ISDII Grey Wolf Report # 9 (2001-04-27)

This report was submitted by RA Woobee

COM/RA Woobee reporting in : 28-Apr-2001
Well, it has been an exciting week has it not people? You already have heard much from me, which is a little unusual. Well, you're going to hear a little more from me. Shouldn't be too painful folks.
This week a few pilots graduate from the PLT Daedelus to join us on the ISD Grey Wolf. Welcome to SL Kalrinaris, SL Flagellant & SL Keyan Varand! Once again there have been some promotions to LT, and I doubt it will take you all long to get there. Kalrinaris was good enough to do his INPR, so I include it for your reading pleasure.

Name: Kalrinaris
Rank: SL
Current Assignment: ISD Grey Wolf
Scandoc Transmission Code:
Gender: Male
Race: ¨Gi'beri
Date of Birth: 865.454.58
Place of Birth: Calra
Marital Status: Single
Family: Inner circel
Social Status: Nobility
Quote: Target eliminated
Significant Events of Childhood and Adolescence: N/A
Significant Events of Adulthood: N/A
Alignment and Attitude: Agressive
Former Occupations: Ground trooper shu pilot Merc
Hobbies: MP
Tragedies: none
Phobias and Allergies: none
Personal View of the Empire and EH: looks fun
Reason for enlisting in the EH: To serve the empire
Other Comments:
ID Line: FM/SL Kalrinaris/Vortex 1-3/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf{IWATS}
Submitted: 4/26/2001 11:07:00 PM

In other news the CMDR of Tartarus Squadron was chosen. A hearty cheer for Tomaas Banys! After that was announced, all hell broke loose in everyone's inboxes. That was fun wasn't it? I think I've said enough on that subject.
It is true, LC Brucmack, has decided to trade in his Wing Commander badge. I am at the moment recieving and reviewing applications for the position, with the assistance of Bruc and Cyric. I know you are all salivating with anticipation! I will announce early in the week if things go well. Brucmack has suggested he will be doing a last WC report.
A housekeeping matter, mainly for CMDRs, but you will all be affected. VA Cyric and I request that Weekly Squadron Reports be sent by Saturday, and that when sent ensure FA Priyum (FO), AD Havoc (FO:CA), VA Cyric (BGCOM), myself, the WC and your fellow Wing XIII CMDRs are all CCed. A lot of people you'll notice, but they all want to see how you're going, so you might as well roll with it. As a matter of style, it is being suggested that less emphasis is given in CMDR reports to TIE Corps news, and where appropriate moe emphasis upon ASF news. TC news is really very widely read already as far as I can tell. CMDRs, look at eachother's reports and use what you see to be effective.
A change to BGCOM Intimidator and COM Protector is being trialled. BGCOM Intimidator will be awarded as fopur month stint, and COM Protector will be appointed for two months. LoCs are essential for the COM Protector. Five (5) recieved in the two month period will be regarded as a minimum.
I promised you folks a ship competition through the week. My apologies. for the delay. The Training Office didn't quite like the way I had the medal awards set up. Don't panic, we'll work out something nice that everyone can approve of.
XWA WoW is on I believe, and MAJ Death's "Operation Supremacy" is running. I personally have had little luck trying to get Viper Squadron pilots into a match, but some of my fellow ASF Flag Officers have had some success. I look forward to hearing how you all went.
I don't know if anyone gives a flying fig about this, but I'll mention it anyway. Myself and Bruc are in the middle of a very fine match of Star Wars Rebellion. I thought I would have it wrapped up by day 400, but Bruc is being quite stubborn, and I am finding Coruscant a tough nut to crack indeed. Maybe he can last 'till day 600? Maybe he will hit me with a surprise attack and defeat me? I'll let you know. If anyone else is interested in a match I can always use more practice.
And yes, the beating will continue until morale improves.
COM/RA Woobee/ISD Grey Wolf
SS/BS/PCx3/ISMx5/MoI/MoT-1gh/IS-1BW-1SW-1GW/LoC-ISx19/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV [PLDN]

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