ISDII Challenge Report # 7 (2005-04-18)

This report was submitted by VA Locke Setzer

ISD Challenge

Commodore Report #7


Ship News

-Well this week wasn't the most eventful, but still quite a productive one! Have quite a few people going for the top spot in the FCHG race which is nifty, and there's also been quite a bit of commotion on IRC lately in the form of confrontations with Elite CMDRs and public mocking of a former terrible Wing X WC(Not you Lee :P). All in all some good fun. Remember; competing in the FCHG race isn't just for an IS-GR! High flyers can be promised rather large awards at the end of the month... just ask a couple of the high flyers from last month ;)

-Of great significance this week was the awarding of a Silver Star to our own WC, LC Coranel Both! Cor's done a great job as WC over the past few months, and hasn't really had much of an award to show for it, so this is long overdue. Granted he'll be eligble for Colonel soon, and he'll get it, but Bubba and I agreed he deserved something now for all his work :) Congrats Cor!

-This week's Iron Mission Creation, a competition thrown by the TAC that pits two mission creators against each other and makes them build a free on a given prompt in an hour and a half, was rather Challenge-esque when LC Ric was MIA for his match against our own Tempest FL3, LCM Impulse, and I (having signed up for the comp but not put on the schedule) got to take his place. It was a great match with an excellent prompt (Protect the Challenge's alcohol shipment :P), but I ended up being declared the victor. In what may have been motivated by revenge, however, LCM Impulse beat virtually *all* of my X-Wing high scores, so I think he came out better in the long run ;) So congrats to Impulse for reminding me what happens when someone tries to score a victory on a Tempestation ;P

-For all you XvT flyers out there, COL George is attempting to form a team of XvT SP flyers who can help him with some sort of task. It's a bit hush-hush, but if you're intrested, drop him a line at

-We lost a couple Thunder pilots this week due to SWG-induced comas. Tis a bummer, but I know we have one new arrival coming into Thunder hopefully tommorrow, and with the TCBG recruiting there's certainly an incentive for bringing more in, so see if you can't drag out an old reservist, a friend, or a guy in a Vader mask on the street. Remember, recruiting will count for a lot come MSE time

-This was the first week of doing meetings in #TCBG. Bubba couldn't make it, so I ran the meeting. Ended up being a bunch of Chal pilots, and then two Immers. Due to that, I provided Colossus news and George provided Relentless news. Which basically means that the meeting in #TCBG was the same meeting we would have had except with an IS-GR up for grabs for trivia and a lot more Collie and Rel bashing. I declare success. Check out these meetings, every Sunday at 6:00 PM EST (-05.00 GMT) in #TCBG. Don't hesitate to email me if you're not sure what time the meetings occur in your time zone.

TIE Corps Battlegroups News

-The big piece of news for the TCBG was of course the promotion of our beloved BGCOM, BubbaX, who was promoted to full-Admiral this week. And I remember when he was just my little WC... *tear* ;)

Regardless, congrats to AD BubbaX for a well-deserved promotion! Drinks are totally on him for the rest of the month :P


Recruit or Die - The pilots of the TCBGs will recruit as many members as possible from the reserves, real life, other online communities, or through helping cadets on Daedalus. At the end of the month, the three highest-recruiting pilots will recieve an IS-GR, an IS-SR and a IS-BR respectively. Success in recruiting will also go a long way in determining end of the month awards.

Wing X "I have too much free time" Comp - A three-week long FCHG race, to conclude the month of April. Whomever flies the most during the period will win a IS-SW, with the runner-up taking an IS-BW.

TCBG Weekly Trivia Meetings in #TCBG/Challenge Meetings in #wing_x - Each week at a set time (6pm EST Sundays), all members of the TCBG are invited to attend a weekly IRC ship meeting in #TCBG, where one session of trivia or other IRC-based events will be held. An IS-GR to any member who wins the most weekly trivia in a month, IS-SR to any member who wins at least two, IS-BR to any member who wins one week. Also, an IS-SR to the member with the highest attendance (who actually participated in the meeting, didn't just idle). Afterwards, a short meeting discussing the events of the ship will occur in #wing_x.
This week's Trivinator: LC Coranel Both!

