ISDII Grey Wolf Report # 3 (2005-01-31)

This report was submitted by RA Pickled Yoda

ISD Grey Wolf Report #3? #4? (Whatever number it is, I should have done more already!)

*salute* Pilot types

SC VII. We're winning, but for how long? FLY FLY FLY

Better than the other ships!

Heaps of LoCs have been handed out, and no doubt there have been FCHG/CR rank promotions, however no one has told me about them!
I know of:
CM Lenvik (FCHG - Archon!!)
CM Shai (FCHG)
RA Pickled Yoda (FCHG - Imperator, CR - whatever is at 200)

I also scored a SS from the COO and a CoE, NOT a Gold Star as everyone seems to be saying. :P

SC Standings

1947 - Yoda
1130 - Gidda
959 - Kysar

5548 - AES
1938 - Odin
1607 - Diamondback

6191 - Grey Wolf
5710 - Intrepid
5548 - Aggressor


Grey Wolf Standings

1947 - Yoda
822 - Lenvik
481 - Ambar
477 - Keiran
432 - CrimsonFury

1938 - Odin
1476 - Vortex
333 - Tartarus
50 - Valkyrie
10 - Phoenix
5 - Crusader

Final Thoughts

We're doing well but we must finish strongly so that the Intrepid and Aggressor do not catch us.
Must dash, got to go to school. *sigh*

Commodore Pickled Yoda
"3000 FCHG, 200 CR, SS, CoE, but too lazy to get a report done"

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