ISDII Grey Wolf Report # 41 (2002-02-15)

This report was submitted by VA Khadgar

ISD Grey Wolf Report #41 - 02.15.02

Pilot's Lounge

"He's going to love this," Hev Randrowan said.
"If he sees us preparing for it, though, we'll lose a few weeks pay..." Tomaas Banys said.
"Oh well," Hev said, "I've made enough money stealing Wing XIII pillows to run the ship for a week".
"All right, head for the hangar bay," Tomaas said.
Tomaas walked over to Captain DarkC, "Cris, get Tartarus ready."
"All right, Major, they'll be ready."


"All right, let's go over the Duty Roster for this week's briefing," Khadgar said.
"Vortex Squadron, report!" Azazel called out.
"Vortex Squadron present and accounted for!" TK responded.
"Phoenix Squadron, report!" Azazel called out.
"Phoenix Squadron present and accounted for!" Wes Janson responded.
"Crusader Squadron, report!" Azazel called out.
"Crusader Squadron present and accounted for!" Panaka responded.
"What's this?" Azazel said.
"Reporting as ordered, sir."
"Yes, yes, but the CMDR is supposed to Report..."
"He's not here, sir."
"Hmm, I'll look into this later..."
"Odin Squadron, report!" Azazel called out.
"Odin Squadron present and accounted for!" Brat Stone responded.
"Tartarus Squadron, report!" Azazel called out.
At that point, the room feel into silence.
Azazel frowned, "Hmm, no Tartarus..."
Khadgar spoke up, "We'd best go by their quarters."
Khadgar and Azazel went down the decks towards the Tartarus Squadron quarters.
On the way, they gazed out of the viewport to see TIE Interceptors flying around.
Two of the Interceptors did a tight double loop, and when they finished, a third Interceptor emerged.
It did a barrel roll to the side, revealing three TIE Bombers and two Assault Gunboats.
The Bombers released miniature red hearts, and the Assault Gunboats prominently displayed a banner reading "Happy Valentines Day!"
"Nice show," Khadgar said, grinning.

Wing XIII Monastery

Looks like it's time again for the Oympics!

However, the Cardinal won't be competing, seeing as gold staff racing, bribery (unless you count the judging :P) and being an old git aren't events. :P

So far, here are the standings:

VA Brucmack - 35 medals
Germany - 16 medals
USA - 14 medals
Austria - 10 medals
Norway - 10 medals

Until next time...


Propaganda Office

Rekio Corsair, Ekim Yellek and Ender mBind are re-establishing the old ASF Propaganda Office! If you're interested, be sure to contact them. :)

Avenger Task Force Policy

Just a note to Wing XIII pilots that you must be Acolyte or higher in the DB to get CMDR in the Avenger Task Force.

Commodore's Office

The Grey Wolf page was recently moved. Sorry for any confusion, but I'll announce the chances with it shortly.
Thanks for your patience with it.

Stay on the alert for upcoming Competitions!

Until next week....

War Room

For information on weekly multiplayer competitions, visit the Combat Center. (

For single player battles, visit the Battle Center. (

For information on special competitions, visit the TO Competition Office. (

Picture of the Week

Another good Episode II poster. :P

ISD Grey Wolf
Flag Officers - 2
Vortex - 9
Phoenix - 9
Crusader - 9
Odin - 8
Tartarus - 8
Valkyrie - 7
Total: 51

Respectfully Submitted,

Vice Admiral Khadgar
ISD Grey Wolf Commodore

COM/VA Khadgar/ISD Grey Wolf
SSx2/BSx2/PCx8/ISMx16/MoT-2gh/IS-1BW-5BR-2SR/LoC-PSx56/CoL/CoB/LoAx9/OV [EXCR] {IWATS-AIM-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-PHP/1-SM/2-TT-VBS-XTM}

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