Wing XIII Report # 9 (2003-03-01)

This report was submitted by COL Khadgar

Wing XIII Report #9 - 03.01.03

Pilot's Lounge

The enemy craft was fast approaching.
Khadgar linked his lasers, and set throttle to full.
"Almost in range..."
"3 klicks..."
Khadgar quickly pulled back his trigger finger, releasing a burst of laser fire directly into the center of the enemy craft.
However, the enemy craft seemingly instantly changed positions, and was now directly behind him.
Khadgar's craft was hit, and despite efforts to evade, his craft exploded in a flash of light.
The simulator door opened beside him stood another pilot, eager to use the simulator.
"I'm sure you'll nail the opponent some day," he said, with tinges of sarcasm entering his voice.

Khadgar left the simulator, and went to his desk to check his messages.
"Incoming Message."
"What, one? One what?"
"Second message incoming."
"What the..."
"More messages incoming, sir..."
"Keeping playing..."

Letters from the Cardinal...

This week, we present ideas for recruitment:

- Send some henchmen into a local pub on a weekend and tell them to come out with several new recruits, in uniform.

- Create an arcade game which is actually a hidden test of piloting ability, and recruit anyone who goes above a certain score.
"Greetings, Starfighter! You have been recruited by the Grey Wolf to defend the frontier against Ackbar and the Republic Armada!"

- Send a ghost like old man who chants people's names and tells them to head for an Imperial recruitment station.
"Luke... You must go to Aurora..."
"What, my name isn't Luke!?"

- Have people line up, and attempt to pull some sword or other weapon of choice out of a rather solid stone for no apparent reason. Offer whoever can pull the sword out a chance to join up.

- Hurl a dagger at the potential recruit, intentionally just miss, and pretend as though they've been chosen for some special mission.


- March Madness started and concluded today, with the Aggressor Strike Force coming out as the victor! Congratulations to everyone who participated!
- Some new battles have been released from the Tactical Office, give them a try!
- The EH placed third in the X-Wing vs TIE Fighter Week of War! You can now go to the X-Wing Alliance equivalent!
- It's MSE time! Be sure to get these in soon, CMDRs.


None this week.


LCM Pickled Yoda received an Imperial Security Medal (ISM) for aiding the BGCOM in trivia creation!
CPT Devin Taralis received an Medal of Instruction (MoI) for assisting in the training of SL Ky Terrak!

IWATS Courses

LT ZuQ completed IWATS BX!
CM Choosh completed IWATS XAM!
LT ZuQ completed IWATS LIN!

War Room

EH Newsletter Submission Incentives
Deadline: Monthly.
URL: and
Description: Iron Stars are being given to ASF pilots who can produce either Image of the Month or a cover image for a Newsletter!

Aggressor Strike Force Recruitment Competition
Deadline: March 15th, 2003.
Description: Competition to recruit new members to the Battlegroup. Iron Stars are being given out to the top recruiters.

COM's Protector
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Top overall pilot of the month as chosen by the Commodore.

Deadline: Monthly.
Description: The pilot to gain the most FCHG points each month wins.

CR Competition
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: The pilot to gain the most Combat Rating points each month wins.

Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Awards given to the best graphical submissions each month.

Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Awards given to the best fiction submissions each month.

Beat the COM
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Given to the first pilot to beat the Commodore in a Multiplayer match each month.

Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Given to the pilot who is able to correctly answer the COM's weekly trivia faster than anyone else, and the most times in a month.

Wing Commander's Office

First off, nice work to everyone who went to March Madness to support the Battlegroup! As you know, the recruitment competition is still running.

As mentioned earlier, it is MSE time. CMDRs, please get these in as soon as possible so we get some medals doled out.

I have a few competitions in the works myself, expect some more news soon.

That's all this week!

Picture of the Week

Flag Officers - 1
Vortex - 8
Phoenix - 7
Crusader - 7
Odin - 9
Tartarus - 7
Valkyrie - 7
Total: 46

In the service of the Empire,

Colonel Khadgar
Wing Commander, Wing XIII

WC/COL Khadgar/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf

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