ISDII Grey Wolf Report # 13 (2001-08-03)

This report was submitted by RA Khadgar

I'd like to dedicate this Report to LC Timbal in honor of his retirement from the TIE Corps.

ISD Grey Wolf Report #13 - 08.03.01

Pilot's Lounge

No caption this report, read the image! :P

Rear Admiral Khadgar pushed a button on his datapad.
Suddenly, he heard a clomping sound coming towards his desk, he looked down at the foor and saw two feet dripping water on the floor.
"Erm, could you stop dripping water all over my office, please?"
Khadgar looked furher up on the person to see...
"Vitriolic Carp... Nice to see you back!"
"Hello, Khadgar! I'll be in the cantina!"
Later that same day, Mike came by...
"Hello Khadgar, are Crusader's BSFs done?"
"Erm, yes..."
"Okay, I'll be in the cantina."
Later, Brian also came by...
"Hey, are the MSE Medals done?"
"Not yet..."
"When will they be done?"
"Erm, fairly soon."
"All right, I'll be in the cantina!"
Also that day, CHS Belzedar came by.
"Khadgar, can you speed up my assignment to the TIE Corps?"
"No, I'm very busy."
Belzedar then handed Khadgar a Ch'hala Staff (the highest award in the Impieral Senate).
"Well, on second thought, I probably could help!"
Belzedar grinned and went on his way.
Lastly, Brucmack came by.
"Hello, Khadgar, I'm back in Odin Squadron. I look forward to a productive working relationship, in which I can gain numerous Legions of Combat from you... Haha! Anyways, I'm off to the cantina!"

Later, after Khadgar finished some of his work, he decided to go to the cantina.
He edged his way to the door and peered in to see the entire Grey Wolf crew enjoying a generous round of Timbal Specials* in honor of LC Timbal's Retirement.
(*For those of you unaware of what a Timbal Special is...
"Well, it starts off with vodka,"
"you add various industrial fluids and the stuff that killed the Joker's face in it,"
"add ice and a slice of pineapple," "and top it off with some tequila and a cherry on top......"
"Tada!!!! A Timbal Special!!!!! =P" - LC Timbal)
Khadgar headed back to his office and put on some robes...
He then proceeded into the bar and started waving his hands around and making noises like Obi-Wan in a New Hope.
Soon the bar was empty except for Timbal and Khadgar.
Khadgar removed his hood and sat down for a Timbal Special.
"Too bad you're going... You will be missed!" Khadgar said, sipping his drink.

Wing XIII Monastery

With all these new Sub-Lieutenants coming in... I thought I'd take a moment and show you a way to get promoted to Lieutenant. Filling out an INPR:

Imperial Navy Pilot Record

Personal Background Information

(Imperial Security Bureau)

Name: Khadgar

Rank: Cardinal

Current Assignment (ID-Line): Cardinal of Wing XIII

Scandoc Transmission Code (E-mail address):

Sex (M/F): Male

Race: Human

Date of Birth: Not something I plan to share. :P

Place of Birth (Please include Homeworld): Eh? Could you repeat that question?

Marital Status (Single, Married, Divorced, Separated): Single

Family: Unknown.

Social Status (Destitute, Poor, Well-to-do, Wealthy, Nobility): Wealthy

Quote: "Why in my day, if you did that, you'd be cast out of the village!"

Significant Events of Childhood & Adolescence:

As a child, I was dropped on the doorstep of the local Monastery.
There I was taken care of and raised to be what I am today!

Significant Events of Adulthood:

I rose my way up to Cardinal, where I was given red robes.
Also, he found the legendary gold staff... Which he found inside the Temple of Wisdow about 50 years ago.
The Gold staff processes magical powers and is also very powerful as a blunt weapon.

Alignment & Attitude: Respect your elders, and don't cross the gold staff!

Former Occupations (if any): None.

Hobbies: Trudging around, using his gold staff.

Tragedies: None.

Phobias & Allergies: "l33t d00dz"...

Personal views of the Empire (and Emperor's Hammer): Erm... Empire?

Reason for applying to the Emperor's Hammer Elite Strike Fleet: Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet? What's that?

Other comments or information (optional): None.

I hereby confirm that the above information is legitimate and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Signature (ID-Line): Cardinal Khadgar

Date: 08/03/01

That's all for this week, on with...


Wing Commander's Own

MAJ Azazel has selected Crusader Squadron as his June WC's Own and Phoenix Squadron as his July WC's Own, Congrats to both!

ASF Escort Squadron

Congratulations to Crusader Squadron, who was selected as the first ASF Escort Squadron by VA Cyric! They have certainly done well, they sport consistently High Activity and made 100 Citations! Well done!


As I mentioned in my E-Mail to the Wing, I currently am planning a Competition. Please see the Message Board for details.

Unfortunately Tartarus didn't make it in, however, considering that TIE Fighter is not their main platform, I think they did very well. Good work, Tartarus Squadron!

Commodore's Office

This week I've mostly been busy with BSFs, MSEs, etc.
I'm impressed, as always with how things are running!
Please keep up the activity, recruitment and be sure to read my E-Mail!
P.S. Currently I need one more MSE to complete the set of 6... If you haven't submitted an MSE, please get one in! My Commodore's Protector will be chosen once all MSEs are in.

That's all this week!

War Room

For information on weekly multiplayer competitions, visit the Combat Center. (

For single player battles, visit the Battle Center. (

For information on special competitions, visit the TO Competition Office. (

Picture of the Week

Raxis submitted this picture to me of his personal craft!

Haha, kidding... Here it is for real:

Quite interesting, thanks for submitting this, Raxis!

ISD Grey Wolf
Flag Officers - 2
Vortex - 9
Phoenix - 11
Crusader - 12
Odin - 6
Tartarus - 8
Valkyrie - 7
Total: 55

Respectfully Submitted,

Rear Admiral Khadgar
ISD Grey Wolf Commodore

COM/RA Khadgar/ISD Grey Wolf
SSx2/BS/PCx8/ISMx15/MoT-2gh/IS-1BR/LoC-PSx45/CoL/CoB/LoAx6/OV [EXCR] {IWATS-PHP/1-SM/2}

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