SSSD Sovereign Report # 21 (2002-01-28)

This report was submitted by VA Proton


COM/VA Proton reporting for the SSSD Sovereign, flagship of the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet.

Wing commanders, pass this along to your squadrons.


-- All pilots are invited to our official IRC channel, #SSSD_Sovereign. Thanks to CPT Autoris Maximums for setting this up.

-- Further cantina availability has arrived in the form of a Sovereign message board:

-- Welcome to LC Murad Ibn Mark, new commander of Wing I. OK, Murad, where's your first wing report?? >:) ... My beautiful and deadly assistant Ballista has a sharp corner prepared down in The Warehouse for any WC who doesn't file reports on time.

-- The Rat Pack vs. Wing II's CMDRs Jan. 15-31 -- We're flying TC-TIE Battle 192. Note: The battle sucks because of a bug in Mission 4 -- a flight of victim X-wings doesn't show up, so completing the primary goals is impossible. My initial bug report was wiped by the TAC office, but I have posted it again because the bug has not been fixed. However, apparently some other pilots have not encountered the bug. Send tfrs to COL Reaper and myself.

-- Reminder, the Sovereign banner design contest runs through Jan. 31. Send all entries to VA Proton at

-- There has been some discussion among the Flight Office and battlegroup commanders about possible adjustments in the primary platforms of some TC wings. At this point, it appears one of the Sovereign's five TIE wings will be reassigned as an XWA singleplayer wing. This will serve to draw more recruits to the ship, as most new pilots in the TIE Corps are XWA pilots. This switch will serve to further unify the TIE pilots in the ship, as any TIE pilots in the soon-to-be-XWA wing will have the option of transferring over into one of the remaining TIE wings. Stay tuned for details as this plays out.

-- We don't have a large problem in this area, but a pilot made an offhand comment in a wing e-mail list post last week that was derogatory toward homosexuals. All pilots are sternly reminded that racist, profane, discriminatory, etc., remarks are prohibited in EH communication channels and may result in severe disciplinary action.

-- To help get you interested in this cool EH-wide comp, here is the Prelude to Andevia introduction -- let's show the fleet we are the most active ship:

The Emperor's Hammer routinely sends out scout and expeditionary forces to new worlds beyond its own borders. The reasons for these forces vary. Sometimes they are to evaluate a world for its mineral wealth, other times for its strategic importance.

Expeditionary Force Alpha-Nine-Four (EF-A94) is one of these forces, based upon the planet of Andevia. Andevia is a relatively primative planet, with rolling hills and vast plains untouched by industrialisation or technology. The native sentient population are a nomadic species, tribal in organisation. It is said their Shamans possess great powers...

EF-A94 has always sent its reports on time. Until recently that is. A few weeks ago, a Rebel fleet exited hyperspace near Andevia's system and started taking an interest in Andevia itself. At the same time, the commander of EF-A94 reported doubt about the loyalty and motivies of the other team members.

The EF-A94 team contained talented and skilled members from all branches of the Emperor's Hammer, so their disappearance comes as a shock. It is also worrying. The Emperor's Hammer will be assemblying a strike force to go to Andevia. This force will find out exactly what happened to EF-A94.

But first, we must prepare. We must train. We must find the best of the best to lead the strike force.

Participate in this comp, bring glory to the Sovereign! :

-- Courtesy of BGCOM/VA Mell, here is a system of scoring TIE and XWA scores together! I'm thinking of experimenting with it in some upcoming ship comps. WCs and CMDRs, feel free to try it out, and let me know how it works for you. This may be a way to solve some of the exclusion problems we now experience in our comps:

Say for example you get Eta Squadron (TIE matched against say... Ghost (XWA) in a comp they cannot fly the same mission as they are on different platforms (well duh :P)
so they are assigned a mission of their own platform to fly. then on
deadline day the assessor of the comp takes the High from this is then known as 100% (it is taken on deadline day so all TFR's are processed prior to this) then the squadrons scores are added and divided by number of available pilots to form an average. this is then also converted to a percentage by dividing by the 100%. then the winner is simply the personclosest to their 100%.
it's simple really. and worked well for my BG Comps.

