Wing XIII Report # 44 (2004-12-07)

This report was submitted by COL Pickled Yoda

Untitled Document

Wing XIII Report 44, December 8 2004.
Document limited to ASF Internal Use Only


Khadgar, we hardly knew ye.

A special report from GNNNN - The Grey Wolf Nonstop Nightly News Network.

Khadgar. What a man. What a pilot. What a boring waste of time. To try to describe him, I mean! GNNNN polled the common pilots - and no pilot is more common than Joey - to get his opinion on our glorious Battlegroup Commander.

"What can I say about him...he wasn't a particularly tall man...sometimes when you walk past him down the corridor his body odour knocked you over. His flying could be considered mediocre.. his report writing was average, but could have still used a bit of fine tuning..overall, he was OK.. wait a minute, we're talking about Gilad, right?"

Joey C, 2004

Khadgar and the Grey Wolf are names intrinsically linked. Why, Khadgar has spent all of his career there. Mostly. Nearly all of it, really. Except for a vacation in the Combat Operations Office, months of penal servititude on the ISD Vanguard and a sojourn to the Reserves Frigate, Khadgar has spent all of his time on the Grey Wolf. Oh, I forgot something. Khadgar conducted business from the bridge of the ISD Intrepid for two weeks before moving over to the Grey Wolf. CAUSE WE WON THE SUPREMACY COMPETITION, BOOYA.He apparently also started off there. And he has a few nice ID Line fillers now. To sum up, he's been all over the ASF but has spent some time on the Grey Wolf, which is enough to let us claim him.

Khadgar has worn many hats in his time here. The FM Hat, the FL Hat, the CMDR Hat, the WC Hat, the COM Hat, the BGCOM Hat, the COO Hat, his Cardinal Hat, and most importantly of all..... the Silly Hat.

While it is possible to remember Khadgar for the good work that he probably did, or the reports that we never read - someone said they were kinda funny, once - there is one thing that he will always be remembered for here at GNNNN.

Funny. I can't remember what it is, now.

Ah yes. Khadgar will be remembered because he is a complete tit. Can we say that? Probably not.

Khadgar will be remembered because he gave me several promotions... You know if you squint that several can look like sexual. Better leave that out.

<`Leek> Idiot! Khadgar was the first person we ever pranked!

Thank you, nameless friend who convieniently appears in the story to give the main character guideance.

Khadgar is to the GWSOoM what religion is to the world - the catalyst for the turning of a well meaning bunch of people into a tribe of warmongering bastards. Except that the GWSOoM go for an intelligent war, with words of more than three syllables cropping up from time to time. Our forte is humour.

