ISDII Predator Report # 0 (2004-12-06)

This report was submitted by RA Solar Macharius

Greetings Pilots, welcome to the ISD Predator Ship report for the week ending 5th December 2004…


TE: EH vs Pirates Aftermath

The EH’s first TE took place on the evening of last Saturday. Our aim was to capture the Pirate base, Fannier Station, in the Corellian System. In this, we failed. The reasons for this could be many, or a few, depending on your viewpoint. I’ll start off with the number of participants:

EH – 15

Imperials - 12
Pirates - 8
Mercs - 8
Specter-  3
SP -  1

As you can see, the EH put in the largest percentage as usual, but I’d like to point a couple of things out…in an offensive TE (which this was), a large proportion of players will be in Transports. I think these need to be discounted from totals because for all intents and purposes, they don’t fight. As for the fighters themselves, all things being equal, attackers should match the number of defending fighters. Of course, all things aren’t equal – the EH, as a whole, I think lacks the combat skills of many Server veterans, added to which we have a lower grade of fighters available to us. Of the Imperial Non-Transports, almost all were Daemon pilots, in TIE Raptors (Zacc was present in his Dreadnought).

So although we outnumbered the defenders, we didn’t have the numbers on our side in a way that counted. While I’m disappointed in the relatively low turnout (particularly from the Imps), thank you to those who did take part – LoCs will be forthcoming.

Also, it turns out that a large proportion of the attackers (non-EH) didn’t know where Fannier was actually located. So instead of the fighters arriving in one wave, they arrived piecemeal and therefore were easily picked off by the mass of defenders.

Oh – the Pirates had TF and VFSF hired on their side (even though I tried to hire the VFSF before the TE was even announced. Go figure).

Once again, thanks to all those who took part. I’m confident that there’s much more to come and I hope we put in a better showing next time.


Because we received Imperial…support in the last TE, the New Republic has declared the EH and all associated tags as hostile. This is actually a good thing since it now gives us a solid enemy to fight. I talked with Ace_TX (the new NR President) about it, and it seemed the way to go. Remember to observe all Rules of Engagement and whatnot when omgwtfpwn’ing the Rebels.

Merging of Two Tags

Over the next week I’m going to begin the process of merging two existing (non-Pred) tags – Rapax and Argosy. The ships for both tags will be used by the one tag, so far I’m undecided which name to keep. The reason for this is to make room for the new DB tag, which will be [EH_Eos] – more details on this later.

While the EH is allowed to simply add the new tag without changing existing ones, I don’t want to have too many. By merging Rapax and Argosy, we’re simply consolidating our transports anyway. Details on this will follow – for now you don’t need to do anything. Any money you loose from having to make new pilots will be reimbursed. Also note that you will be allowed to have two characters under the same tag.

Wednesday Night Rumble

Last Wednesday’s Rumble was a bit of a bust, so instead some people had 1vs1 duels. Thanks to Jesp Darkhill for presiding over that – LoCs have been awarded. Remember this week’s Rumble is at 10pm GMT / 5pm EST.

Mailing Lists

We have two fairly active mailing lists – one for the Predator and one for the Predator Staff. In the first one, anyone flying FW can join – not just Predator pilots. So this applies also to Eidolon/Argosy pilots. If you’re not on the list, please contact Keller ( to be added. Same if you think you should be on the Pred staff list (not you Paul Shinobi >:P).

Ok, for some reason this report took ages to write and there’s not much in it. I’m sure I’ll think of 10 other items the moment I hit send. Thanks for reading, as always, if you have any questions or concerns, please email me (

Sound File For Quads

Check here -


High Admiral Priyum
COO Assistant, Logistics Assistant, IWATS Professor
[DRAG] {IWATS-FW-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-NS-RT-SM/1/3-TT}
Gloriam Imperator

COM/RA Solar Macharius/ISD Predator/ASF

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