ISDII Challenge Report # 0 (2000-10-30)

This report was submitted by VA Corran Force

It has been another Acitve week onboard the Challenge.

Wing Current Status:

1. Tornado continues to hold comps and keeps a very high level of activity.
2. Chal Poll has ended for who we should play for the next Wing Comp. Results Pending.
3. I am now able to get off work at 9:00p CST
4. I hope to finish my ASP book soon. Once that is done I will start recoding my domain with newer better code.

I don't know if you want me to do Lee's MSE or not but I dunno if he will do his own or if I should do his.

Vice Admiral Corran Force
COM/VA Corran Force/ISD Challenge
GS/SSx2/BSx3/PCx2/ISMx4/MoI/MoC-19BoC-6SoC-1GoC/OV [KNGT]
OBM (Obelisk)/P:OHC/QUA/House Kirelta of Satal Keto GC {CoL}

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