ISDII Grey Wolf Report # 8 (2001-06-29)

This report was submitted by RA Khadgar

ISD Grey Wolf Report #8 - 06.29.01

Pilot's Lounge

The Medal of Long Standing Deceitful Tatics (MoLSDT).

Admiral Drakeson grinned with such pride, he would finally get the Medal of Long Standing Deceitful Tatics (MoLSDT).
"Now, I'd like to call Admiral Drakeson up for a special announcement."
Drakeson headed up to the stage and stood in front of the Rebel Leader.
"Now, Admiral Drakeson has finally sent Rear Admiral Khadgar of the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet to a distant prison colony. In the past for his efforts, he won such awards as the Good Medal (GM), the Medal of Being In The Rebellion A Long Time (MoBITRALT) and two Medals of Trickery (MoT). However, this calls for something special, I hereby award Admiral Drakeson the Medal of Long Standing-"
Suddenly someone entered the room, "Sir, Khadgar has escaped!"
Drakeson's grin changed to an expression of rage... "I will kill Khad-AAAAAAGGHHHHHH!!!!!!"
The Rebel Leader bit his lip to prevent laughter and continued, "A Medal of Long Standing Failure (MoLSF), for being so easily foiled by Khadgar's udderly predictable plans!"
Drakeson clenched his fists, Khadgar would pay for this, for getting him a mere Medal of Long Standing Failure (MoLSF) rather than a Medal of Long Standing Deceitful Tatics (MoLSDT).

"Okay, Droole, we can either go to the Grey Wolf for complete safety, or do the thing which we are sure to do and go down to a bar on some planet and risk being caputred by Admiral Drakeson?" Khadgar asked.
"Hmm... Let's go to the bar!" Droole said.
Khadgar took the ship in for a landing and the two headed in.
As soon as they got in, they saw some Rebel Guards.
"Hey, should we turn back, Khadgar?" Droole asked.
"What, and ruin the only plot we have this week? Of course not!" Khadgar replied.

"All right Khadgar, come with us!" one guard said.
"How do you know it's me?" Khadgar replied.
"It's only a fiction." the guard said.
"Ah right, well then, come along Droole."

Tune in... Errr... Read next week's report for the "stunning" conclusion!

Wing XIII Monastery

Well, I've now used my company called VaperWare to reap a fortune from online fees from my Massive Online RPG, "Cardinal Online". People are addicted to the game, so we can now solely rely on money from that... And can now use our vast profits to start to make games, and then cancel them! Muhahaha!


New Wing XIV WC type guy

The new Wing XIV WC is my apprentice, MAJ Dengar March. Weeeeee, Congrats!

New Odin CMDR selected, FLs sought

The new Odin CMDR will be CPT Raxis Krieger, Congrats! Currently we are looking


MAJ Mike was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel (LC), CM Tomaas was promoted to Captain (CPT). With the retirement of LC Mike, CM Marcin K is the new Crusader CMDR. LCM Wiesio was promoted to Flight Leader. Congratulations to all!

Retribution Competition

I released the latest Retriubtion Competition results! I'm very impressed with the participation... The Competition is coming to a close soon (Just in time for MSE Medals)!

Khadgar is Moving

I will be going on leave from July 4th to July 12th. Although I should be back the 9th.

Imperial Storm II starts!

Imperial Storm II started. When a battle is announced, I hope everyone will come out. Even if you don't have XWA, you can still support your team! I encourage you to visit for more details.

Commodore's Office

Well, I'm going to be moving soon. I've sent out letters related to that, and I will be sending out another.
I'm very impressed with the actviity I've seen. BSFs roll in contsantly, and the Retribution Competition shows that we've got a very strong Multiplayer presence.
Right now, I think we could use a few extra people to make sure wwe are in good standing for Odin, so keep up recruitment!
As always, keep up the good work!

That's all this week!

War Room

For information on weekly multiplayer competitions, visit the Combat Center. (

For single player battles, visit the Battle Center. (

For information on special competitions, visit the TO Competition Office. (

Picture of the Week

For those of you wondering what our team's Imperial Storm II tatic is...

ISD Grey Wolf
Flag Officers - 2
Vortex - 10
Phoenix - 10
Crusader - 12
Odin - 0
Tartarus - 8
Valkyrie - 10
Total: 52

Respectfully Submitted,

Rear Admiral Khadgar
ISD Grey Wolf Commodore

COM/RA Khadgar/ISD Grey Wolf
SSx2/BS/PCx8/ISMx15/MoT-2gh/LoC-PSx44/CoL/CoB/LoAx5/OV [EXCR] {IWATS-PHP/1-SM/2}

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