whole, hopefully through recruiting and seeing more personal activity outside of comps. I'm eager to see where this ship goes next, and excited at the propsect of continually outperforming the rest of the TC, so let's see what we can do to make the Challenge an even better place to be here in April :)

Respectfully Submitted,

COM-TCT-TCS/VA Locke Setzer/ISD Challenge

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