ISDII Grey Wolf Report # 24 (2001-10-19)

This report was submitted by VA Khadgar

ISD Grey Wolf Report #24 - 10.19.01

Pilot's Lounge

"A day in the life of the Combat Operations Officer."

Rear Admiral Brucmack stepped into his office.
He sat at his desk, and looked through his mail?
"What's this!?" he exclaimed aloud.
"Please award an LoC to VA Khadgar? Not a chance!"
Brucmack marched onto the deck and found the Competition host.
"What's this about giving Combat Medals to VA Khadgar?"
"Well, erm... He did fairly well in a Combat Event..."
"Big no no! You do not give any sort of Combat Medals to VA Khadgar! This Office has a certain pride that it needs to maintain!"
"Yes sir."

Brucmack returned to his office and looked at another mail.
"Blasted, WoW participation is down."
Brucmack called up his intercom function for the ISDs.
"Okay, listen up everyone! Follow these steps to fly in XvT WoW:"
2. follow instructions and request to be added to the EH
3. wait for me to approve your entrace into the EH club (no more than one day)
4. Visit the war site at (note that this is just the address for the current war, it will change next war. The address for the war site will always be listed on the Combat Center WoW entry on the Combat Calendar)
5. Read the rules section. This is very important :)
6. Read the instructions for reporting matches found here
7. Play, and good luck!
8. If your name is "Khadgar", complain about how remarkably laggy the game was, and how frankly, the guy that was hosting should never host any games as long as he lives.

Brucmack heard various snores over the intercom.
"Did I mention that we are fighting for the Empire and that there are MEDALS involved?"
With that, a large mob of pilots headed for their TIEs and took off towards the Week of War Competition. With that, Brucmack typed up a COO Report and then proceeded to his Toscan Fighter to pick up a Generous Round of LoCs(TM) for the day.

In the Wolf's Head, Khadgar was cracking his whip.
"Okay, we've got a Multiplayer Competition coming up in November! Get out to the WoW!"
"But sir, I don't feel like flying at WoW..." said one pilot.
The whip cracked again, nearer to that pilot, and the pilot ran like never before to his TIE.

"Now then," said Khadgar, "just need to get some paperwork done and I can hopefully go to WoW."

Wing XIII Monastery

Have you always wanted to make your own Star Wars novel plot, but lack ideas?
Now your time has come to write Star Wars novels, the same way many authors do!

Just fill in the following Template, and you'll be set!

The New Republic is in political turmoil because (NAME OF PLANET OR PERSON) is very angry. He is angry because (EVENT i.e. THE PLANET GOT FAKE EVIDENCE THAT THE NEW REPUBLIC IS WORKING AGAINST THEM). This is all a master plan from the Imperial Warlord (NAME OF IMPERIAL WORLD). (NAME OF WARLORD), and his fleet of Star Destroyers are threatening to destroy the New Republc. But that's not all, (NAME OF WARLORD) also has (a) new weapon(s) that will challenge the New Republic (NAME OF SUPERWEAPON i.e. SHOULD HAVE A NAME THAT IMPLIES IT DESTROYS SOMETHING BIG, LIKE SUN CRUSHER). In this time of distress, it is up to Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and the usual gang to say the day. (IMPERIAL WARLORD) attacks several worlds, and hope looks grim. However, the New Republic heroes and their ally (ALLY NAME) finally defeat (NAME OF WARLORD) because (INSERT EVENT THAT LEADS TO THE WARLORD'S DEMISE).

Was that so hard? See, it's easy to create your own novels! Now then, please send a good portions of your profits to the Cardinal, because you owe him!


ASF:SC III Results Released!

Yes, the recent ASF:SC III results... Placing the Grey Wolf nicely ahead of the pack. :)

Ship Score Percent
Grey Wolf 15505 67.67
Intrepid 4357 19.02
Vanguard 3049 13.31
TOTAL: 22911

Once again, excellent work to all! For full results, please see AD Cyric's E-Mail.

New Admin Function

Yes, SA Kawolski has given CMDRs and above a new admin function to play with (and there was much rejoicing)!
Upload Banner is now availible to upload unit banners for approval.
This means you no longer send banners to SA Kawolski and/or FA Priyum for approval.

New ASF Competition Coming

AD Cyric has announced that he will have a Competition taking place for the whole of November for all ASF units.
The scoring will be based COMPLETELY on Multiplayer events. More details at I hope to see every member of Wing XIII making an effort to prepare for this event!

X-Wing vs TIE Fighter Week of War!

Please read the following from RA Brucmack's COO Report:

"The X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter week of war has started. Participation has been poor the past few WoWs, so I am hoping that more will make an effort to attend this time. I was in contact with the flag officers of the ASF earlier this week, encouraging them especially to help and encourage their members to take part. However, it's not just the ASF that should be involved... there are many other multiplayer pilots in primarily single player wings that should be encouraged and rewarded for activity. It is the premier multiplayer event in the Star Wars flight sim community, and it is important that we take part.

Along with WoW announcements, last month's X-Wing Alliance WoW was archived today. (In other words, the dispute clearing phase was passed and the results are now final). Here is a summary of EH activity:

Wing X: 1 game played (1-0-0), 1 player participating Wing XIII: 50 games played (49-1-0), 1 player participating Wing XV: 6 games played (2-2-2), 1 player participating Avenger Elite: 5 games played (0-5-0), 1 player participating Total: 62 games played (52-8-2), 4 players participating Overall EH Standing: 12th Place of 25 ranked clubs

Though our place was alright, this was only because our win statistics were good, not because of a large amount of activity. We could certainly surpass this mark if we could get 20 people flying and at least 100 games."

With all that in mind, and the fact that this would be excellent practice for Cyric's Competition, I would everyone possible to attend the WoWs!

Commodore's Office

MSEs should be released shortly.

This week I've been working a bit on a new Project which I will announce shortly. Expect to also see some webpage updates in the near future!

Please practice Multiplayer so that we can do well in Cyric's Competition!

Good work in the SC Competition, you've done me proud!

War Room

For information on weekly multiplayer competitions, visit the Combat Center. (

For single player battles, visit the Battle Center. (

For information on special competitions, visit the TO Competition Office. (

Picture of the Week

An excellent James Bond parody. I found this on a link from the EH Domain. :P

ISD Grey Wolf
Flag Officers - 2
Vortex - 9
Phoenix - 10
Crusader - 10
Odin - 10
Tartarus - 10
Valkyrie - 7
Total: 57

Respectfully Submitted,

Vice Admiral Khadgar
ISD Grey Wolf Commodore

COM/VA Khadgar/ISD Grey Wolf
SSx2/BS/PCx8/ISMx15/MoT-2gh/IS-1BR/LoC-PSx52/CoL/CoB/LoAx6/OV [EXCR] {IWATS-AIM-IIC/1-M/1-PHP/1-SM/2-VBS-XTM}

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