Pilot of the Week/Month - Every week Cor will choose a pilot to be pilot of the week. Then at the end of the month, I will choose one of them and declare them the "Pilot of the Month". The PotM will recieve a IS-SR, while the remaining PotWs will be given IS-BRs.
This week's PotW: CM TK-9780!
Last week's PotW: LT Katherine Cantor Flyer
1st week's PotW: CM Dulcatos

Squadron of the Month - Every month I will declare a squadron the squadron of the month. The CMDR will be awarded the IS-SR, and any member he believes helped his squadron achieve that award will be awarded an IS-BR.
March 2005 Squadron of the Month: Inferno Squadron

Fleet News

-Not really directly fleet news, but tickets for Episode 3 went on sale this weekend! I have my tickets for the midnight showing of it... do you have yours? If not, you should ;P If you live in the U.S., check out or to get your hands on some tickets before they're sold out... even if the movie isn't playing for another month ;P

-Congrats go out to LC Apophis Kuma for becoming the new WC of Wing XIV!

-Congrats also go out to Pickled Yoda, who was promoted to Vice Admiral! Woo!

Ship Statistics


Total Missions: 8
Medals: 0

Total Missions: 214 (Amazing Just plain amazing. TK, Kate, George, all of you guys just plain out ruled when it came to flying this week :D)
Medals: 5

Total Missions: 11
Medals: 4

Total Missions: 51 (Not a bad start guys for your first real week out :))
Medals: 3

Total Missions: 30 (Mostly the work of Impulse, but I wanna give a nod to Tempest for having a weekly mission that the majority of the squad participates in. Nice to see some real teamwork developing there :))
Medals: 5

Command Staff
Total Missions:
Medals: 2

CMDR/LC Chris McCollum/Tornado/Wing X/ISD Challenge - ISM
CMDR/LC Chris McCollum/Tornado/Wing X/ISD Challenge - IS-SR
CMDR/LC Chris McCollum/Tornado/Wing X/ISD Challenge - IS-SR

FM/LT Marlin/Typhoon 1-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge - IS-SW
FM/COL George/Typhoon 2-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge - MoC-BoC
FM/COL George/Typhoon 2-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge - IS-SR
FM/COL George/Typhoon 2-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge - IS-BW
FM/COL George/Typhoon 2-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge - LoC

CMDR/CPT Daniel Bonini/Tempest/Wing X/ISD Challenge - IS-SW
CMDR/CPT Daniel Bonini/Tempest/Wing X/ISD Challenge - IS-SW
CMDR/CPT Dirty Vader/Inferno/Wing X/ISD Challenge - IS-BR
FM/LCM Mike Keyman/Tempest 2-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge - CoB
FL/LCM Impulse/Tempest 3-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge - IS-BW

CMDR/CPT Dirty Vader/Inferno/Wing X/ISD Challenge - BS
CMDR/CPT Dirty Vader/Inferno/Wing X/ISD Challenge - LoA
CMDR/CPT Dirty Vader/Inferno/Wing X/ISD Challenge - LoA
FM/COL Bill Kelso/Inferno 1-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge - IS-SR

WC/LC Coranel Both/Wing X/ISD Challenge - IS-BR
WC/LC Coranel Both/Wing X/ISD Challenge - SS

FL/LCM Impulse/Tempest 3-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge - TT (100%)
FL/LCM Impulse/Tempest 3-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge - mIRC/1 (100%)
FL/LCM Impulse/Tempest 3-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge - mIRC/2 (100%)
FL/LCM Impulse/Tempest 3-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge - HTML/1 (100%)
FL/LCM Impulse/Tempest 3-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge - HTML/2 (100%)

High Scores
CMDR/CPT Daniel Bonini/Tempest/Wing X/ISD Challenge - FREE-TIE #154 - 1 (high score)
FL/LCM Impulse/Tempest 3-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge - XW-TC #1 - 5 (high on all but m3)
FL/LCM Impulse/Tempest 3-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge - XW-TC #3 - 8 (high on all but m7)
FL/LCM Impulse/Tempest 3-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge - XW-TC #7 - 4 (high on all)
FL/LCM Impulse/Tempest 3-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge - XW-TC #9 - 4 (high on all)

FM/LT Katherine Cantor Flyer/Typhoon 2-3/Wing X/ISD Challenge - XvT-TC #105 - 5 (high on m4)
FM/LT Katherine Cantor Flyer/Typhoon 2-3/Wing X/ISD Challenge - XvT-TC #109 - 6 (high scores on all missions)
FM/CM TK-9780/Typhoon 3-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge - XvT-DB #13 - 6 (high on m5)

So ends this week. Had quite a bit of flying by a good amount of people, and the amount of activity is certainly impressive, especially for the month of April, which is traditionally a low-period for activity. But leave it to the Challenge to disprove an old tradition ;) Keep up the great work guys, as always you're just making this ship a better and better place to serve :)

Respectfully Submitted,

COM-TCT-TCS/VA Locke Setzer/ISD Challenge

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