ISDII Challenge Report # 6 (2003-07-28)

This report was submitted by RA Sephiroth

ISD Challenge COM Report #6

->Check out for all the current news.

->CMDR Woody should be returning soon
->Most of you know this, but the website is finally up ( CMDR's I can give you a sub-domain for your squadron if you like. e-mail addy's are also available.
->CMDR's, if you didn't understand the instructions I gave you for using the SSI's on the website, make sure you e-mail me...or catch me on IRC. Because until the PHP version of the site is done (hint, hint..*coughammycough*), SSI (Server Side Includes) is what we'll have to use.
->And oh yeah, some guy named Beef is returning soon. :-P

->The Wing X vs XX comp is coming to an end. Get your last minute entries in ASAP
->Frey has a couple of comps up his sleeve. He'll release more info as needed.
->The COM of the Fear in the IW and I have been working on a ship vs ship comp that should start this weekend.
->CMDR's, I am seeing a huge lack of competitions from any of you. I've only seen one in the past couple of weeks. I should see one from all of you at least every other week to once a month. Things are becoming a bit stale in some squadrons, and changes will be made if there is no effort to correct that. Competitions provide the best effort to do that.

->Frey & I are working on revising the SSO's we've had since Mairin was COM. There shouldn't be a lot of changes, but there will be a few. Frey is making his suggestions to it now. Once he's done, I'll add mine. Once we agree on it, the CMDR's will get it for their input.
->MSE's - Start on em now. Get them into Frey by at least the 3rd, unless he specifies sooner.

->Download mIRC at connect to a Undernet server, and join #Wing_X. Then chat and have fun with your fellow pilots.
->Wing message board is at and of course your squadron message boards as well.
->Bug your COM. With IM's (AIM - FroznShark, ICQ - 118852695, MSN -, Yahoo! - tc_sephiroth) (Trillian, best thing to ever happen to IM's)

->Tape "Kick Me" signs on the back of WC Frey
->Slip me $10 bills in brown envelopes.
->Be active. Fly, write fiction, graphic work.
->Get educated with IWATS
->Stay in communication with your CMDR

COM/RA Sephiroth/ISD Challenge

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