ISDII Grey Wolf Report # 43 (2004-10-17)

This report was submitted by VA Gilad Pelleaeon

ISD Grey Wolf Report #43 - 10.17.04

Ship News
-Phoenix Squadron finished 4th in the Sovereign Squadron League 2004
-Welcome aboard SL Dustein Starr!
-The Overconfident CMDRs Comp continues with the current score standing at: CMDRs 59, Rest of the Ship 50. Perhaps they're not so overconfident?
-Also a note on the Overconfident CMDR's Comp, the point of a FCHG Race is to fly missions that you haven't already flown, so you can gain FCHG points (you only get them once per mission), so don't fly 53 missions that you've already flown, like someone else already did. *coughs* Keiran *coughs*
-Finally on the Overconfident CMDRs Comp, I'm currently winning it, so I'm raising the stakes, anyone who beats my score, will be COM's Own for October and get a nice medal for it. Bring it on!
-Phoenix Squadron also has a new website:

ASF News
-LC Keller is the new Wing XVI Commander
-The new Vanguard COM is RA Justin
-MAJ Daisuke Airyu is the new Wing XV Commander
-Your's truly is currently moving out fleet to engage an enemy fleet in Imperial Storm, prepare for combat soon, hopefully (If Pel manages to keep up with his project)

Tie Corps
-Wolfpack Member, Vladet Xavier was chosen to be the new Security Officer, congrats to him
-AD Proton announced his retirement after three years as Commodore of the SSSD Sovereign
-AD Mell Kerrigan announce that he will be retiring in two months.
-Neither of the two above positions are open for applications.
-The Internet Officer, FA Bevel Leeson resigned this week adding to the list of open CO positions.
-Current positions open to applications include: IO, PRF and PREX
-Praetorian won the TIE and XWA Divisions of SSL 2004, Hunter Squadron the XvT Division

-IS-GR awarded to CM Tiamat for winning TAC Competition #5


-SL Dustein Starr from the PLT Daedalus to Crusader 2-2

IWATS Courses

Ship Activity
Vortex: 15 Missions (1 Active Pilot - 17%)
Phoenix: Nothing (0 Active Pilots - 0%)
Crusader: 53 Missions (1 Active Pilot - 20%)
Odin: FW (1 Active Pilot - 14%)
Tartarus: 24 Missions (1 Active Pilot - 10%)
Valkyrie: Nothing (0 Active Pilots - 0%)

CS: 46 Missions, FW (2 Active Pilots - 100%)

Overall: 138 Missions, FW (6 Active Pilots - 14%)

Competition Activity
Overconfident CMDRs Comp:
-Current Status: CMDR winning: 59 to 50
VA Gilad Pelleaeon: 26 FCHG points
CM Tiamat: 24 FCHG points
LC Choosh: 20 FCHG points
COL Pickled Yoda: 20 FCHG points
CPT Ambar Kilick: 15 FCHG points
CM Mad Max: 4 FCHG points
-So technically if it were to end right now, I'd win my own Comp. I challenge you all to step up and outscore me, infact, I'll wager COM's Own (IS-SW) for this month on it! Don't think I'll make it easy though.
This is basically an FCHG race with two teams, one will be the CMDRs and the other team with be the rest of the ship (COM, WC, FLs, and FMs). It seems that the CMDRs believe that they can out fly the other 36 pilots on the ship. Which with the recent trend, it might be possible, but I for one am not going to sit by and let them win easily. So, the goal is to gain as many FCHG points as possible (Through SP or MP flying) from October 8th until Midnight, October 22nd. I will be keeping track of all points earned. So all you have to do is fly! Medals will be awarded to the top FOUR pilots (IS-SW to first and second, IS-BW to third and fourth). Also I guess some bragging rights will come with the victory (Ship pwning the CMDRs or CMDRs pwning the Ship). Good Luck to all participants.

Wolfpack in WoW
Deadline: December 31st, 2004
Description: The top pilot in the XvT and XWA WoWs each month will recieve an IS-SW, IS-BW to runner up

Wolfpack Iron Star Competitions
FCHG Comp- For the pilot who gains the most FCHG Points in a month
CR Comp- For the pilot who gains the most CR Points in a month
Trivia Comp- For the pilot who answers the most Trivia questions in a month
Graphics Comp- For the pilot who submits the best graphics in a month
Beat the COM- For the pilot who beats the COM in head-to-head MP

-ISD Grey Wolf: #wingxiii
-Aggressor Strike Force: #eh_asf
-TIE Corps: #tiecorps
-Emperor's Hammer: #emperor's_hammer
-Where do you IRC?
-What you can access the EH Channels on any of the servers on the Undernet Network.
-I'm generally on most of the time if you have questions or just want to talk.

Message Boards
-Emperor's Hammer:
-TIE Corps:
-Aggressor Strike Force:
-Wing XIII:
-Vortex Squadron:
-Phoenix Squadron:
-Crusader Squadron:
-Odin Squadron:
-Tartarus Squadron:
-Valkyrie Squadron:

Commodore's Forum
First off this week, welcome aboard to SL Dustein Starr. Secondly, the Overconfident CMDR's Comp is heating up a bit with the CMDR's currently winning. I'm going to add a bit more to the pot and name anyone who beats my score COM's Own. I'll probably crank out atleast a battle each night between now and Friday, so you'll have to keep up! Good luck to all of you. Next week I'll tie Khadgar's record for most continuous reports on the database, still got a ways to beating his total (66).

Finally a quote for the Week: Gilad is the COM of the freaken GW

Cordially Submitted,
Senior COM of the Emperor's Hammer TIE Corps,
Vice Admiral Gilad Pelleaeon

COM/VA Gilad Pelleaeon/ISD Grey Wolf
ISD Grey Wolf: Flagship of the Aggressor Strike Force
- Tie Corps Commander's Own from November 2003 to February 2004

Eidolon Squadron Member: [EH_EidolonSq]Gilad_Pel

BTM/GRD Gilad Pelleaeon/Apocalypse/Oriens Obscurum/Arcona
Arcona's Protector

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