ISDII Grey Wolf Report # 6 (2001-06-15)

This report was submitted by RA Khadgar

I've fixed the problem of the pictures being down on the versions of the reports!

ISD Grey Wolf Report #6 - 06.15.01

Pilot's Lounge

Fleet Admiral Priyum (BatFO) brings good news about new recruits to the ship.

"Sir, incoming transmission," a Lieutenant said.
"In my office," Khadgar replied.
Khadgar sat down at his desk.
Priyum Patel's image appeared on the screen.
"Ah, Khadgar, I see you've made payment on time. I'll have some Sub-Lieutenants sent from Daedalus immediately. Priyum out."
Khadgar grinned, shut down the comlink and headed for the bridge.

"We're ready to get underway, Sir," the Lieutenant said.
"Excellent, set course for Platform KG-3754," Khadgar replied.
The Grey Wolf powered up its engines and made its way towards the Platform.
Suddenly, a ship which fit in with the debris in the area powered up its engines as well and followed.
The pilot muttered to himself, "Khadgar will pay for deying the LucasArts Entertainment Company, which is of course, a Registered Trademark and may not be used without ample permission. Be it written, oral, digital, of course there are many forms that permission come in..."

"Sir, we're passing the planet Yorin Trible IV."
"Excellent, we'll be there ahead of schedule."
Suddenly, the ship jolted, and a face appeared on the viewscreen.
"Umm... take us out of here..." Khadgar said.
"I can not do that, Admiral! They've put up a lag field, if we try to leave, it'll tear the ship apart!"
"That is correct... Muhahahahaha... I have you now, Khadgar! You have five minutes to get down to the planet, or I'll tear your ship apart!"
"It takes more than five minutes..."
"For gods sake, Khadgar, it's just a fiction!"

About five minutes later, Khadgar had taken the TIE Fighter Righteous and landed on the planet.
Khadgar saw the LucasArts employee draw a weapon and charge at Khadgar, who ran with all he could muster.
A chase ensued for about ten minutes, after which Khadgar had gotten to the top of a large cliff.
Thinking quickly, he grabbed a vine, which came seemingly out of no where, and swung towards his fighter.
On the way down, he kicked the employee out of the way.
He hurried back to the shuttle and took off.

Upon arriving at the bridge, Khadgar quickly ordered the ship away.
"I can not do that, Admiral! They've put up a lag field..."
"Just do it, we haven't got much time!"

The Grey Wolf blasted away from the lag field, and safely made its way to the Platform for supplies and refuelling.

Wing XIII Monastery

Cardinal Khadgar, inside his new Aurora Prime luxury home.

Cardinal here again... Now that I've gotten away from the 42 Lawsuits held against me, I've now decided to become a respectable business man.
Pssttt... *Cardinal opens half of his robes to reveal several commodities, including gold looking watches*
Would you like to buy an Imitation Cardinal Rolex Watch ("I can't believe it's not Rolex!")?
*Khadgar quickly hides the watches*... "Cripes, the authorities!"... *Cardinal runs*.

Well, I've noticed that many people have "Guess the Song" competitions... The Cardinal can do that! I'm hip! I'm cool! Tucka, Tucka, Tucka.

Okay... Here are some of the lyrics:

I'm a soul man
I'm a soul man
I'm a soul man
I'm a soul man

Damn, I screwed that up... If it wasn't blatantly obvious, that was Soul Man, by Sam & Dave. Ah well.


Retribution Competition

I E-Mailed some results out from that:

LCM Gilad Pelleaeon - 15
CM Wes Janson - 14
MAJ Marcin Szydlowski - 13
MAJ Arathar - 10
LT Flagellant - 6
CM Hev Randrowan - 4
LT Sarin - 3
LT Augustin Bodurka - 2
CPT Drako - 2
LCM Michael - 2
CM Tomaas Banys - 1

Vortex - 28
Crusader - 23
Phoenix - 16
Valkyrie - 4
Tartarus - 1

New results will be sent out shortly... I'd like to congratulate all the activity I've seen. Keep it up!

Recruitment Competition

Henceforth, the top recruiter each month will get an IS-BR... It's TO approved!

Grey Wolf Meeting

The first Grey Wolf meeting was a huge success. I E-Mailed details and a full log out to the Wing earlier. You can also find details on the Grey Wolf Message Board!

Commodore's Protector

As E-Mailed to the Wing... My COM's Protector for my is...
CM Wes Janson!

As I said, it was a tough decision. CM Janson had the highest overall Multiplayer Activity in the Wing, he aggressively went to competitions, did his best, and came out with many LoCs and even some DFCs. He did all of this while running Phoenix Squadron. Despite the Very High Activity and great work as A-CMDR from LT DarkC, I'm afraid I only have one choice, so I have chosen CM Janson.

Wing Commander's Own

MAJ Azazel has selected Tartarus Squadron as his WC's Own! Tartarus has built up a great Squadron from very little. Great work!

Khadgar's Note: I told you that I've congratulated Tartarus, Cris (DarkC)! :P

Grey Wolf Site Fully Operational

The Grey Wolf site is fully operational, including the News Page at:!

Imperial Storm II

Operation: Imperial Storm II - "Dark Horizon" is starting shortly... Are you ready? for details.

Psi Invitational Tournament

Psi Squadron will be holding a Tournament based on High Scores. Since Crusader Squadron is a lot larger than Psi Squadron, Tartarus Squadron will be representing Wing XIII!

New Battles Released!

The is all good... Except for the fact that none of them are XvT. I suggest trying them out for those of you with TIE and/or XWA. I flew one of them myself, they appear to be good battles overall. :)

X-Wing vs TIE Fighter Week of War

The XvT WoW started on the Zone today! Hope to see you all out there... I'll be ou there myself shortly.

New Battles Released!

The is all good... Except for the fact that none of them are XvT. I suggest trying them out for those of you with TIE and/or XWA. I flew one of them myself, they appear to be good battles overall. :)

Commodore's Office

As usual, I've been busy... I have two Competitions going. Also, I did some stuff with the Grey Wolf Page. I'm pleased to see the usual slate of Very High Activity. The Grey Wolf meeting was great, I'd like to thank everyone for coming out.

My plans for the weekend are to get some new Retribution Competition, and to keep working on the Grey Wolf Hall of Fame.

That's all this week!

War Room

For information on weekly multiplayer competitions, visit the Combat Center. (

For single player battles, visit the Battle Center. (

For information on special competitions, visit the TO Competition Office. (

Picture of the Week

Rejected Hall of Fame Picture: RA Khadgar.

<Khadgar> BatFO!
<`Pri> RobinCOM!

ISD Grey Wolf
Flag Officers - 2
Vortex - 10
Phoenix - 11
Crusader - 11
Odin - 0
Tartarus - 9
Valkyrie - 8
Total: 51

Respectfully Submitted,

Rear Admiral Khadgar
ISD Grey Wolf Commodore

COM/RA Khadgar/ISD Grey Wolf
SSx2/BS/PCx7/ISMx15/MoT-2gh/LoC-PSx44/CoL/CoB/LoAx5/OV [EXCR] {IWATS-PHP/1-SM/2}

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