ISDII Grey Wolf Report # 26 (2001-11-02)

This report was submitted by VA Khadgar

ISD Grey Wolf Report #26 - 11.02.01

Pilot's Lounge

Cya, Rebels!

Khadgar sat at his desk, "All right, since the ship is in crisis, we must do this!"
"But sah, I da naw think a can hold 'er much longa!" an engineer replied.
"Turn the the Lag Generators to full and keep them on, Snotty! Everyone on the ship must be lagged out on the ship except us!"
"Aye Aye, COM!"
The Lag Generators turned to full, and suddenly each person on the Grey Wolf froze in their spots except Khadgar and Snotty.
"Okay," Khadgar said, "Let's find out the source of this".
Khadgar and Snotty made their way to the bridge, where they discovered something...

"Look, this one has a Rebel Rank Badge in his pocket, plus several Rebel medals!"
Snotty pondered, "Ack, COM, I dun naw know what it all means! I ca naw hold this deep thought much longa!"
"You ninny, it means they're Rebels!"
"Of course, COM!"
Khadgar dragged all of the Rebels on the ship to an airlock.
"All right Snotty, turn off the lag!"
"Aye Aye, COM!"
Soon, the Rebels came to life.
"Oh no! Khadgar has got us again!"
Admiral Blumphang started crying, "I just wanted a Medal of Dishonor *Sob*! Rebels have feelings too *Sob*!"
Eras Du'kai looked sternly at Khadgar, "If you wanted to make Admiral Blumphang the Mighty cry, mission accomplished!"
Khadgar sighed and pressed a red button, releasing the Rebels into space.
He then pressed the "Intercom On" button, "Oh, and Rebels, if you ever call the Grey Wolf a garbage scow again, I will personally see to it that you each never have any money to bribe with ever again!"
Khadgar heard screams of terror as he grinned and walked back down the deck.

Khadgar then walked into the "Wolf's Head".
"Hey," a pilot said, "fly me in the simulator!"
"Erm, I'm rather busy..."
"Oh come on, just one!"
"Hah Hah! I'll kick your arse to the next quadrant, Khadgar!"
Khadgar walked down the halls and got into a TIE Interceptor simulator.

Ten Minutes Later...

"I can't believe this!"
"I guess the drinks are on you," Khadgar said, grinning.

Wing XIII Monastery

From the Desk of Cardinal Khadgar...

The Cardinal needs your help!

We need able missionaries to go to PLT Daedalus and help train Cadets that can potentially be for the ISD Grey Wolf.
Suggested methods of helping Training are:
- Bribery with Cash
- Bribery with Medals
- Bribery with Promotion Promises

Ohhh, wait... That says you must recruit honesty! Sorry about that!
Instead, I guess you'll have to be ambitious and try to help Cadets on Daeadalus train, plus go to the Reserves and invite people back.

Well then, why are you still reading this? Get going!


New ASF Competition Coming Fly, fly, fly! Yes that's right, go fly Multiplayer! Most preferred frequently and in large quantities, Multiplayer participation can help the Grey Wolf win this Competition! It's not just a good idea... It's an idea that you will get kicked in the arse if you don't carry it out! :P


The following was submitted yesterday from RA Brucmack:

"The second round of EH vs. UPA competition starts tomorrow (Since this was submitted yesterday - The Competition started today! - VA Khadgar)! Some of you might remember the first one that took place a bit less than a year and a half ago.

Like any challenge competition, it will be hosted by Battlestats. Links to the war sites are available in the entries in the combat calendar, which should be visible on the right side of this page as well. For tips on getting signed up, see my first COO report.

Good luck, and good hunting!"

ASF Audit

I require a status update on those audits, let's get all of them in!

Commodore's Office

As if anyone is actually reading this... My guess is that everyone has already gotten bored and skipped over to the Picture of the Week. However, if you're still reading...

The objectives for November are Recruitment and Multiplayer. I will be E-Mailing suggestions for both topics (and already have sent some mails), so stay sharp for those.

Numerous medals were given out for ASF:SC III. Some of them got denied (i.e. the Silver Stars), so new medals will be recommended and issued.

I have been working on the Grey Wolf Hall of Fame and other various things, so keep checking your Inboxes for updates!

War Room

For information on weekly multiplayer competitions, visit the Combat Center. (

For single player battles, visit the Battle Center. (

For information on special competitions, visit the TO Competition Office. (

Picture of the Week

Don't mess with us!

ISD Grey Wolf
Flag Officers - 2
Vortex - 10
Phoenix - 10
Crusader - 4
Odin - 6
Tartarus - 10
Valkyrie - 7
Total: 49

Respectfully Submitted,

Vice Admiral Khadgar
ISD Grey Wolf Commodore

COM/VA Khadgar/ISD Grey Wolf
SSx2/BS/PCx8/ISMx15/MoT-2gh/IS-2BR/LoC-PSx52/CoL/CoB/LoAx6/OV [EXCR] {IWATS-AIM-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-PHP/1-SM/2-TT-VBS-XTM}

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