So cast your minds back to early 2003. The Intrepid was still drawing pictures because nobody thought about turning off the robots that won them Supremacy Competition Five. The Vanguard was.... well, no one knows. The Grey Wolf was in turmoil. Or would have been, if the S in GWSOoM had stood for anything but 'Secret.' We had just started to register our channel...

~~~~~Blurring Transition Scene. Two years ago is not actually a major trip into the past, so it a short transition. Rather like the transition from upright to horizontal when you've had a few in the cantina.~~~~~

LT Vladet Xavier and LCM JoeyC have sent an email to the Communications Officer, Admiral Motti.


<Joey|IDLE> Vlad and I sent a e-mail to COMM Motti
<Joey|IDLE> a nicely worded e-mail
<Vladet> Admiral Motti :P
<Joey|IDLE> they're the same thing!
<Vladet> very nicely worded
<Vladet> exactly the same
<Joey|IDLE> yep, nicely worded it was
<CM_Choosh> what did it say?
<Khadgar> Sent a mail to Motti about what?
<Joey|IDLE> the subject is irrelevent, just that it was very nicely worded :)
<Vladet> extremely nicely worded
<Vladet> i must say im good with words
<Joey|IDLE> true
<Joey|IDLE> Vlad and I are good with words
<Joey|IDLE> now Motti knows that...
<Vladet> BIG words
<Joey|IDLE> so Khad, you'll back us up?
<Khadgar> Sure, as long as you don't do anything strictly against the club's rules. :P
* Vladet hands Khad a see-through briefcase with crisp, $2 bills
<CM_Choosh> hehe
<Joey|IDLE> hehe
<CM_Choosh> haha
<Joey|IDLE> <Khadgar> Sure, as long as you don't do anything strictly against the club's rules. :P <----- Oh...better not show you that Motti letter...
<CM_Choosh> lol
* Joey|IDLE subtly moves a small letter into his pocket
<CM_Choosh> what did it say?
<CM_Choosh> show me!
<CM_Choosh> i showed you mine
<Joey|IDLE> true
<CM_Choosh> :P
<Vladet> i dunno ...
<Joey|IDLE> just don't get offended :P
<Vladet> i could have told Joey, cuz you were telling me and dasb00t
<CM_Choosh> oh that's HILARIOUS Joey :P
<Joey|IDLE> hehe, ruthless :P
<CM_Choosh> oh, man, you better not show Khad :P
<CM_Choosh> in a word :P
<Joey|IDLE> :P
* Vladet smiles
<CM_Choosh> i can't believe you said that to him :P
<Joey|IDLE> >:)
<Vladet> well, er, i typed it, and joey revised it, and then i sent it
<CM_Choosh> i would have quit TC out of embarrasment :P
<Joey|IDLE> :P
<Yoda> show me
<Joey|IDLE> he might have to after that e-,mail :P
<CM_Choosh> show him joey:P
<Joey|IDLE> i will
<CM_Choosh> isn't that funny Yoda?
<Yoda> Joey how could you?
<Joey|IDLE> hehe...ruthless :P
<CM_Choosh> he's the next Mage I tell ya :P
* Joey|IDLE is thinking Khad won't back him up now
<Yoda> saying such stuff to a CS member
<Joey|IDLE> hehe
<Joey|IDLE> hehe, Khad's not responding...
<Khadgar> Do I really want to know? :P

So that's what happened in the main channel...but CM Choosh and Khadgar had a quiet chat behind the scenes...

<CM_Choosh> well, it's pretty funny :P
<Khadgar> What is it about?
<CM_Choosh> well...
<CM_Choosh> considering i didn't write it...
<CM_Choosh> you should probably talk to Motti about it first
<Khadgar> Hmm.
<CM_Choosh> it's funny from Joey's side, but probably not from Motti's
<Khadgar> Does it have inappropriate content in the sense of swearing, etc.?
<CM_Choosh> well, not really inappropriate, as in swearing etc.
<CM_Choosh> but in a way, inappropriate
<Khadgar> Hmmm.
<Khadgar> Well, all I have to say is, good luck, then. :P
<CM_Choosh> you'd have to see it to understand
<CM_Choosh> I wont tell you
<Khadgar> That's helpful, thanks. :P
<CM_Choosh> because it wasn't me who wrote
<CM_Choosh> it was
<CM_Choosh> Joey and Vlad won't talk, so Motti's probably your best bet
<Khadgar> Well, if I don't know what it is, I'll wait for him to act on it.
<CM_Choosh> ok
<Khadgar> Really, though, I hope they realize that E-Mailing the COMM with material that is inappropriate enough is suicide, basically. :P
<CM_Choosh> it's not really inappropriate to anything but his COMM duties
<Khadgar> Ohhh... A criticism, perhaps?
<CM_Choosh> sortof
<CM_Choosh> criticism is a bit of an understatement
<Khadgar> Mockery?
<CM_Choosh> i WANT to tell you
<CM_Choosh> but i don't think it would be good for all parties involved, especially me :P
<Khadgar> Why?
<Khadgar> Nobody has to know that we had this talk.
<CM_Choosh> well...
<CM_Choosh> Joey and Vlad might be a little...uh...angry at me if i told on them
<Khadgar> Well, that's your business. As I said, they need not find out...
<Khadgar> Anyway, I must be running along.
<CM_Choosh> well, if you knew.. they'd find out, if you
<CM_Choosh> well, if you knew.. they'd find out, if you know what i mean
<Khadgar> I'd suspect I'll find out soon one way or another.
<CM_Choosh> i guess
<Khadgar> Especially if Motti happens to pursue an
apology or charges...
<CM_Choosh> i don't think an apology will cover it
<Khadgar> Anyway... Really, I can't say much without proper details.
<Khadgar> I must be going until a bit later.
<CM_Choosh> okay
<CM_Choosh> i'll talk to Joey about it

We certainly enjoyed ourselves. And probably, Khadgar will too. Eventually.

I leave you now with two quotes from the great man.

<Khadgar> Nobody has to know that we had this talk.

<Khadgar> Joey, one day I'm not going to be here, and when I get back you won't be here


Yub Yub.

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