Wing X Report # 20 (2005-04-10)

This report was submitted by LC Coranel Both

Wing X WC Report #20 - April 10, '05

(Seph-Away): Has IS ever been popular among the peons?
(SpamG0d): Can't say I'm really looking forward to it much, either :P
(SpamG0d): Though it's certainly nice to be on the inside for once
(SpamG0d): :P
(Cor-dead): you're a BGCOM, bubba. can't you in sick for us or something? :P
* VA_Locke laughs
(Seph-Away): Yes, let the SOViets have their ego boosted. Not like we care.
(VA_Locke): "Yeah, the whole BG... really just not feeling well. Locke has cramps and Cor is just throwing up all over the place..." :P


Wow! What a week, for a multitude of reasons. For more details...I present to you...

-===Wing News===-

* For those of you who have had their heads in a hole, Tornado Squadron has been reopened! Congrats to LC Chris McCollum who takes over as TorCMDR!!

* CM Dulcatos has transferred over to the ISD Immortal to participate in the IA Beta Test! Good luck to him!

* LCM Cyrus, LT Servius Maximus, and COL Darklord, all of whom had served in Tornado before, rejoined the Chal, taking up some roster spots! LCM Mike Keyman rejoined Tempest after a long tenure in the RSV's. Also, SL Glenn, SL Oni, and SL Lola all transferred from the Daed to Tornado.

* Congrats to LT Impulse who was promoted to LCM this week, and SL's Glenn and Oni who were both promoted to LT!

* Medals! Grats to CM Great Griffin on his ISM, IS-BR, IS-BW, and PC; CM Dulcatos on his IS-SW and BS; CM Alexi Stukov on his ISM; CPT Azurin on her ISM; COL Bill Kelso on his ISM; CPT Dan Bonini on his ISM; LT Katherine Cantor Flyer on her CoB; CM TK-9780 on his BS; LT Marlin on his ISM; COL George on his BS (and LoC's :P); and CPT Dirty Vader on his SS! Good work, y'all!

* The Rel comp is concluded! The Chal CRUSHED on the Run-On portion of it, and we are currently awaiting results as far as the flying sections go. I anticipate victory :P

* If you have a moment to spare, check out LT Marlin's new INPR!

* Wing-wide FCHG Race is on for the rest of the month. Details below.

* If you've been doing activity like SWG or Freeworlds, make sure you let your CMDR's know! It counts as activity!

-===TC News===-

All news can be found at


1. Recruit or Die Comp. The pilots of the TCBG's will recruit as many members as possible from the reserves, real life, other online communities, or through helping cadets on the Daedalus. At the end of the month, the three highest-recruiting pilots will receive awards (IS-GR to most recruited, IS-SR to second, IS-BR to third).

2. Wing X "I have too much free time" Comp! A three-week long FCHG race, to conclude the month of April. Whomever flies the most during the period will win a IS-SW, with the runner-up taking an IS-BW.

-===Pilot of the Week===-

CM Dulcatos with five battles and a FREE. Way to go on going out with a bang! :P


Thunder: Received
Typhoon: Received
Inferno: Received
Tornado: Excused
Tempest: Received


What an exciting week! Hooray!


TC Site:
ISD Challenge:

If you get mIRC, join an undernet server and join #wing_x. I'm frequently there using Coranel or Cor-dead or some other variant as a nick.

WC/LC Coranel Both/Wing X/ISD Challenge

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