ISDII Challenge Report # 3 (2003-01-03)

This report was submitted by RA Mairin Astoris

Greetings all, and welcome back to the New Year! I hope you all had a great vacation, got loads of great presents, and have come back ready to work hard and keep this Ship the best in the Battlegroups.

[A Review of Last Year]
Last year the ISD Challenge:
* Had a total of 5 Commodores (including me); hopefully this year will only see one. >:)
* Had a total of 2 Wing Commanders
* Had a total of 10 Commander changes
* Fell to 29 members then rose to 50; hopefully this year we can pick that up even further and see 60 on board. :)
* Won the ECR, and with it, the title of TIE Corps Battlegroups Flagship

[Looking Forwards...]
The future of this Ship, as always, depends on you. We ended the year on a huge high, winning the ECR and becoming the BG Flagship. Let's keep the momentum going, and get out there and wreak havoc on the rest of the TIE Corps! I've been saying for ages that we're the best Ship in the Fleet, so I reckon it's about time we toddle out there and prove it. ;) I'd really like to see as many squadrons as feel they are able to go out there and kick some butt on a few Supremacy Tours and so on.

[Standing Orders]
These have now been completed and sent to the FO and BGCOM for approval. They will be available to anyone who wants to see them immediately, and eventually they'll also go onto our website - as soon as I get around to getting it completed. :) Your Commanders should be starting to implement these Standing Orders fairly shortly.

This is on hold at the moment, as I've been having trouble with hosting. I had been waiting on someone who was going to offer us hosting, but it appears that this won't be happening, so I will be looking into getting a second account on Minos to see if we can get this website up and running.

[Ship Meetings]
Seph and I would like to start running Ship Meetings on IRC in #isd_challenge every two weeks, just to go over our news and achievements during those two weeks and we may also include small competitions at the end such as trivia or webhunts. The best time for me to run these is on either a Friday or Saturday evening, about 7pm GMT (which is 2pm EST). If people have specific times that they simply can't make, then please let us know so that we can alter the meeting times accordingly. We do want as many of you as possible to be able to come along!

Um... think that's it this time around... I'll be a little bit more on the ball with reports this year with any luck. As always, feel free to give me a poke if you think I'm not doing something I should be, or come and chat to me about any concerns you may have. :)

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