ISDII Immortal Report # 9 (2003-11-03)

This report was submitted by RA Locke Setzer

ISD Immortal

Weekly Ship Report


*** `SSarge` is now known as Bolivian
<`Bolivian> i mean, hey Locke :P

Immortal News

-Well first off, I apologize for having been absent these past few days. Ended up going home and tried to help the folks fix their network hub... then came back to the apartment to find our network on the fritz. Fun fun :P

As a result, I'm a bit behind in quite a few r/l aspects, so if this report seems a bit rushed... it's because it is ;)

-It is my esteem pleasure to announce this month's Commodore's Protector and Squadron of the Month! First off, again, I must give congratulations to Phantom Squadron, which has continued to show excellent performance, as well as nearly perfect participation, in all that they do. Despite having switched through CMDRs, they remain strong and deserve the award.

This month's Commodore's Protector goes to Major Mosh, who continues to not only be a quality CMDR, but also a skilled pilot, participating in all aspects he could in the Great Wing Comp this month. I will feel quite safe with the Major as my Protector in his spare time ;)

-Anyways, I now present the current results of the competition. I'm still awaiting Wing XIII's files as well as graphic judgment by the SCO. In the meantime, here's how we faired in participation and score.

FM/LCM Ryan/Phantom 2-2/Wing XI/ISD Immortal - 17,463
FL/MAJ Nuno/Phantom 3-1/Wing XI/ISD Immortal - 12,069
CMDR/MAJ Mosh/Demon/Wing XI/ISD Immortal - 10,863
COM-TCT-TCS-PROF/RA Locke Setzer/ISD Immortal - 10,035
WC/LC Triji Boliv/Wing XI/ISD Immortal - 8,709
FM/LT Nick Beauchamp/Demon 3-2/Wing XI/ISD Immortal - 6,373
FM/LCM Jarek La'an/Phantom 1-2/Wing XI/ISD Immortal - 6,152
FM-PROF/COL RogueWing/Ghost 1-3/Wing XI/ISD Immortal - 5,726
CMDR/CPT Kane Reese/Vampire/Wing XI/ISD Immortal - 5,535
FL/CPT Crsepe/Demon 3-1/Wing XI/ISD Immortal - 5,175
FL/LCM Tygra Shadowclaw/Phantom 2-1/Wing XI/ISD Immortal - 3,842
CMDR-PROF/CPT Aeolus/Phantom/Wing XI/ISD Immortal - 353

COM-TCT-TCS-PROF/RA Locke Setzer/ISD Immortal - 64,555
FM/LCM Ryan/Phantom 2-2/Wing XI/ISD Immortal - 59,829
WC/LC Triji Boliv/Wing XI/ISD Immortal - 2,895

CMDR/MAJ Mosh/Demon/Wing XI/ISD Immortal - 38,607
COM-TCT-TCS-PROF/RA Locke Setzer/ISD Immortal - 27,000

FM-PROF/COL RogueWing/Ghost 1-3/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
COM-TCT-TCS-PROF/RA Locke Setzer/ISD Immortal
FM/LCM Ryan/Phantom 2-2/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
WC/LC Triji Boliv/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
CMDR/MAJ Mosh/Demon/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
FM/SL Haedaliel Belil-Gaviel/Ghost 1-4/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
FM/LCM Ryan/Phantom 2-2/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
CMDR/CPT Kane Reese/Vampire/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
CMDR-PROF/CPT Aeolus/Phantom/Wing XI/ISD Immortal


Ship Comps

Commodore's Protector: Continuing in this competition, each month I will choose the pilot I feel has served the Immortal the best over the past month and bestow upon him the title of Commodore's Protector, which he will retain until the next month when I pass the title on to another. While the title may be used in any email and TC transactions for the month the pilot retains it, they will also be awarded a IS-SR for obtaining the title for that month. This Month's Protector is MAJ Mosh!

Squadron of the Month: Each month I will select a Squadron I believe has performed overall as a group (not a set of individuals) the best shall be awarded the title of Squadron of the Month. The CMDR of the Squadron of the Month shall be awarded a IS-SW for leading his squadron to that title, and the Squadron as a whole will be given a banner with their name and date of their accomplishment which may be posted on their website, Phantom Squadron wins this Month

Wing XI Trivia: Every week, after the wing meeting, there will be trivia held. The pilot who wins the most weeks in a month wins an IS-SR. All others who win a week get IS-BRs.
No trivia this week. Tie still to be broke in private email trivia question

Wing Comps

Wing XI Pilot of the Month Comp: The pilot who flies the most, and is overall most active for each week will be awarded one point. The pilot with the most points for each month will receive an IS-SW. If there is a tie, both pilots will get an IS-SW. This will continue each month until January.

Squadron Stats


Total Missions: 0
Medals: 2

Total Missions: 0
Medals: 0

Total Missions: 18
Medals: 0

Total Missions: 2
Medals: 0

Total Missions: 0
Medals: 0

Flag Staff
Total Missions: 2
Medals: 3

Final Thoughts

Whew... things have been rather busy, but hopefully things will calm down a bit soon after this week's over. As for future comps, we're certainly going to get into another one... but I really need a better turn out next time. We're quite a strong ship, and can do a lot if we all pull together, so let's see if we can't get together and take out anyone who tries to go up against us!

Respectfully Submitted,

COM-TCT-TCS-PROF/RA Locke Setzer/ISD Immortal

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