ISDII Challenge Report # 1 (2004-06-12)

This report was submitted by RA Locke Setzer

ISD Challenge

Commodore Report


<`ChrisBRB> whoa
<`ChrisBRB> Dan just sent a report
<`ChrisBRB> awesome :P
<`Locke> Why don't you go tell him you're back ;P
<`ChrisBRB> what? why would i do that? I can use this to my advantage :P

Challenge News

-Well, welcome to the first of many COM reports, which I will do normally every other week (biweekly? fortnightly?) basis. This may change in the future as I know the BGCOM wants a more standarized system for COM reports, but for the meantime, this is what we're going to do.

Now, since it's been a long, long, long time (if ever really ;P) that the Challenge recieved reports from their Commodore on a normal basis, let me explain what I'll be using them for.

1) To highlight topics of intrest happening inside and outside of the Challenge. The WC's main concern is what's happening within the Wing, so my COM reports will usually concentrate on how our ship is effecting the outside world, in paticular paying attention to participation to other ships of the BG.

2) To encourage message board activity by highlighting a few (just a few :P) topics of intrest.

3) To provide information about current comps, especially those that I'll be running (in other words, external comps, or IRC-related comps, as well as probably coverage of the RPG if and when that gets moving)

4) To provide basic squadron statistics for all squadrons onboard the Challenge since the last report.

5) Whatever else I feel like adding :P

-After consultation with the WC and the CMDRs, I've finally put together a new listing of Ship Standing Orders for the ISD Challenge. They can be seen (and commented upon) over at the Wing X Message Board. While the post lists them as being considered offical and in use, I am still open to making changes if someone can convince me that a change should be made. Otherwise, this is what I'll be expecting out of all of you from here on out, as well as a listing of what you should expect from myself and COL Sephiroth from here on out as well.

-A reminder and clarification: Currently, we're still dealing with database errors. The best way to take care of things are as follows:

Promotion: If you rank is incorrect, email your CMDR, who will email me. So far I have put forth requests for Ryuu and Fritz, but if there's anyone else out there who has the incorrect rank, please inform the proper person ASAP.

Medals: Medals are the same way; tell your CMDR, who will then tell me. I haven't gotten too many requests for these yet, but if you're missing something, please inform me so I can fix it. If you still have the email you recieved about the medal, please attach that as well.

IWATS: IWATS are the tricky issue. Since there's no TO, it's fallen upon the shoulders of the CA:TO. I'm a member of the Training Office Staff, so I have a clearer idea of what's going on: what we're trying to do is have Professors go through and readd former graduates on their own. The CA:TO has begun to take requests, but only for the MP course (because the MP professor is out of town at the moment). REGARDLESS, if you're missing an IWATS course, please email me and tell me about it, to guarentee that even if one of the Professors is missing it, I can send it on and make sure it's fixed a lot faster then it would if it was an individual request to the CA:TO. More info on this over on this MB post

-I'm looking to start up (or at least attempt) some sort of weekly Ship IRC meetings. Please put in your two cents over at the Wing X MB

-Since coming under new (or should I say old?) management, we've had a few new (or old, for some of them ;)) arrivals! A huge welcome back to the ultimate Typhoon pilot himself, MAJ Elwood the Brave, as well as a big welcome back to CM Quincy Nelson, who also goes to Typhoon! Also, let's not forget our latest arrival, SL Nomphosumus, who's joined up with Inferno :)

-Congrats go out to LT Deckard, who's taken on the position of being the new Typhoon FL! Congrats!

-MWE requests have been submitted, so expect to see those start to trickle in as soon as some CS members can get to them!

-I was graciously awarded a SS today for my 4-month stint over at the ISD Colossus as their WC. Twas a good time and I'm quite happy for the award, but it won't compare to how much fun I'll be having over here working on this ship and on this job :D


The Great Relentless-Challenge Comp - With the first week over, which threw Relent pilots against Chal pilots in a run-on SPAM contest, the Challenge wins, leaving only the trivia and fiction portions!

The Trivia portion will take place over both weeks. During the first week, flaggies will collect trivia questions from their ship members to be used against the rivial ship during the 2nd week. Ship that answers the most questions wins that round. All trivia questions you want to ask the Relent are due tommorrow, and so far I only have 9 out of the 20 I need!

The fiction portion will take place over all rounds,and will require pilots to describe an incident wherea prank of some sort was conducted against our beleoved BGCOM by pilots of the Relent and the Challenge. These stories will be judged by none other then our BGCOM, AD Mell Kerrigan ;P

Message Board Topics of Intrest

Challenge is Losing?!? Fix!! Now!!
ISD Challenge Ship Standing Orders
Challenge IRC Meetings
What do YOU want to do?
Wing RPG Discussion
Random Spamation Thunder Topic #1!
Free TCBG email addy!
The TCBG has a Message Board?
Fear Typhoon?
Spammable Thunder Topic #2!

Fleet News

-A small handful of new battles came out today:


XW-FCHG #1 is my own creation made on my favourite platform about... a year ago ;P So.. uhh... err.. X-Wing rocks!

-Congrats to RA TK-7764 and MAJ Archangel, who take over command of the ISD Subjugator!

Ship Statistics


(I'm not counting re-awarded medals or re-done IWATS in this count)

Total Missions: 0
Medals: 1

Typhoon <-- Awesome work guys! :D
Total Missions: 73
Medals: 1
High Scores: 5
Arrivals: 2

Total Missions: 3
Medals: 0
Arrivals: 1

Total Missions: 0
Medals: 0

So ends the first COM report! Woo!

Respectfully Submitted,

COM-PROF/RA Locke Setzer/ISD Challenge

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