ISDII Grey Wolf Report # 36 (2002-01-11)

This report was submitted by VA Khadgar

ISD Grey Wolf Report #36 - 01.11.02

Pilot's Lounge

Where is the bomb?

Answer to last week's mystery!

Last week, I posted a mystery, here is the solution:

First, it should be noted that the bomb could have been placed in either the Swimming Pool area, Tennis Courts, the Bridge, the Hangar Bay or the Cantina.

Our first clue is the security guard saying, "No sir, I watched them like a hawk, there is no way that the bomb could be on your bridge."
This eliminates the Bridge (You do trust the Grey Wolf's staff, don't you? :P).

The next clue that is important is at the very end of the mystery:
"Khadgar uttered a single word and then fell to the ground."
Since he only uttered a single word, that means he must have been in one of the one word rooms, the Bridge or the Cantina. Since the Bridge was eliminated, we can logically conclude that the bomb must be hidden in the Cantina!

This week's fiction

Khadgar uttered a single word and then fell to the ground.
"Cantina... *Thud*"
"The bomb is in the Cantina!"
A horde of pilots (TM) ran to the cantina.
Captain Hev Randrowan yelled, "There's a bomb in here!"
Colonel Azazel got up, "That officer is drunk, take him to his quarters."
"No, there's a bomb in here!"
"Sure there is..."
Another officer raised his blaster and shot Colonel Azazel's chair with his blaster.
"Have you gone mad?" Azazel said.
Hev Randrowan made a leap for where Azazel's chair was and opened a trap door hidden under it.
Azazel's eyes poped open, "Quiet everyone! Hev, can you disarm it?"
"I can try."
Hev Randrowan sweated and looked at the wires inside the bomb...
"Hmm," he muttered, "Shall I cut the red one, blue one or green one?"
Hev smiled, closed his eyes and snipped randomly until a wire was cut.
When we opened his eyes, the bomb was stuck at 0:01.
"You git, you could've killed us all!" Azazel said.
Suddenly, the Cantina burst into laughter.
Azazel smiled, "Here, Hev, I'll buy you a drink. Good work."
"Wait a minute," someone asked, "What about Khadgar?"
"He'll be fine," Hev said, "No matter what happens, Khadgar always seem to make his way into future fictions."
"I suppose so."


"What do you mean the bomb didn't go off!?"
"Sir, it wasn't my fault, Brand chose the location!"
"Yes, but Grulis set it with too much time!"
"Silence, both of you... I want you to get back on the Grey Wolf and blow her out of space, is that clear?"
"*Gulp* Yes, Sir."

Wing XIII Monastery

Today's topic, the Lord of the Rings movie:

The Cardinal has already seen the movie twice. Frankly, if you haven't seen this movie, you should. If you haven't seen it, then you will likely not understand this article! Well then, get on with it!

I couldn't help thinking while watching the movie that some of the characters had been actors in other movies that I am fimilar with:

Elrond ("Agent Smith"): Ah, welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Gandalf.
Gandalf: We must go to Mordor and defeat the evil Sauron by casting the one ring into Mount Doom!
Frodo: I will do it!
Aragorn: Count me in!
Boromir ("Alec Trevelyan"): For England, Aragorn?
Aragorn: Erm, what?
Boromir: Errr... Whoops... For Gondor, Aragorn?
Aragorn: For Gondor!
Legolas: No fear, I have a bow that can shoot arrows bloody fast and an unlimited quiver!
Peppin: Myself and my friend will cause a lot of noise and increase our chances of death significantly!

Etc, Etc. However, I'd still recommend it, especially if you're a Tolkien fan, it's almost three hours long, but worth it!


Command Staff Changes

The biggest news of the week is the numerous Command Staff changes that have taken place.
First off, SA Kawolski recently declared his intention to turn in his XO badge and retire from the club.

Many of you may not realize this, but I think everyone owes Kawolski a big debt of gratitude for all his work. Kawolski has had many years of dedicated service, and his work ethic has earned him most medals possible within the TIE Corps and Command Staff.

Kawolski served all the way from Flight Member, to Flag Officer posts, to numerous Command Staff posts including Flight Officer, Tactical Officer and Executive Officer. During his tenure, he has left an undeniable legacy of accomplishments. The most recognizable of which is the TIE Corps Databse, which makes the day to day operation of the TIE Corps much more efficient than in the past. He also implimented the current TIE Corps ranking system, along with the Iron Star system. As Flight Officer he also stimulated activity and growth within the TIE Corps, with membership rising to over 1000 members during his reign.

As Tactical Officer, he also made improvements upon the exisiting system of releasing battles to the pilots. I had the honor of serving on his Beta Testing team, which was well organized and fun to work on.

As Executive Officer, Kawolski re-formatted the Dark Sentinel Newsletters and delivered many quality Newsletters for the enjoyment of the fleet. Along with this, he started an "EH Database", which hoped to do the job of, plus extra, for the TIE Corps and other Subgroups of the EH. I can say from first hand experience, that the database was extremely well crafted, and it's unfortunate that the project won't be continued.

On behalf of the Flag Staff and officers serving on the ISD Grey Wolf, I thank Kawolski for his fine service to the Empire.

SA Astatine was selected to take over as Executive Officer. From what I've seen of his work as Training Officer, I'm sure the club can expect great things to come from the Executive Office.

Also this week, FA Stalker5 was appointed as Security Officer and RA Kerri Jorddyn was selected as Supreme Director of EH Intelligence. Congratulations to them both!

Wargame coming?

Admiral Cyric has plans to run an ASF-wide wargame in the near future! Stay tuned for details!

Commodore's Office

Things are looking good again this week.
Keep up recruitment! I'm very pleased with the work ethic towards recruitment within the Wing.
Stay tuned for up and coming Competitions. Cyric has something planned, and other Competitions may come around!
This week I am planning out a CMDR FAQ to help CMDRs with questions that are often asked with things like MSEs, X access, etc.

Until next week...

War Room

For information on weekly multiplayer competitions, visit the Combat Center. (

For single player battles, visit the Battle Center. (

For information on special competitions, visit the TO Competition Office. (

Picture of the Week

Get your Ewok today!

ISD Grey Wolf
Flag Officers - 2
Vortex - 9
Phoenix - 9
Crusader - 7
Odin - 9
Tartarus - 9
Valkyrie - 8
Total: 53

Respectfully Submitted,

Vice Admiral Khadgar
ISD Grey Wolf Commodore

COM/VA Khadgar/ISD Grey Wolf
SSx2/BS/PCx8/ISMx16/MoT-2gh/IS-1BW-4BR-2SR/LoC-PSx56/CoL/CoB/LoAx9/OV [EXCR] {IWATS-AIM-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-PHP/1-SM/2-TT-VBS-XTM}

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