ISDII Grey Wolf Report # 39 (2002-02-01)

This report was submitted by VA Khadgar

ISD Grey Wolf Report #39 - 02.01.02

Pilot's Lounge

The barrels steadily rolled along for many minutes while Janson talked to Flint.
"What now?" said Flint.
"Well, let's stick around until these things get somewhere," Janson replied.
"All right," Flint said, "But I hope this works."
Suddenly, Flint felt his crate fall over what he thought to be a large ledge at the end of the conveyor.
After a few seconds, his barrel hit the ground hard, but no damage was down because a pile of garbage had been placed in the area to break the fall.
"Oh, god, that is terrible," Janson said, sniffing.
Suddenly, Janson and Flint heard footsteps.
"Pipe down," Flint said.
"All right men, load these crates onto the ship, on the double!"
"Yes boss!"
Flint and Janson could feel their crates being lifted up and carried up the ramp into the ship.
After a few minutes of seemingly random movement around the ship, the crates were placed down, and the footsteps faded into the distance.
"All right," Janson said, "Let's get out of these things."
Janson and Flint delicated lifted the tops to the barrels as not to cause any noise.
When they rose out of their barrels, they popped out into a dark room.
Flint quickly produced a portable light source and turned it on.
Janson and Flint were surprised to see a massive bay almost completely covered in barrels.
"This operation is bigger than I thought," Flint said.
"... Someone is coming," Janson suddenly said.
"Get down!" Flint whispered forcefully, practically jumping to the floor.
Suddenly, the door to the bay opened with a quiet "Shirak" sound.
"As you can see, my Prince, everything is totally in order for the operation."
"Excellent, I'd like to see some of the merchandise."
"Certainly," the man said, approaching one of the barrels.
"No, no, one that I select at random."
"As you wish, Excellency."
The Prince briefly glanced around the room and fixed his gaze on a barrel that Flint was hiding behind.
"That one."
The two men started towards the barrels, Flint looked at Janson, "What are we going to do?"
"I have a plan," Janson said, "Just do what I do."
Janson quickly stood up, turned one of the barrels on its side, and rolled it in the direction of the two men.
Flint did the same, and the two men repeated the process until the barrage of barrels had knocked out their opponents.
"Not bad," Flint said, "What now?"
Janson considered and then walked to the Prince.
He removed the Prince's purple uniform and quickly put it on.
Flint caught on, and put the other man's suit on.
The two men walked out of the bay and proceeded down a hall.
A man stopped them down the hallway and said, "Ah, your Excellency, the operation is proceeding nicely, soon the Emperor's Hammer will be the laughing stock of the sector!"
The man bursted out laughing, and Janson stiffled a small, short laugh to play along.
After that, Janson and Flint kept walking for ten more minutes.
Flint paused, "This is getting us no where, here... Let's try this room."
Flint pointed towards a set of nicer looking doors on the right side of the corridor.
The two men proceeded in to reveal a large office, they noticed a terminal on a desk in the center.
Janson sat down at a chair by the desk and said, "Computer, on".
The terminal lit up:

*** Welcome, Prince Tyrath ***

"Computer, display titles of current operations in progess."

Janson read the information scrolling down the screen...
"Stop," he eventually said, "Display information on Operation: Hammer's Jewel".

*** Operation: Hammer's Jewel ***

To whom it may concern:

My proposal is simple, the elimination of the Emperor's Hammer.

My plan is to plant explosives in a rather large shipment of spice, and then to send it to a neutral planet with evidence to implicate the Empire.

If this falls through, all Pirates and Smugglers will suddenly rally against the Emperor's Hammer and tip the balance in the sector.

The plan will be carried out...

"I've heard enough," Janson said.
Suddenly a voice came from the ship's communication system, "Sir, we've got company..."

To be continued...

Wing XIII Monastery

Tried of trying to figure out original names for Star Wars characters?
Well then, use an online Star Wars Name Generator!

Using some basic information:
First Name: Cardinal
Last Name: Khadgar
Mom's maiden name: Khadgar
City where you were born: Imperial City
First car you drove/owned: TIE Bomber
Last medication you took: Tylenol

I was able to come up with a great Star Wars name! Henceforth, I shall be known as "Carkh Kh'Imp, Ragtie of Tylenol"!

Until next time...


New Odin CMDR

Congratulations to CM Brat Stone, who is officially the new Odin CMDR! I'm sure he'll do well. :)

Tartarus vs Avenger

Tartarus Squadron has challenged Avenger Squadron to a Competition based on a numerous of activites. Best of luck to both Squadrons (especially Tartarus :P)!

New ASF Competition!

VA Cyric has commissioned me with the task of coming up with a Tournament style Competition for the Squadrons of the ASF. The Competition will be Multiplayer based, and is expected to take about a week. More details will be released soon!

Commodore's Office

Stay ready for the up and coming ASF Squadron Competition. I am ironing out the details, and they will be released shortly.

In the mean time, I've done a huge update to the Grey Wolf Hall of Fame (which I will announce shortly). I've also been working on a CMDR's FAQ, which is near completion.

Check your Inboxes for more updates throughout the week. :)

Until next week....

War Room

For information on weekly multiplayer competitions, visit the Combat Center. (

For single player battles, visit the Battle Center. (

For information on special competitions, visit the TO Competition Office. (

Picture of the Week

A poster for Star Wars - Episode II: "Attack of the Clones".

ISD Grey Wolf
Flag Officers - 2
Vortex - 9
Phoenix - 8
Crusader - 9
Odin - 9
Tartarus - 10
Valkyrie - 7
Total: 54

Respectfully Submitted,

Vice Admiral Khadgar
ISD Grey Wolf Commodore

COM/VA Khadgar/ISD Grey Wolf
SSx2/BSx2/PCx8/ISMx16/MoT-2gh/IS-1BW-5BR-2SR/LoC-PSx56/CoL/CoB/LoAx9/OV [EXCR] {IWATS-AIM-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-PHP/1-SM/2-TT-VBS-XTM}

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