ISDII Grey Wolf Report # 17 (2003-06-28)

This report was submitted by VA Khadgar

ISD Grey Wolf Report #17 - 06.28.03

Pilot's Lounge

"It is time to go now."
"Thanks again..."
"Oh, I'll still be around."
Archon stepped on to the shuttle which would take him to the M/FRG Phoenix.
Someone stepped in as Archon went off.
"Wait, if you're here, who is flying the ship?"
"Oh, don't worry, we've got Auto-Pilot."

Meanwhile, someone slowly moved towards the flight controls.
The "Auto-Pilot" was fully inflated and shifting the controls as needed.
The man raised a concealed dagger, and stabbed the "Auto-Pilot".

The ship rocked, and Khadgar quickly ran to the helm of the Grey Wolf and took over the controls.
"You get the feeling someone doesn't like us," Khadgar mused.
"First those fighters, now this!"

Letters from the Cardinal...

This week, my assistant and I will demonstrate classic strategies to help you improve your Multiplayer game in X-Wing vs TIE Fighter.
I will start out this week with the classic strategy used during the game's early days.
By that, I mean I will be running to my opponent's computer, and attempting to disable his joystick.
My opponent will be countering by attempting to keep his joystick plugged in, and at the same time, destroying my unpiloted craft for easy points.
*X-Wing vs TIE Fighter match starts up.*
*Cardinal runs for the opponent's joystick, unplugs it despite fierce resistance, and throws it aside.*
*Cardinal then runs back to his computer.*
Now, you'll note that if you are able to complete this strategy, your opponent will be left floating aimlessly in space, making for an easy point...
*Cardinal plugs the joystick trigger, vaporizing the enemy fighter.*


- Lieutenant Colonel Archon retired as Wing Commander this week. Applications are currently not being accepted.
- LC Archon plans to E-Mail me the results to Hammer to Counterattack. More on that later.
- I will be away on July 1st through 5th.


None this week.


LT Lazyleesblood was awarded an Commendation of Bravery (CoB) for flying the required number of missions, plus more!

IWATS Courses

None this week.

War Room

Battlestats Ladder
Deadline: Ongoing.
Description: Battlestats based ladder for Multiplayer EH pilots.

EH Newsletter Submission Incentives
Deadline: Monthly.
URL: and
Description: Iron Stars are being given to ASF pilots who can produce either Image of the Month or a cover image for a Newsletter!

COM's Protector
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Top overall pilot of the month as chosen by the Commodore.

Deadline: Monthly.
Description: The pilot to gain the most FCHG points each month wins.

CR Competition
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: The pilot to gain the most Combat Rating points each month wins.

Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Awards given to the best graphical submissions each month.

Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Awards given to the best fiction submissions each month.

Beat the COM
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Given to the first pilot to beat the Commodore in a Multiplayer match each month.

Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Given to the pilot who is able to correctly answer the COM's weekly trivia faster than anyone else, and the most times in a month.

Commodore's Office

The big news this week is the retirement of our WC.
I'd like to thank him again for his service.
A new WC will be in place before my leave.

That's all this week!

Picture of the Week

ISD Grey Wolf
Flag Officers - 1
Vortex - 8
Phoenix - 7
Crusader - 8
Odin - 6
Tartarus - 9
Valkyrie - 4
Total: 43

In the service of the Empire,

Vice Admiral Khadgar
ISD Grey Wolf Commodore

COM/VA Khadgar/ISD Grey Wolf

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