ISDII Immortal Report # 6 (2003-10-12)

This report was submitted by RA Locke Setzer

ISD Immortal

Weekly Ship Report


<`BubbaXvTX> Can I only have messages at 5 second intervals? :P
<`Locke> Aye
<`BubbaXvTX> damnit.
<`Locke> Sorry ;P
<`BubbaXvTX> lol
<`Locke> Be happy you even HAVE messages!
<`Locke> ;)

Immortal News

-Unfortunetly, as you've all heard, our beloved Wing Commander, LC BubbaX, has gone on and got himself promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral and appointed the position of Relentless Commodore! While I'm personally saddened by the departure of such a fantastic WC, I can't blame Admiral Krax for seeing the same things in him as I did, and Lord knows the Relent needs a strong COM right now. I'm sure BubbaX will be able to provide that for the ship, and I look forward to working with him and his new ship in the future :)

Applications will be accepted until next Sunday. Until a new WC is selected, I shall be taking on the duties of A-WC and will take CMDR pilot files, run the current Wing comps going on until the end of the month(more info about that in the comps section), as well as handle other things Bubba was doing/would usually do. Except for Spaming ;)

Details for the Wing XI WC Application can be seen best here

To Phantomites, I will be replacing Bubba who was replacing Krayt for the comp with Panther, which is probably more appropriate since I was a Panther FL myself once long ago... and thus am eager to remind them of the power of the oldtimers >:P

-On a much happier note, congrats to Captain Aeolus, who was awarded a Gold Star for his work on the new Flight Officer's webpage. Excellent work Aeolus :)

-Just so you all know, our comp between Wing II just got turned into a three-way ;) We will now also be battling Wing XIII in an all-out brawl. Details are still being worked upon, but we should have this comp up and going sometime this month. Equally, it's been rumoured that the comp might even go up to *5* Wings... more on that later ;)

-As all of you know, quite a few new missions have been released to the Compedium... and as always I'll try to (though if I missed someone, please tell me ;)) promote any and all work of a Immortal pilot. Therefore... I highly encourage you guys to take a shoot at XvT-FREE #154 by Ghost's CMDR, CM Ric Gravant, as well as XvT-FREE #153 by myself. Though if you really want to suck up, you'd also dust off your X-Wing game and give XW-FREE #5 and XW-TC #8 a try as well ;)

-MSE medals came in, and quite a few people were well rewarded! Congrats to all of those who recieved substantial awards for September! Now see if you can do your part to give myself and your CMDRs reason to give you guys even more for the month of October! :)

-Vampire has set up a new homepage! Give it a look over at

-Mosh has a new site for his EH Patchs! Check it out here, and you should get one! Because let's face it... they're freakin awesome :)

Message Board Topics of Intrest

Wing XI Looks for new WC

The Heat was on, but now it's simmered... sorta

Go here for EHBL problems!

Oh! The Controversy!

Two Man Spam!

The Patches of Mosh!


Recruiting Comp: In a effort to regenerate the numbers of Wing XI and the overall activity, a recruiting comp is to be held. This comp shall award a IS-SR to the pilot who recruits the most, whereas a IS-BR shall be awarded for every pilot who recruits at least one pilot

Immortal Guard: The Immortal Guard will be the elite unit of Wing XI, and will consist of a total of five (5) people. One will be the Captain of the Guard, the other four will be Guardsmen. The competition to join the Guard will consist of two parts: 1. High Score: All pilots will fly the assigned battles (TIE-TC 202, XvT-TC 59, XWA-TC 14, XW *TBA*(the XW battle is a bonus)) and submit them to the WC. The WC, me, will then add up the scores for each battle, and divide by 3 (therefore, flying the XW battle will give an advantage). Two of the Guardsmen will be selected from this section of the competition. 2. General Activity: All pilots must be as active as possible. Activity ranges from MB posting, to flying, to IWATS. Two of the Guardsmen will be selected from this section. *The Captain of the Guard will be the person who acheives the highest overall score in both sections. IS-SW to Captain of the Guard, IS-BW to all Guardsmen. Deadline: September 30th

Beat the Commodore!: The Commodore of the Immortal has an open challenge to all of Wing XI. Any pilot who accepts will choose a free mission for any platform, or challenge the COM to an MP match on any platform. If the pilot beats the COM, he/she gets an IS-BW. Deadline: October 26th

Commodore's Protector: Continuing in this competition, each month I will choose the pilot I feel has served the Immortal the best over the past month and bestow upon him the title of Commodore's Protector, which he will retain until the next month when I pass the title on to another. While the title may be used in any email and TC transactions for the month the pilot retains it, they will also be awarded a IS-SR for obtaining the title for that month.

Squadron of the Month: Each month I will select a Squadron I believe has performed overall as a group (not a set of individuals) the best shall be awarded the title of Squadron of the Month. The CMDR of the Squadron of the Month shall be awarded a IS-SW for leading his squadron to that title, and the Squadron as a whole will be given a banner with their name and date of their accomplishment which may be posted on their website, as a reward to give them complete bragging rights for that month.

Wing XI Pilot of the Month Comp: The pilot who flies the most, and is overall most active for each week will be awarded one point. The pilot with the most points for each month will receive an IS-SW. If there is a tie, both pilots will get an IS-SW. This will continue each month until January.

Wing XI Trivia: Every week, after the wing meeting, there will be trivia held. The pilot who wins the most weeks in a month wins an IS-SR. All others who win a week get IS-BRs.
This week's winner: CPT Krayt!!!

Fleet News

-Various new battles and frees have been released to the fleet! Check them out and give em a fly!

-Check out the new FO page of CPT Aeolus at!

-Current the TAC office is running the Golden Tug awards for 2002! Head over to the News Page for more details!

Squadron Stats


Total Missions: 4
Medals: 3

Total Missions: 0
Medals: 0

Total Missions: 25
Medals: 4

Total Missions: 3
Medals: 3

Total Missions: 0
Medals: 11

Flag Staff(New!)
Total Missions: 12
Medals: 14

Final Thoughts

It recently came up on IRC when a pilot asked me if I'd rather have 9 pilots who didn't do anything, or 3 really active ones. Just so you guys know, I'm not about numbers. I really don't care about them much. What I care about is what this ship can do and accomplish. Is it nice to have great activity and great numbers? Sure, but I much prefer to have great activity, and thus I will never, ever try to make us look bigger then we actually are by not AWOLing those who the Flight Manual say should be AWOLed or removed. Some ships just let it slide... I never have and never will. You guys don't deserve non-existant pilots there dragging you down :)

Don't take this the wrong way tho... not asking everyone to be a super pilot. Some people never fly cause they prefer being active in other ways, and that's perfectly fine by me :) Long as you here with the ship and happy to be here, I'm happy to have you :)

Respectfully Submitted,

COM-TCT-TCS-PROF/RA Locke Setzer/ISD Immortal

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