Wing XIII Report # 46 (2004-12-24)

This report was submitted by GN Pickled Yoda

Untitled Document

Since everyone knows that I have no talent for witty things....
stop nodding! I was being sarcastic!

Rather like Sarin did two years ago, this is a report that celebrates some past Christmas messages from ship people types. There isn't anything from 2003 because Gilad was the only flag at the time and he was busy picking me as the next Wing Commander.

This year's entry : Some letters to Santa.

Yub Yub. Enjoy
GN Pickled ShortStuff GreenGnome Gangrene Yoda

From : CM Lenvik
To : Santa

Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is your list of naughty girls.

From : Santa
To : CM Lenvik

Dear Lenvik,
"The Officer formerly known as Daala"

(Santa was played by Khadgar when this letter was posted on IRC)

From : GN Nightmare
To : Santa

Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas are the Grey Wolf's pilots in my squadron.

From : Santa
To : GN Nightmare

Dear Nightmare,
There are some things that even I am not allowed to give you.
P.S. GN Yoda is absolutely not making me write this at gun point.

From : CM Kysar Xero
To : Santa

Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is to be in Avenger Squadron.
From : Santa
To : CM Kysar Xero

Dear Kysar
Quick advice. Do NOT tell Yoda that.
From : GN Pickled Yoda
To : VA Gilad Pelleaeon

Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is to be made Commodore.
From : VA Gilad Pelleaeon
To : GN Pickled Yoda

Yoda, piss off and quit pestering me.
From : RA JoeyC
To : GN Pickled Yoda

Dear Santa.
All I want for Christmas is to be made Communications Officer and out rank you.
From : GN Pickled Yoda
To : RA JoeyC



Dickens by Khadgar

Commander Scrooge walked down the Grey Wolf's hallways. "Mery Christmas, Scrooge!" Tomaas Banys said.
"Bah... Humbug!"
"You don't really mean that, do you?"
"I certainly do... I hate Christmas! What a waste of credits!"
"But, it's so much more than that..."
Tomaas continued walking along the decks.

Next, Scrooge came upon Wes Janson.
"So, what are you getting the Flag Officers for Christmas?"
"You mean you're going to send it anonymously?"
"No, I'm not getting them anything!"
"You'll never make Captain with that outlook on things..."
"I don't care, Bah, Humbug!"

Scrooge walked into his quarters and started to try to get to sleep, but he heard a noise.
"Bah, Humbug... Probably those darned officers preparing for Christmas..."
"No, it is me..."
"Vice Admiral Khadgar?"
"Well, yes, but in this case I'm supposed to be the the Ghost of Christmas past."
"I see, and why would I care!?"
"Come with me."
"Why, this is Platform Daedalus, where I trained!" Scrooge said.
The ghost showed Scrooge a lonely Cadet.
"Why, that's me... The others left me out..."
"Yes, Scrooge, just like how you make others feel with your miserly ways!"
"Why, I'll change! I promise!"

Next, Scrooge was back in his quarters, the ghost gone. Another ghost appeared.
"Colonel Azazel?"
"Yes, I am the Ghost of Christmas present."
Scrooge followed Azazel, and Azazel showed Scrooge another vision...
Some Lieutenants were moping around, sad inside of the Grey Wolf cantina.
"Why, those Lieutenants are sad, why?"
"Because, Scrooge, there Flight Leader has shattered there morale by being so mean to them."
"Why, I'll change! I promise!"

Again, the vision faded and Scrooge was back in his quarters.
"Why, what have I done?" Scrooge muttered.
"That's not the last of it..." another ghost said. "Admiral Cyric?"
"I am the Ghost of a Christmas Not Yet Been."
Cyric took Scrooge to another vision...
"Well, it looks like she'll have to close down..."
"A shame really, she was a fine ship."
"Yeah, too bad Rear Admiral Scrooge had to totally ruin the ship's morale with his cruel management tactics!"
Scrooge frowned, "Oh, this is terrible! I cause the Grey Wolf to close down!?"
"Yes, Scrooge," Cyric said, "You crushed the spirits of the men, and they all left the ship."
"I will change! I will be better! I promise!" Scrooge cried out.

Scrooge looked around to see he had awoken from bed. "Why, it's Christmas! There is work to be done!" Scrooge quickly got into his duty uniform and ran to the cantina.
"Merry Christmas, everyone! The drinks are on me today!"
Several faces lit up in the cantina, "Why Scrooge, that's wonderful!"

And so, Commander Scrooge went on to be one of the most popular members of the Grey Wolf crew. He earned a reputation for being one of the most kind and generous officers in the TIE Corps, all because of that one night.

Khad's Creative Talent Again!

In light of the upcoming holiday, I threw together this little take off of a famous poem:

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the ship, not a creature was stirring, not even with a quip. The stockings were hung by the turbolasers with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.

The pilots were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of ISMs danced in their heads. And officers in their 'kerchiefs, and I in my cap, had just settled our brains for a long leave's nap.

When out on the hull there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter. Away to the shuttle bay I flew like a flash, tore open the door, which landed with a crash.

The moon on the breast of a new-formed star gave the lustre of midday to objects afar, when, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer.

With a little old driver, so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick. More rapid than eagles, his courses they came, and he whistled and shouted and called them by name:

"Now Dasher! Now Dancer!
Now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On, Cupid!
On, Donner and Blitzen!
To the top of the bay!
To the top of the hull!
Now dash away! Dash away!
Dash away all!"

Damn, Khad is good!

Letters from the Cardinal...

This week, we decided to interview Cardinal Khadgar on the subject of Christmas, in light of the coming holiday.

Q: What exactly is the true spirit Christmas?
A: Basically, it means that you don't have to go to school.

Q: What about the giving?
A: Oh yes, almost forgot that. I'm recommend the "Laptop for the Cardinal Fund" and the "Trip to Disneyworld for the Cardinal Fund".

Q: What about all of the great movies, poetry, etc. that has come out of Christmas?
A: Ah, good point. Well, seeing as my poetic talents are rather limited, I'll cite an example from the Squadron's own MAJ "Cris" DarkC:

Merry Christmas, TARTARUS!
By MAJ DarkC

My name is Chrissy and you know me for long time, I’ve tried to be with you for better and for worse And even if things changed a bit,I hope you’re feeling fine Because I intend to stay with you…for good , of course.

And I am proud and happy to be here with you Because you never thought about yourselves, you always thought of US You have become a second family to me and this is true So all I want right now is wish you “ Merry Christmas, TARTARUS!”


Q: That was great.
A: I know, really kills two birds with one stone. Not only is it an excellent poem, but it really allows me to marginalize the amount that I have to prattle on to fill up this article.

Q: Thank you Cardinal, and have a Pleasant, Non-Denominational, Non-Discriminatory Holiday!
A: Merry Christmas to you, too.

Happy Holidays to everyone from the Cardinal's Office!

And one from myself, in 2002.

To my fellow pilots and friends. Merry Christmas! In the spirit of the season, I have included the words to a traditional song found on the planet the natives call "Earth" Hope the gungans enjoy it too.

Hev the Red Nosed Gungan!

He-ev the red nosed gungan
Had a large appetite
And if you saw his pizzas
You would even say he scoffed

All of the other pilots
used to laugh and call him names
until the time when th-ey
didnt have pillows one day

Then one bright november day
Sarin came to say - Ho, Ho, Ho
He-ev with your many skills,
come and get the Grey Wolf kills.

Then all of the other pilots,
shouted out in fear!
"Hev the red nosed gungan,
yousa bring our pillows here!"

Cheers from

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