Wing XIII Report # 36 (2004-09-12)

This report was submitted by COL Pickled Yoda

Untitled Document

Wing XIII Report 36, September 12 2004.
Document limited to ASF Internal Use Only


Listen to that. Quiet, isn't it? There is no yelling from Gilad's cabin. There is no screaming from the general direction of the female quarters. This report has not been composed in a janitor's closet while I avoid a certain reprobate with a tendancy to prank first and act subordinate later.

No Joey for an entire week. I hope you enjoyed the peace.

The biggest news of the week is that the bi-annual Commendations of Loyalty have been awarded in honour of the Fleet Commander's Birthday. As such, the ASF pilots that will be buying drinks this week are:
Admiral Sarin
Admiral Khadgar
High Admiral Priyum Patel
Major Marcus Caine
Vice Admiral Gilad Pellaeaon
Colonel Pickled Yoda
Rear Admiral Gidda
Captain Ambar Kilick
Commander Tiamat
Lieutenant Commander Mitim Tsaexin
Major Spade
Lieutenant Commander S4patas
Commander Big Poppa K
Major Daisuke Airyu
Lieutenant Colonel Jer Stryker
Captain Grimlock
Major Kayle Bayron
Lieutenant Colonel Keller
Commander Archer
Captain Azrael

Quite a list! Well done to all.

The other noteable news event is that the Fleet's wargame - Imperial Storm - is running once again. Veterans will be aware that this is the best practise that we get all year for actual combat. Once we have built up our strength we can move back on the New Republic with all of our might.

As such, our location is classified and only a select few in the ASF - tacticians and flag staff - know where we are. Keep ready for combat, ladies and gentlemen.


The Empire has now passified all New Republic planets and bases in the Coruscant system. Using a combination of overwhelming force, tactics and monkeys, Imperial Forces today claimed five bases. They include the Jedi Academy, Coruscant Shipyards, the ISD Invincible, Sunspot and the Golan Arms Station.

The heaviest opposition came from Specter Squadron pilots Revan and Jadean (the latter of which was killed by one of my missiles!) and two Jedi. It was a crushing victory for the Imperial Navy, who now control most of the known galaxy.

Just the day before, the Empire had defended successfully against the New Republic, losing only the out of the way Golan Arms Station and the Coruscant Shipyard - which, right next to a Golan Platform and Planet Coruscant itself, was of no real use to the New Republic for the twenty four hours they held it.

Engagement Reports:

I spent the first engagement following Brin Chaser and Priyum Patel in defense of Coruscant. There was an untimely retreat order that was probably uncalled for, and without it we may have not lost the shipyards, but we didn't lose them for long!

In the second engagement, Priyum Patel, Tiamat and myself were the second EH Fighter wave. After heavy fighter losses agaisnt Specter Squadron, we were able to clear the ISD Invincible of hostile fighters with the lone survivor of the first wave, Elite Wolf Commander BubbaX. We then moved on the defenseless Sunspot base, only losing Tiamat to NPC ships. The remaining three EH Fighter pilots moved on to the Golan Arms Station and were able to eliminate enough of the enemy to allow EH Wampa pilots and Imperial Shipping to take the target. BubbaX managed to survive through the whole thing, but I was shot a mere minute before we took the base. Shame.

ISD Grey Wolf pilots that I spotted:
Gilad Pelleaeon
Kysar (on the wrong sodding team no less :P)
Wes Janson

Good work to all!

I'll take this moment to plug Freeworlds...
Territorial Engagements and even normal gaming in Freeworlds is the most Star Warsy experience I have had in the Emperor's Hammer. It's more than meaningless Single Player TIE or XWA MP. You have the galaxy in your reach and all the gameplay options you could want. Trade? Mine? Duel players? Clear the skies over Coruscant of New Republic fighters? Piracy? Smuggling?
You can do it all.
If you own Freelancer, do yourself a favour and get the FW mod. It r0xx0rz your b0xx0rz/women's lingerie (for Joey).

This is already a long report, but I have the pleasure of announcing Commander Kysar Xero as the new Odin Squadron Commander. I have full confidence in his abilities and activity...if only he was easier to kill. :D

Crusader Squadron Commander is still open to applications - send to me and the Giladster. On the subject of Crusader Squadron - welcome back to Captain Keiran Laserlight! Former Vortex Commander and Crusader Flight Leader, Keiran is one of the most dedicated pilots I've ever had the pleasure of serving with. Naturally hes insane - a former Pillow Patrol member - but you can't have everything.

It's getting to the stage where I wrap up these things, so I'll do that now. First report on time for a few weeks, did you notice? No? Good.

I like this unstructured report. What will next week bring?


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