ISDII Grey Wolf Report # 2 (2003-12-28)

This report was submitted by VA Gilad Pelleaeon

ISD Grey Wolf Report #2 - 12.28.03 Ship News -The Big News ofcourse is that Major Pickled Yoda is the new Wing Commander! -Since some of you haven't accepted the invitations for the new eGroup, I'm going to add you. -Welcome aboard SL Malidir! -Wing still stands at 61. Recruit! -Vlad wins the Wolfpack Recruitment Comp III -New Ship Banner Comp is going, submissions are due a week from today! -I'm going to launch an incentive comp to try and encourage WoW activity, I'll announce it soon. -CPT TK-6686 wins the caption comp week two, I'm going to cut it short and only make it three captions, since I only had three picked out. ASF News -COL Nightmare tells me that Episode 1, Part 3 of the ASF Chronicles is done and will be out soon at: Tie Corps -XWA WoW is on now, go fly! -Sarin gave the Monks an MP Competition, someone save us... -The TAC wants more XWA Battles, so make one involving the Grey Wolf, eh? Medals -IS-BR awarded to Major Pickled Yoda for winning the Crusader Easter Egg Comp Round 10 -MoI awarded to CPT Keiran Laserlight for assisting in the training of SL Quat'r Zax -BS awarded to LCM Tiamat for November activity -BS awarded to MAJ Pickled Yoda for November activity -MoI awarded to LCM Ambar Kilick for assisting in the training of SL Saphius -IS-BR awarded to LCM Ghorg for winning the "How long will Gilad Last?" Comp Promotions -SL Saphius promoted to Lieutenant Transfers -LCM Miackus from Tartarus 1-4 to RSVs -SL Malidir from PLT Daedalus to Odin 2-2 IWATS Courses -LT Quat'r Zax - M/1 - 100% -SL Saphius - AIM - 91% -LT Quat'r Zax - RT - 100% -MAJ Pickled Yoda - XAM - 91% Competition Activity What's Sarin Saying?!? Comp -CPT TK-6686 won second round, CPT Keiran Laserlight got second Week Two Picture: Submitted Captions: CPT TK-6686: "Hmmmmmm... I've almost run out of cigars... next stop... CUBA!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA*Cough*HAHAHAHAHAHA*Hack*HAHAHAHAHAHA*Splutter*HAHAHAHAHA *Sigh*" CPT Keiran Laserlight: "In Iraq I am using Taiwanian weaponary, wearing Korean helmets, looking from behind Italian sunglasses, hide behind Japanise buletproof vests, smoke Cuban cigars, watching Arabian teen girls. Yeah! I am an American after all!" CPT JoeyC: "Time to relax with an Iraq-class Joe Camel...gah, gotta stop smoking these, I keep thinking of Joey" "Good, I turned that wall into a pile of rubble...time to relax with a cigar that looks horribly like a copper pipe with newspaper stuffed in it" "Argh! The end of my party blower came off!...*looks at rifle and grins* "Ahhh...nothing like smoking around live ammunition..." Week Three's Picture: Get your captions to me by Saturday Competitions What's Sarin Saying?!? Comp Deadline: December 31st, 2003 URL: Description: Pilots are to come up with a clever caption for pictures of VA Sarin (LT Crawford) from and submit them to me. Wolfpack Iron Star Competitions: FCHG Comp- For the pilot who gains the most FCHG Points in a month CR Comp- For the pilot who gains the most CR Points in a month Wolfpack Ace- For the pilot who earn the most Pilot of the Week awards Trivia Comp- For the pilot who answers the most Trivia questions in a month Graphics Comp- For the pilot who submits the best graphics in a month Beat the COM- For the pilot who beats the COM in head-to-head MP Commodore's Forum I hope you all had a happy holiday, I know I did. New Years is coming up, have a good time! Not much to talk about this week, congrats to Yoda, I had a bunch of good applications. I'm going to start flying WoW as soon as Battlestats stops giving me trouble. I encourage you to do the same, I'll see what I can get past the TO and OPS to rewards this activity. I'll try and come up with some more comps for you guys soon. Vlad's Easter Egg II is coming up next week, find eight of the Easter Eggs and get yourself and elusive IS-GR! Good luck! Cordially Submitted, Rear Admiral Gilad Pelleaeon =================================== COM/RA Gilad Pelleaeon/ISD Grey Wolf BSx3/PCx4/ISMx10/MoI/IS-6BR-2SR/LoC-CSx2-Rx4/CoL/CoB/OV-4E [CNTR] {IWATS-AIM-CBX-IIC/1-M/1-SM/2/3} Wing XIII - Tie Corps Commander's Own for November and December 2003 BTM/ACO Gilad Pelleaeon/Purgatory/Oriens Obscurum/Arcona {SA}

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