SSSD Sovereign Report # 13 (2001-12-03)

This report was submitted by VA Proton


COM/VA Proton reporting for the SSSD Sovereign, flagship of the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet.

Wing commanders, pass this along to your squadrons.


-- Return of the Rat Pack competition being planned. Starting in January, the Sov flags will face CMDRs of each wing in six consecutive two-week battles. In the seventh round, the new Rat Pack will face Omega Squadron. Former SovCOM Kramer has selected the battles to be flown. I'll be seeking approval of the competition this week from the Training Office.

-- WC/LC Kalar has started a Wing Commander's Honor Guard for Wing III, sounds interesting.

-- Star Wars gangsta rap, pointed out by LCM Dierdre Varn. This thing is pretty funny:

-- COL SickMan has ordered Airlock 21 closed until activity improves dramatically in Wing V. Hard to fault SickMan, after only three or so pilots flew in a test of honor against Wing VIII >:(

-- Mascot Power Battles, round three, graphics in progress, COL SickMan officiating.

-- LCM Jack Stone's Ultimate Scramble, an FCHG race that runs into the new year. **Glances at inbox total, 256 BSFs, yow!!**


-- Design a bad guy competition. HA Astatine reports: There is a new competition running, "Design a bad guy". Basically the idea is to design an enemy for the EH. The best will be selected for use in future competitions. For details, go to

-- 2,000 missions in the Mission Compendium. FA Striker reports:
327 Battles, 300 Free Missions, for a total of 2,000 missions online... check out the latest TAC report for the celebrations.

-- Mission-skipping crackdown. See FA Striker's report on the TC news page about a crackdown under way against unwarranted mission skipping.

-- GA Ronin attended the Emperor's Hammer meeting on IRC on Saturday. He said he wanted to thank and congratulate the members of the EH for all they have done to make the club so successful. So, consider yourselves thanked by the Grand Admiral himself!

-- GA Ronin also noted that the EH is getting a lot more exposure and links on the Web sites of stars of the Star Wars films, which should help us out in the long run. It's also all the more reason that we should all be doing recruiting -- get your friends, neighbors and enemies to join today!!

-- FA Priyum Patel announces two commodore appointments:
Rear Admiral Darklord - ISD Challenge
Rear Admiral Grail SoulChaser - ISD Subjugator


-- The Comfy Chair that FA Kramer used to reward the WC with the most members has been shipped away to The Warehouse for storage. But it's a shame to leave the La-Z-WC in there in the dark with nothing to keep it company but stale scorpion droppings -- I'll have Dude bring it back out of storage for the first WC to get his wing back up to 45 members. Meantime, SickMan and Aylius Khan continue on waste-chute polishing detail as long as their wings remain below 30 pilots. (In other words, come on, all you WCs, get some recruiting going!! Make your wings *the* places to be!)

SSSD Sovereign [210]
Wing I [36]
Wing II [35]
Wing III [41]
Wing IV [40]
Wing V [28]
Wing VI [29]

Omega Squadon [12]


"I just want the Britney picture." -CPT Janich/Omega

COM/VA Proton/SSSD Sovereign

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