ISDII Challenge Report # 2 (2003-05-07)

This report was submitted by RA Sephiroth

Top Gun Race:
--> Fly TIE-Free #114 to prove who's the best in the BG's. Due tomorrow

Welcome aboard:
-->CPT Braxus(Typhoon), LT Zarn(Typhoon), SL Cheriss (Inferno)

I hate Yahoo:
-->It get's really aggravating when I have to constantly re-enter my user name and password for every little link I click on. And I've got IE set to allow cookies.

Paint Job Competition:
-->Congrats to Woody on his winning suggestion...Nick: The StormĀ“s Eye, Motto: Storm is our business, destruction our target, fear our ally

-->Anyone who's been on the Challenge as long as I have now knows that sometimes we all get a little crazy in IRC, and might do things to each other that wouldn't be tolerated by others. One of those is ops abuse. Kicking without reason is ops abuse, and I know it happens...usually ending with some laughs from the kicked and kicker. But if someone after the first time is kicked, asks you to stop..then stop. If you don't stop, then it really does become Op's abuse. I enjoy the good natured joking around on this ship, but please be aware of others feelings.

COM/RA Sephiroth/ISD Challenge

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