-- Fly TIE95 on Windows XP!!! Yes, it's true!! This from COL Reaper:

With the arrival of Windows XP, TIE Fighter will no longer function as it should do. I found this out yesterday afternoon after upgrading myself. However I have been able to get this running, thanks to a message on the Technical Support Messageboard. Below are the steps I took to get it running. Thanks to the mysterious guest Lordy for most of it, I cut out some of it that I didn't bother with.
To see the whole post go here:

Before running through this you will need to install 2 things from your XP CD. They are located under the \support\tools directory and are ACT20.exe and Suptools.msi

1. Go Start, Programs, Application Compatiblity Toolkit and click on Qfixapp
2. Click on browse and select tiestart.exe
3. Select win95 layer in the layers tab
4. In the fixes tab, uncheck the EmulateJoystick option
5. Click the advanced button.
6. Click Add matching file... and select tie95.exe
7. Press the Run button to make sure the fix is going to work. If it doesnt, try using a windows 98 layer instead
8. Once you've gotten the program working, click the create fix support
button and follow it through the next dialogs (just press yes, ok, etc.)
That should enter the fix into the windows registry or whatever database the program uses to keep track of the programs. Restart the computer and hopefully when it boots up again you'll be able to run the game by just clicking on its icon. It may not work if you launch from cd though, so just go ahead and do it from the start menu.

This should get it working. The only problem is that I cannot use the
Hardware settings as this crashes the game when it should go into the actual flying part. If any of ya get this going let me know :)


SSSD Sovereign [194]
Wing I [33]
Wing II [29]
Wing III [34]
Wing IV [37]
Wing V [31]
Wing VI [29]
Omega Squadron [12]


"I shall take this opportunity to remind Ford the attraction the until now dormant ScorpTroopers have to the Mariachi Mini-Fords . . . >:)" -COL Kramer

"Obviously the beers are on me...and as soon as I've cracked the code Firebird wired into the Wing I drinks cabinet, the party will be well and truly on!" -LC Murad Ibn Mark

"And you want those promotions, cause the Wing DOC gets to "experiment" with SLs ::evil grin:: " -CM Argon Viper

"My favorite one over in intel was "The Dental Syringe as an Interrogation Enabling Device". -COL Gen Es'mith

"::remembers fondly the days of axial superlaser mirror cleaning, and wipes a tear away from his eye::" -COL Gen Es'mith

"Ha! Bring your worst! I lived in The Pit for 7 months man, after that,
anyone can handle anything.. Besides, I still have my loyal and trust
assistants too.. the Bobs.. remember? :P" -LC Joe

"But right now it's time for the report so you all can know what is going on in the Wing. This of course assumes that I know what is going on in the Wing. So, read at your own risk ;)" -LC Jahan Kalar

"**Proton smiles maliciously and motions to Snippy**
"Snip, CCK is enjoying his Omega nappie-poo way too much. Go sneak into the elite squadron quarters and spike his Sprite with that Banthan laxative you were 'testing' on Dude the other day. ... That oughtta keep him awake for a while ;)" -VA Proton

"::Kramer takes a BIG swig of his beloved Sprite::
Oh man, that's the stuff. Maybe I should try some of these "Wow" potato chips Wolly was always trying to get me to eat . . . now with O'Lean? What's that stuff? Well anywho . . . time to - whoa. What the . . . umm . . . yowzers!!!! Gotta go!" -COL Kramer

Enthusiastic combat debriefing of the week:
"I just flew XWA-FREE#52. It is suicide! they kill all your wing men! I had to kill 4 A/FRGs and 2 1/2 wings of X+A/wings! 100 freeking A/W!!!!!!! I spent 1 hour on it! I killed over 30 drifting pilots! Now My arm REALY hurts so I am going to go put it on ice and rest!" -CM Murkrow Defender

COM/VA Proton/SSSD Sovereign

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