ISDII Relentless Report # 11 (2003-12-21)

This report was submitted by RA BubbaX

ISD Relentless

Rear Admiral BubbaX Reporting for the ISD-II Relentless on the Twenty-first of December 2003


And it's over! ECR has finally ended! :P The final scores should be one really knows when. We'll get them passed along to you guys as soon as we get them, though, so don't worry :)
24 weeks of school left.... 

TC/EH News

VA Sarin has been made the new COO, and RA Gilad has taken his place as MuttCOM :P Congratz, Gilly!


Old zip battles - These will be taken offline on January 1st. (Very soon :P)

TC News

A fix for the EHBL and TIE for XP


Current ECR Standings:


Relentless News

ECR is over! What's next? :P 


Ship Comps

Commodore's Protector 

2. Squadron of the Month

Wing Comps

Wing IX WC's Challenge <-- On hold until the end of ECR V

Wing IX Recruiting Bananza #1

Wing IX Monthly Trivia




SL Lev Gammitt --> CM Lev Gammitt :P


LoC to MAJ Ky Terrak

MoI to MAJ Keller

ISMs to CM Renoshi Bespin, MAJ Brad Tack, and MAJ Powerslave!


None! None at all!


Missions Flown

Flag Officers: 0 :( 

Sword: 0

Spear: 0 

Hammer: 20 

Shield: 0 

Total: 20

Quote of the Week

[12:32] <`Locke> I can't be a WC
[12:32] <`Locke> It's written in the heavens somewhere ;P
[12:32] <BubbaX> Honestly, WC was the most fun I've had in the EH yet
[12:32] <`Locke> Mmmm well that can always change, but many feel it's the best job
[12:32] <BubbaX> It is fun
[12:32] <BubbaX> You should try it some time :P
[12:33] <`Locke> I can't, Leviticus 39:40 "And the Locke, made of Kevin, is to take any position, but not that of WC, no matter how much thee Locke may put forth thiene application for partaking upon the position" ;P
[12:34] <BubbaX> LOL
[12:34] <BubbaX> Quote of the week :P
[12:35] <`Locke> Indeed ;P

Weekly Fiction

Ironfist is still on leave...still...


Recruit! Recruit, recruit, recruit, recruit! :P 

Now to help you, I've put together a few tips on how to get recruits:

* Look for Cadets with AIM because they are easier to contact
* Don't bother contacting Cadets who have been in training for more than three weeks
* Don't bother emailing SLs, LTs, or anyone over the rank of VA in the reserves
* Look for reservists who have been on the Relentless in the past
* Post recruiting messages on any SW forums you come across

These are just a few tips...use them wisely :P

Closing Thoughts

From what RA Locke told me today about fiction and graphics for ECR, the Relentless had a good deal more submissions than the Immortal, and because of that, (also because of Ron's amazing scores! :P) I think we stand an excellent chance of coming out on top in ECR V! 

Fly, recruit, have fun, and stay safe!



Rear Admiral BubbaX

Rear Admiral BubbaX, Commodore of the ISD-II Relentless
COM/RA BubbaX/ISD Relentless

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