ISDII Grey Wolf Report # 44 (2004-10-24)

This report was submitted by VA Gilad Pelleaeon

ISD Grey Wolf Report #44 - 10.24.04

Ship News
-The Overconfident CMDR comp has concluded, results are currently pending some high scores that need to be processed
-Welcome Aboard SL Ethen j'Vance!
-Congrats to Lieutenant Dustein Starr on his promotion

ASF News
-Khadgar has started a comp for people to design custom missions for him

Tie Corps
-The TAC released a few new battles
-The Commerce Guild was declared hostile to the EH in Freeworlds this week, but they decided to be nice again
-There will be a Territorial Engagement on Saturday (October 30th) at Midnight GMT
-The new Sovereign BGCOM is VA Stele Pelleaon

-IS-GW awarded to LC Choosh for placing first in XvT CR 4
-IS-SW awarded to LC Choosh for placing second in XvT CR 3

-SL Dustein Starr promoted to Lieutenant

-SL Ethen j'Vance from the PLT Daedalus to Phoenix 2-2
-LC Kodiak Kereban from Vortex 2-1 to Reserves

IWATS Courses
-LT Dustein Starr - IBX - 100%
-LT Dustein Starr - AIM - 83%
-LT Dustein Starr - IIC/1 - 100%
-LT Dustein Starr - MP - 100%
-LT Dustein Starr - TLN - 93%
-LT Dustein Starr - M/1 - 100%

Ship Activity
Vortex: 9 Missions (1 Active Pilot - 14%)
Phoenix: 9 Missions (1 Active Pilot - 11%)
Crusader: 6 Missions, 6 IWATS (2 Active Pilot - 40%)
Odin: FW (1 Active Pilot - 14%)
Tartarus: 65 Missions (1 Active Pilot - 10%)
Valkyrie: Nothing (0 Active Pilots - 0%)

CS: 37 Missions, FW (2 Active Pilots - 100%)

Overall: 126 Missions, 6 IWATS FW (6 Active Pilots - 14%)

Competition Activity
Overconfident CMDRs Comp:
-Current Status: CMDR winning: 152 to 133
CM Tiamat: 89 FCHG points
CPT Keiran Laserlight: 59 FCHG points
VA Gilad Pelleaeon: 52 FCHG points
LC Choosh: 39 FCHG points
COL Pickled Yoda: 18 FCHG points
CPT Ambar Kilick: 24 FCHG points
CM Mad Max: 4 FCHG points
-The final results are pending a battle with six high scores and if they all pass, the comp will end in a Tie.

Wolfpack in WoW
Deadline: December 31st, 2004
Description: The top pilot in the XvT and XWA WoWs each month will recieve an IS-SW, IS-BW to runner up

Wolfpack Iron Star Competitions
FCHG Comp- For the pilot who gains the most FCHG Points in a month
CR Comp- For the pilot who gains the most CR Points in a month
Trivia Comp- For the pilot who answers the most Trivia questions in a month
Graphics Comp- For the pilot who submits the best graphics in a month
Beat the COM- For the pilot who beats the COM in head-to-head MP

-ISD Grey Wolf: #wingxiii
-Aggressor Strike Force: #eh_asf
-TIE Corps: #tiecorps
-Emperor's Hammer: #emperor's_hammer
-Where do you IRC?
-What you can access the EH Channels on any of the servers on the Undernet Network.
-I'm generally on most of the time if you have questions or just want to talk.

Message Boards
-Emperor's Hammer:
-TIE Corps:
-Aggressor Strike Force:
-Wing XIII:
-Vortex Squadron:
-Phoenix Squadron:
-Crusader Squadron:
-Odin Squadron:
-Tartarus Squadron:
-Valkyrie Squadron:

Commodore's Forum
I'm disappointed with the level of activity for the Overconfident CMDRs comp, the CMDRs should have had no chance of winning. I did my part and fit 10 battles into those two weeks, most of you should have been able to get atleast one done. I'll give this another shot in the future. Numbers are on the rise again, I'll probably start a recruitment comp again soon, so if you have any friends in the reserves or who have not yet joined the club, encourage them to join the ship! The end of the month is slowly approaching, so CMDRs start thinking on those MSEs!

Cordially Submitted,
Vice Admiral Gilad Pelleaeon

COM/VA Gilad Pelleaeon/ISD Grey Wolf
ISD Grey Wolf: Flagship of the Aggressor Strike Force
- Tie Corps Commander's Own from November 2003 to February 2004

Eidolon Squadron Member: [EH_EidolonSq]Gilad_Pel

BTM/GRD Gilad Pelleaeon/Apocalypse/Oriens Obscurum/Arcona
Arcona's Protector

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