ISDII Immortal Report # 18 (2003-03-17)

This report was submitted by VA RogueWing

Quote of the Week
" *`Snij refists Drake"

Fleet News
-The EH has a 1 vs 1 ladder set up now. For XWA pilots, it's located at
-The Relentless COM position is open for applications. All apps go to HA Pri and VA Krax.
-New missions have been released included XWA-Free 96.

News That You Can Use
-Congratulations go to CPT Hiles, who is the new CMDR for Phantom Squadron. We expect great things from Phantom in the future!
-GN Badlands has started a WC Own's comp. More details in his weekly report. :p
-We should be seeing some new recruits soon. I've gotten several new ones into Daedalus that are working on there training requirements now.

COM's Rant
This week's Rant is brought to you by the Letter T. For all the little toys and tiddlywinks out there, this is for you.
Okay, Multiplayer. I know that we aren't a MP ship technically, but we do have some fine MP pilots with us. Vinny, Gutt, uh...can't remember right now...
Anyway, the point is, we need to be making more of an impact in the MP aspects of the TC. Also, let's get out on the Zone and start showing those wussies there what it really means to be an Immortal!!

Ship News
-Despite our attempts, the three space monkeys continue to run wild. They were last seen heading toward Demon's barracks...
-Mosh's gundark is recovering from his rather tramautic experience with the monkeys and their banana. Until he is pronounced well, everyone give him plenty of space.
-CPT Hiles reported hearing sounds coming from the air conditioner vents in her quarters. It's unknown whether they were made by the monkeys or by some lonely pilot.
-One of our TIE Phantoms reportly "buzzed" the bridge on the ISD Colossus. The COM there has asked me to find out who it was and have them report over there to clean up the mess the bridge officers made when they were startled.

Project Legacy
We've had several people step forward to help with the recruiting program. Right now, the following pilots are considered our "Roughnecks":

VA RogueWing-XWA Zone ToD
LT Tremayne- Foreign Language ToD
MAJ Mosh- Star Wars Websites ToD

Already this is showing results. We've got several pilots who are awaiting assignment and should be reporting for duty soon. If you would like to be a Roughneck and help recruit, contact me for your Tour of Duty.

Competition Corner

-Name the Mascots comp is running. Now that I've imported 3 space monkeys to be our mascots, they need names. Send suggestions to myself and BL for judging or post on our MB. (Last chance!)
-New graphic comp. Each pilot may submit up to 5 different graphics. They must be around the size of 400 x 200 and feature the ISD Immortal and a recruiting slogan. This will be used by our Roughnecks as they prowl other Message Boards on the lookout for recruits. Due by Thursday! (Last chance!)

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