SSSD Sovereign Report # 29 (2002-03-25)

This report was submitted by VA Proton


COM/VA Proton reporting for the SSSD Sovereign, flagship of the Emperor's
Hammer Strike Fleet.

Wing commanders, pass this along to your squadrons, and cc: me on those


-- 5-11 p.m. eastern time Friday, March 29, Sovereign XvT pilots vs. Renegade
Fleet in #Sovereign vs. Renegade. If you can walk, chew gum and fly XvT at
the same time, you are expected to show up so we can again eradicate the
Rebel scum.

-- Deadline is March 25 for nominated names for the Sovereign multiplayer

-- Imperial Storm III tactical staff named:
TFA: COM/VA Proton
A-TFA: WC/GN SickMan/Wing V
XWA Tacticians:
FM/CM Ninja/Kappa
FM/LC Joe/Omega
CMDR/LC Adolf/Beta
FM/LCM Sir Ace/Beth
TIE Tacticians:
CMDR/CM Philo/Yod
CMDR/COL Stele Pellaeon/Sin
FL/COL Darth Vader/Omega

Still awaiting word on commencement of hostilities.

-- Sov free mission blast No. 1 results:
Squadron bragging rights (most entries): Omega
GN Reaper/Wing IV - 23,257 (Iron Star-Gold Wings - 132.88% of XWA hs)
CM Tempest/Kappa - 66,245 (Iron Star-Silver Wings - 100.2% of TIE hs)
CPT John Doe/Sin - 66,145 (Iron Star-Bronze Wings - 100.1% of TIE hs)

-- Return of the Rat Pack, Rats defeat Wing V CMDRs. The Rats move to 3-2 in
the series. Next up: Wing VI CMDRs. Flying TC TIE Battle 191, deadline April

-- The Flight Office is concerned that many CMDRs and other officers are not
following the Fleet Standing Orders. All command personnel are hereby ordered
to review the SOs:

-- Omega Squadron may face off in competition vs. Scorpion Squadron.

-- Colonel Kramer, former longtime SovCOM, has retired from Omega Squadron
and has been granted his former rank of Fleet Admiral. Good luck in the
Reserves, CCK, and don't be a stranger!


SSSD Sovereign [192]
Wing I [37]
Wing II [26]
Wing III [35]
Wing IV [36]
Wing V [29]
Wing VI [28]
Omega Squadron [11]


IRC channel: #SSSD_Sovereign
Message board:


"me grabs Vader by the arm and drags him off
Its beer and bed for you young man, you've been over stimulated haven't you
:P" -GN Reaper

"I thought Sov pilots were a raucuous, disgusting bunch of debased scuzzbags
..." -VA Proton

" *Sniff* You DO care, Proton! *Sniff* I feel a hug coming on..." -LC

"I vote number 3 you monkey BBQing freak!:P You will pay for what you did!"
-CPT Murkrow Defender

"DV has also now completed every single TIE Free Mission in his mad quest to
reach Templar. He has now been certified insane. I unfortunately discovered -
after I had already shipped him off - that our cantina doubles as the
psychotic ward. He is now drooling in a medicated stupor by the pool table.
Please do not approach him unless he has been confined first. I would also
like to note that while he has flown all these battles, I have had to process
them. I think I got a raw deal." -GN Devin

"I chose # 4. And MD the BBQ'ed monkey was delicious. Let me know when we
have another comp, I'll get more PSI Brand (TM) BBQ sauce." -MAJ Nurel Turr

"*MD watchs as Sicky wires his new stick into his ship and takes off to fly a
mission but promtly hits an asteroid after exiting teh hangar* man when will
he ever learn not to drink and fly?:P " -CPT Murkrow Defender

"I can hear my liver whimpering in a corner." -GN Devin

"You still have a liver?" -GN Compton

"I keep mine in a jar, on my desk, as a souvenir. Pickled, of course. ;> "
-COL Tiberius

