Wing XIII Report # 40 (2004-10-10)

This report was submitted by COL Pickled Yoda

Untitled Document

Wing XIII Report 40, October 10 2004.
Document limited to ASF Internal Use Only


Hello, good evening and welcome to the Pickled Yoda Institute of Advanced Wing Commanding.

But what's this? Where is everyone?

In the simulators? Flying patrols?

Or is everyone passed out in the bar?




XO Comps - design a webmail skin, design a logo.
SCO Comp - Craft Essay
Ky Terrak - Graphic of the TIE Tattoo
Grey Wolf - CMDRs vs Rest

There are a bunch of insignificant positions open. Don't apply - a waste of time to be the PRF or the PREX, whatever they are. Don't go for SO either, they tend not to last very long.

If you MP (HAH!) then you should conisder the elimination tournaments - COO MB for signups.

Yoda is lazy and on holidays until tomorrow :(


Freeworlds. The usual suspects.

I've been playing Vice City - world's greatest first person genocide game :)

It is pleasing to see a trickle of BSFs already coming in for the competition.

Wing Commander's Bit

Vice City. What fun. It's good training - Hunter Helicopters are kinda like it's practically activity....

Meh! You're all just jealous.

School tomorrow.

I hope you've realised by this point that I'm rambling and that you should be flying!

Progressive Total of Competition
CMDRs = 20
'Grunts' + 'Flags' = 4

Get to it!

Submitted in exchange for food.



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