ISDII Grey Wolf Report # 4 (2002-11-19)

This report was submitted by RA Khameir Sarin


Mini-Report to keep everyone updated

1. Some more problems have occured in #wingxiii revolving around some familiar people. DyrDiablo and Per-Aa are banned from #wingxiii until I decide otherwise. Thanks.

2. CMDRS, please send myself and Hev a report on who in your squadron is currently AWOL. After we have reveiwed these reports we will begin making roster changes(this could take a while, the FO is waiting on the mailing response to return before making changes).

3. With some AWOLs coming, Recruitment returns to the front as our most important goal. All pilots are encouraged to recruit any and all people that we can. Please remember to follow the recruiting guidelines found at the recruiting manual

4. CMDRS are to start Run-Ons or have their pilots start run-ons on their message boards. I want the use of the message boards to rise. Remember our boards are at

5. Race to 400.(I have flown 11 missions) I would guess that LCM Choosh is in the lead. I personally bsf'ed 12 of his files. Great Work Choosh!

6. WC Hev has created a new GW wing banner and Phoenix Squadron banner. Great work Hev.

7. Our mIRC channel #wingxiii has recently seen a revival in numbers. I counted 15 Pilots in the room over this past weekend. All pilots are encouraged to come chat with myself and others in #wingxiii. Often you will find various high ranking officers lounging about.

8. Escort Squadron Competition is on. The Squadron with the most CR until December will win! CMDRS you better be tracking your stats! I would hate for you to miss out on being my Escort Squadron. I enjoy going to Casino's and giving my Escorts(heh, I said "my escorts") time off!

9. Have a great Wednesday and Thursday. I will be conducting Operations in an Urban Environment with my Army peeps. Talk to you all soon.

Rear Admiral Khameir Sarin
Sith Warrior of Clan Arcona

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