TK-1512 lifted his head up from the bar, wiping a drunken hand across his
unshaven face. His blood-shot eyes followed the trail of Omega pilots
wandering into the cantina.
"Shit," he muttered to himself, "those bastards had to show up."
Whirling around, Devin placed the palm of his hand on the blaster strapped to
his belt. "Did I hear your toothless, diseased mouth say something?"
"No, sir."
"Good. Drinks all around. You better watch it old timer."
TK-1512 grunted and thought, "You ain't so young yourself, buddy."
The pilots of Omega sat in their usual spots around the cantina taking their
drinks from the bartender. TK-1512 walked over to Devin and asked, "Which one
of you flyboys is paying?"
All eyes immediately started to wander around the room. Devin cleared his
throat and said "Janich."
"What!?" cried Janich. "Boss, you know we don't get paid until Friday. You
were the one who invited us here anyway! What did I do?"
"You got promoted. Pay up, Lt. Colonel."
Congratulations Janich!
" -GN Devin

"No thanks MD. I believe when I arrived on the Sov, the handout I was given
said 'Do not accept food cooked by Wing V.' I must assume there is a
perfectly logical reason for that :P" -COL Torres

" *MD Shoots the ewok in the head* Dam buggers! Messing up perfectly good
places! So AED, you up for some wing V brand salty ewok snacks?" -CPT Murkrow

"Bah, take out the T/A's with quad lasers. I don't need no stinkin' tractor
beam." -COL Brian

"I tell ya, sometimes computers are enough to drive you to drink...
Unfortunately, I'm too broke. :P" -CPT Josh Popelka

"You did drink a ceremonial glass of sake before writing that, right? ;)"
-MAJ Manijak

" Wow, that's a sorry state of affairs. A computer drive man insane -
insanity causes man to desire alcohol - desire for alcohol makes man realize
his lack of funds - lack of funds lead man back into insanity. A one-two
punch of computers and money (or lack thereof)." -LCM Dan Jenkins

"I know it truely is shocking, but what can ya do. What with drinking,
distilling, brewing, ewok pimpin. gambling and that's just in the Wing IV
Quarters :P" -GN Reaper

"Yes, that's right! Not wanting to totally sink my career by running an "IQ
Test" on the SovCom himself, I've set Mike and myself on the path to proving
the greatest conspiracy of all!
No, Elvis is DEAD.
I'm saying this: Mike stumbled upon an astounding theory... Gallows and
Proton are ONE AND THE SAME!!!
My GOD! It's diabolical! " -LC Freelancer

Top 10 signs you're an Omega Emeritus pilot:
10. Letters like CCK, LWK, DV, and X have special meaning to you.
9. You have more medals than three-quarters of the fleet, and wonder why they
don't have any.
8. You know the sweet, sweet agony of command. Paperwork anyone?
7. You can refer to CS members by their *real* names.
6. You can actually *avoid* being convicted by the HCI.
5. The Flight Office is so glad you're transferring to the reserves, you get
4. You've actually said the words "Why the Hell would I want my own ship?"
3. Your liver is nothing more than a pleasant memory.
2. You laugh at COL DV for still having his.
And the number one sign you might be an Omega Emeritus:
1.You get more squadron e-mails AFTER you retire! ;> " -COL Tiberius

Janich slowly blinked his eyes open, crust and grit reluctantly giving way.
The world seemed to have realigned itself 90 degrees to the right until he
figured out that his head was firmly planted against a table. Trying to
raise his head, Janich felt the Combined Imperial Orchestral Drum Section
pounding away in a dissonant rhythm. "What crapped in my mouth last night?"
was the one coherent thought he could focus on, as a paste the consistancy of
oatmeal seemed to have locked his tongue to the roof of his mouth. With a
heroic lurch, Janich raised his head off the cantina table to see TK-1512
polishing a mug with a greasy rag.
"So, you're awake. 'Bout freaking time." The barkeep's mood was
sour as always.
"Where's the train that hit me, and hit the rest of this place?" The
Omega cantina was a shambles of broken furniture, spilled liquor, and the
bones of a half-eaten, spit-roasted, Bar-B-Qed ewok. One or two other
apparantly lifeless forms littered the tables and floor.
"Bah, you should know, it was your party, Colonel."
Looking down as a stained and rumpled tunic, Janich noticed that his Major
tabs were gone, replaced by the insiginis of a Lieutenant Colonel.
"By the way," the bartended continued, "Here's your bill."
- LC Janich

COM/VA Proton/SSSD Sovereign

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