Wing XIII Report # 41 (2004-10-17)

This report was submitted by COL Pickled Yoda

Untitled Document

Wing XIII Report 41, October 17 2004.
Document limited to ASF Internal Use Only


Pickled Yoda reporting in for Grey Wolf Nonstop Nightly News (GNNNN)
Election week here and everyone is tense. Reigning Wing Commander Pickled Yoda (Silly Party) is facing moderate opposition to his position. He denies running a smear campaign against his opponent or preying on the fear of the electorates.

"I just felt that it was important to know that the leader of the opposition had completely stuffed up his running of the Auroran Social Gardeners Association. If they know about the ASGA's shock loss to the Coruscanti Gardeners League then I feel they would agree with me that he is unfit to run the Grey Wolf" said the Silly Party Candiate.

And the fear campaign, with phrases like "Under the New Republic, you have to do what you're told, and if you don't like it, it's tough potatoes"? "I merely wanted to remind the pilots of the Grey Wolf that I've led them successfully and that we have never fallen under a New Republic regime. Our system works, why change it?"

Yoda's interview with himself was terminated when he was reminded that there are no elections in a Military Dictatorship.


Assorted positions. SO hasn't been filled yet, IO is now open (No idea why we need a new one already).

Justin is the new VanCOM, Airyu is the new VanWC. Proton resigns, Mell issues his two months notice. *deep breath* Keller is the PredWC.


XO Comps - design a webmail skin, design a logo.
SCO Comp - Craft Essay
Ky Terrak - Graphic of the TIE Tattoo
Grey Wolf - CMDRs vs Rest


Freeworlds. The usual suspects, except for me, cause school started again.

It is pleasing to see a trickle of BSFs already coming in for the competition.

Wing Commander's Bit

If I can fly then so can you! Nyaaaaah!

Progressive Total of Competition
CMDRs = more
'Grunts' + 'Flags' = less

Get to it!

Submitted in exchange for food.

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