SSSD Sovereign Report # 24 (2002-02-17)

This report was submitted by VA Proton


COM/VA Proton reporting for the SSSD Sovereign, flagship of the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet.

Wing commanders, pass this along to your squadrons.


-- Wing IV wins the latest TIE Corps Commander's Own award. Congratulations to COL Reaper and the rest of Wing IV!

-- CPT Autoris Maximus won a rare Distinguished Flying Cross in the Night of the Lost Souls. Congratulations to Auto!

-- Return of the Rat Pack Round III: Wing III's CMDRs win, congrats to them. The results:
The Ratpack
COL Reaper (Wing IV) - 77,932
COL Sickman (Wing V) - 5,787
Total: 83719
Wing III Commanders
CM Arcanian Stirner (Aleth) - 141,808
CM Aeishline Strathaven (Beth) - 9,164
Total: 150972

In Round IV, we're flying TIE-ID Battle 3. Deadline is Feb. 28 to get pilot files to COL Reaper.

-- IV vs V. I vs II. What's next, III vs VI? *hint, hint*

-- The Sovereign banner design contest medals have been awarded and the winning entries are on display at the Sov site:

Also, check out some of the other entries in the expended Sov Art Gallery:

-- Upcoming ship competitions. CPT Jens Vigsted with the oversight of COL Ford has been working on a new flight comp that we will take ship-wide. Details coming soon. Also, I'm preparing a free-mission contest to field test the Battlegroups scoring method in which TIE and XWA SP pilots can compete in the same contest.

-- Advice from the flight line in dealing with XP, from COL Torres:
Some of us have been experiencing trouble using the patches for XvT and XWA under Windows XP and I recently sent an email to the EH Science Officer about this.
Could you all make sure that everyone gets this?
Also make sure that when using this file, the entire name is to be typed.
Installing the Dungeon Ship into XWA, the file name is 'Install-DGN.bat'. That is what is needed.
The name of the file and the extension, otherwise it wont work.

-- Some changes are coming in the new squadron management course. The goal essentially is to help produce better commanders who will do a better job for their pilots.

-- Imperial History Society call for assistance:
Honored Members of the SSSD Soverign,
As appointed representative of the IHS on the Sovereign I ask thee to forward this message to your pilots in order to foster the development and compilation of a History Manual / Book of the whereabouts and scenes of our flsgship, beginning with the whereabouts and commisioning of her. Everyone may join in with dropping an eMail to me and accepting the assignments I give him or her. Creativity and own ideas on how one may achieve this high-set goal are very welcome. Sifting through old Newsletters and compiling Squadron and Wing Reports also may be one. Your imagination shall have no limit. It is not neccessary to have years long experience in the wing as one may also interview veterans and long standng members also. I remain in faithfull expectance of your hopefully favorable answers,
CPT Baron Carl Lost

-- I'm reluctantly presenting LC Jahan Kalar's "do nothing" guide for pilots, only because it's so funny. COM's warning: Do not attempt this at home:
How to Be a Successful Tie Corps Pilot and Do Nothing
Being a pilot is hard work, and sometimes you just want to get by with doing nothing. But Wing Commanders and Squadron Commander have a funny way of finding out when you're slacking off. So here's my patented guide on how to get away with doing nothing that I've figured out in my years here. Warning, I really wouldn't try any of this stuff. I don't think your commander would be too amused.
If your commander asks why you haven't completed your mission yet, many pilots would be uncertain and allow themselves to get latrine duty. But a better response would be to announce that you are on an important job from an Admiral that doesn't like to be bothered. Your commander won't want to ask the Admiral, so you're in the clear.
Sleep is often lost for pilots, but you can get plenty of sleep by learning how to slip into the briefing room late. Just create a small diversion (rodents are always good for this), and slip into the room unnoticed.
Meetings with superior officers can drag on for hours if you try and win the argument. That is of course impossible, so learn the key phrases to deal with superior officers. "Yes Sir, I'll get right on that." is always a good one, officers rarely remember what they tell people (sshhh, don't tell anyone), so they probably won't remember to check up on what you're doing.
Other pilots will often try and corner you and ask you annoying questions, or your commander might try and get you to do some real work when you go from one place to another. To avoid this, carry a clipboard and walk quickly down the hall like you have somewhere important to go, no one will stop you. Keep this up whenever possible. You can always tell people that, yes, you did have a meeting in the bathroom.
At some point you will have to fly in combat, so try and avoid the mistake of jumping right into the fight. Remember, the nail that sticks up gets the hammer. Shoot a lot, and miss a lot. The enemy will ignore you and go for the goody-goody nailing everyone.
The worst thing for a pilot is to have to talk with an Admiral, and you'll have to eventually, because they love to talk, it's their job. Drugs are good way of making this meeting better. However, be aware that strong drugs may be needed. I suggest nerve gas.
That's all for now...until next time, shoot straight and faster than they do.
Lieutenant Colonel Jahan Kalar, Wing III Wing Commander


-- Numbers up again this week, keep it going! LC Murad has eased into the La-Z-WC.

SSSD Sovereign [196]
Wing I [38]
Wing II [27]
Wing III [36]
Wing IV [36]
Wing V [29]
Wing VI [29]
Omega Squadron [12]


IRC channel: #SSSD_Sovereign
Message board:


"Oh, and I couldn't help but notice that little part at the end...present for me? How sweet! Let me guess...hmm....BSFs? Activity? Hmmmm...what could it be?" -CPT Jason Hunter

-- Mea culpa of the week:
"To everyone concerned, please accept my apolgies for this error. I hope I have not offended any of you by my carelessness. Rest assured VA Proton's "Wing COmmander Error reduction Assistants" have already booked me into the SOVs re-education camp! I shall not make such a mistake again." -LC Murad Ibn Mark

"Sideburns rock. Ford's looking more and more like Elvis every day. :P" -COL Ford Prefect

"By the twelfth, Ford will have found out the least active squadron, which will have to do penance for their deeds by having all squadron members change their names for a week to the names of various diseases. So, we'd have a CPT Gonorrhea, MAJ Herpes, LCM Pneumonia, LT Influenza, etc...oh, and Ford gets to pick the names >:P So, let's get a roll on :P" -COL Ford Prefect

"Lol, Nice one Fordster :-) I must remember this motivation technique for my wing!" -LC Meningitis/Wing I

"well, excuuuusse meeee, been busy breaking HS's. That's kinda work, 'Ye know ? ;)" -CPT Carl Lost

"oh yeah, for some reason I forgot about the drinking problem thing
/me stumbles of to drink the dregs out of the cantina ashtrays :P" -COL Reaper

"See how hard us pilots had to work to win that TCCOM award with a WC like that?! :P" -LC Halcyon

COM/VA Proton/SSSD Sovereign

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