ISDII Grey Wolf Report # 3 (2001-05-25)

This report was submitted by RA Khadgar

Priyum's (BatFO's) Note: Don't put the whole report at the end of your replies! I have better things to do with my time!

ISD Grey Wolf Report #3 - 05.25.01

Pilot's Lounge

Drakeson's flagship, the CRS Insolence.

Khadgar wiped the sweat from his brow, this wouldn't be easy.
"A1!" Khadgar said.
Admiral Drakeson frowned, "Damn, you destroyed my Mon Calamari Cruiser!"
Yes, they had engaged in a game of LucasArts' latest classic game "Star Wars: Battleship", Khadgar had destroyed all but a lone X-Wing fighter from Drakeson's fleet, which took two spaces on the board.
Drakeson pondered and then said "A1!"
"Miss," Khadgar said.
Khadgar then countered, "B1!"
"Argh... HIT! All right... B1!" Drakeson said.
"Hah Hah, No!" Khadgar replied.
"Okay, B2." Khadgar said.
"Noooooooooo! You got my X-Wing!" Drakeson said.
Drakeson stood up and before he left said, "You may have won this time, Khadgar, but you'll see."
Khadgar went down some stairs back to the bar area and saw two men fighting, and Admiral Drakeson watching them.
Khadgar walked up to see that Major Mike was one of the two.
"What are you doing, Mike?" Khadgar inquired.
"He called the Grey Wolf a garbage scow, I can't let him get away with that!" Mike said.
Khadgar looked over at the other man and noticed it was Rebel Lieutenant Commander Ruven Tardwarf.
Admiral Drakeson stepped in, "All right, place Major Marcin under arrest."
Khadgar started to protest, "Marcin is one of my Squadron Commanders-".
Drakeson looked as if he was trying to hold back a grin, "That's too bad, Khadgar. Good day."
Khadgar noticed two Rebel guards taking Marcin into a corridor, no doubt where the prison cells were.
Khadgar walked over to Wes Janson, "Okay, Janson, go trip active the fire alarm."
Janson looked puzzled, "But there isn't a fire..."
Khadgar continued, "We need to get Mike back... There is a fire, right?"
Janson grinned, "Of course."
Khadgar went into the prison corridor and saw the two guards, suddenly the alarm went off.
The two guards paused a moment and said, "Maybe we'll get to beat some people up!" and then ran out of the prison area.
Khadgar walked over to a terminal and pushed a red button, a forcefield lowered, which granted Khadgar access to the cells.
He walked down the corridor and saw Mike in one of the cells.
Once he arrived at the cell, he blasted the bars and created an opening which Mike escaped through.
Mike and I headed to a shuttle, where Wes Janson was waiting.
The shuttle headed towards the Grey Wolf.
Once aboard, Khadgar quickly ran to the bridge.
"Sir, the Spacebar is powering laser batteries!" a Lieutenant said.
"All right, open the cargo bay and drop the cargo on the Spacebar." Khadgar said.
Suddenly, a large fish tank came out of the Grey Wolf and hit the Spacebar, severly damaging it.
"All right, take us into hyperspace, Lieutenant," Khadgar said.
"Yes Sir!" the Lieutenant said.

Wing XIII Monastery

Cardinal Khadgar presents the rack, one of many items in a new line of products.

Inspired by Major Ted, we proudly present a new line of Cardinal Memoribilia!

Cardinal Khadgar action figures which say "May the Farce Be With You", when their strings are pulled - $6.99 each.
Realistic Gold Staves (Batteries not included) - $19.99 each.
Cardinal Khadgar lunch boxes - $3.99 each.
Cool Cardinal Khadgar piloting helment - $5.99 each.
Realistic plastic rack of doom - $20.00 each.
Cardinal Khadgar Contour Chair - $32525.99 each.
Red Cardinal robes - $9.99 each.
Actually having someone bow in the presence of the gold staff - Priceless.

There are some things money can't buy, for everything else there is the new line of Cardinal MemoribiliaTM.


Commodore Back In the Loop

I got back from my leave late Wednesday.

Grey Wolf Hall of Fame

I've made some progress with the Grey Wolf Hall of Fame. The URL is The following profiles are completed:

MAJ Azazel
RA Khadgar
COL Woobee

The following profiles are near completion:

LC Brucmack
VA Cyric
MAJ Marcin Szydlowski

Commodore's Protector

Okay, I've finally chosen a COM's Protector for the month of April. Sorry this is late... But I lacked MSEs for awhile and still don't have one of them, which makes it harder. It's obvious by looking at this that LCM Wiesio flew a lot of battles. Since it seems that none of the candidates had any non-Single Player Activity, it is reasonable to say the LCM Wiesio is the COM's Protector. Congratulations!

Here are the selections from the various CMDRs (Congratulations to those who were chosen):

Vortex: LCM Gilad Pelleaeon
Phoenix: CM Wes Janson (Whoops, Janson almost chose himself... haha Kidding!) CPT Con Selar
Crusader: LCM Wiesio
Tartarus: LT DarkC
Valkyrie: LCM Hev Randrowan

Commodore's Office

Well, after getting back from leave, my Inbox was flooded with activity. I am proud that you people kept going despite the lack of my presence. You'll reap the fruits at MSE time. Enough said... Keep up the great work!

War Room

For information on weekly multiplayer competitions, visit the Combat Center. (

For single player battles, visit the Battle Center. (

For information on special competitions, visit the TO Competition Office. (

Picture of the Week

Rejected Hall of Fame Picture for RA Khadgar.

ISD Grey Wolf
Flag Officers - 2
Vortex - 9
Phoenix - 9
Crusader - 12
Odin - 0
Tartarus - 8
Valkyrie - 8
Total: 48

Respectfully Submitted,

Rear Admiral Khadgar
ISD Grey Wolf Commodore

COM/RA Khadgar/ISD Grey Wolf
SS/BS/PCx7/ISMx15/MoT-2gh/LoC-PSx43/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV [EXCR] {IWATS-PHP/1-SM/2}

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